IS this EMAIL LEGIT from

I got an email for a playtest of an upcoming blizzard game at Blizzard HQ in irvine is this real? OR is this a scam/hack link?

That does look like one of the e-mail addresses that Blizzard uses. That said, it’s always a good practice to be cautious with any links.

The most recent one that I got from Blizz was titled “Meet Kiriko, Overwatch’s Newest Support Hero” from


i need to find out from a blizzard employee if they are actually sending out invites to irvine. Cause i actually live real close to blizz hq or if this is just a good scam

That would certainly be pretty cool! I know they’ve done things in the past…but clearly my invite hasn’t been sent yet :wink:

I’m pretty close myself!
/looks at map
/finds USA on map
/calculates distance

I’m only a short 2500miles from there! Like a little 36 hour non-stop car ride!!

Cecil posted this in GD originally. I suggested he post it here… Apologies if this was the wrong place. Figured the blues here would be able to look into specific addresses and situations on their end.

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they aren’t replying anywhere if this is real i want to get into this Blizzard playtest. But it seems to good to be true

Give it some time. Responses aren’t immediate, but the blues here have always been quite helpful when I’ve sent questions their way.


We would like to invite you to provide your thoughts for one of our games in development.

Reward: $200 Tango Gift Card
Sessions Available: September 27th – September 29th & October 11th – October 13th
Duration: 4 hours. I MEAN HOW CAN THIS BE REAL?

I don’t think this is a bad place to ask personally. Here’s hoping one of our blues can let us know.

/runs to pack bags even if not invited

Wait to hear what they say…but in the meantime, you can pop-by and pick me up yes??

Cecil and friends:


I don’t think its a Group invite on the email. or I would pick you up on my Bruto mount while im selling Flowers on the AH


On a serious note, you can actually check the headers of the email to see if it’s legit. Here’s a link to the Support Article to help:


i checked the the emasil source but it gives a bunch of Google email stuff that I don’t understand how to actually identify the difference between a real one or a fake one. It has an IP address but i cant tell if its a blizzard IP address

Ah, you already had a thread here and then I told you to move your GD one here. Heh.

Well then.

For those who might read this it is likely about

Following the above steps will allow us to send an invite to your provided email if selected. In the event you are selected to participate in the Diablo IV Closed End Game Beta, you’ll receive an email invite from containing further instructions.

If you have not received an email invite to the Diablo IV Closed Beta by November 18, then you have not been selected to participate. But don’t fret, public testing phases will begin early next year. To stay up to date on the newest Diablo IV information, check out our news page and follow @Diablo on Twitter

And I posted the same phishing link in his GD thread.


i didnt know how to move, i Just did maybe a GM can merge the thread or solve my problem. I hope they answer so so i can see if i can head over to blizzard HQ dressed up as THRALL IN A LOIN CLOTH

I very very very bad idea. You won’t get through the Security gate to the campus.

If this is about the D4 closed NDA beta you should be doing that from home I think. I don’t have an email yet.

refreshes email lots

… And if I had known that loincloth discussion was about to appear…

Ever get the feeling this will be one of those days?

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Damn when AM i going to get to use my THRALL LOIN CLOTH?


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not soon enough =(

I did not see this part.

Yes, they have a User Research Program but normally you sign up first I thought. Yes, it can be in person and yes it gives gift cards.

If you really were invited then awesome! Please wear standard clothing though. Blizz campus is normally shorts or jeans, t-shirt. There is a cafeteria on site with awesome meals if it is still in operation with reduced staff. Also a campus starbucks.

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