Is this against the rules: holding zones hostage for ransom

This. There were days when you couldn’t quest in low areas. This happens on PvE servers, so people here are saying there’s a PvP solution for a PvE server as well.

Never mind that Blizzard has explicitly said “zone disruption” is a violation of TOS. They aren’t going to do anything. They don’t enforce their own rules.

They don’t care.

Unless they’re literally locking down an entire zone’s worth of questing areas, then I would argue that its fine for higher level players to kill low level NPCs in an area.

It might suck to not kill the quest NPCs you want right at that given moment, but every player has a right to every MoB…even high level players killing low level MoBs.

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It’s against tos to persist in killing NPC’s, yet it goes on without ANY action by Blizzard. They might as well not have any rules.

  • Disruption of player sponsored events or gatherings.
  • Excessive use of in-game sounds or visuals.
  • Excessively casting spells with noticeable effects in crowded areas.
  • Impeding or blocking access to an NPC, doodad, doorway, or any other area of the world that a player would normally be able to access.

There is NO distinction between zone disruption on a PvP server or PvE server. It’s against tos.

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I don’t think the bolded words mean what you think they mean. In context, it implies physically blocking an NPC with something like a mount or similar.

Otherwise, people farming Winterspring Furbolg for firewater is against the rules. Or people obliterating Blasted Land NPCs for their Assay or ROIDS is against the rules too.

Higher level characters furthermore are not “blocking or impeding access” to quest NPCs. Every character has the same access and ability to tag things when they spawn on a PvE server.

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Do you not understand the difference between farming for mats and consumables and repeatedly killing quest NPCs just to spite other players? Discernment really isn’t your forte.

It literally doesn’t matter. A player of any level has the right to tag an NPC for any reason or no reason. Otherwise people trying to kill furbolg’s for the quest have the right to cry “zone disruption” for people farming firewaters…and people have tried to claim that.

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Do you not understand that there is a difference between overworld mobs and quest NPCs? Really?

Every NPC in this game is part of one quest or another.

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Do you not realize that we’re referring to questgivers? Is this how dense you are?

Others were not talking about that.

But if you are, quest-givers flag people for PvP…and then the solution is easy.

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It doesn’t matter if there’s a PvP solution. Please wrap your head around this. Repeatedly killing questgivers and flightmasters is zone disruption, and is against the EULA.

You’re wrong bud. If there is a PvP solution, then that is the solution. I know you don’t like that answer, but that is the way this game works.

Calling it zone disruption does not automatically make it zone disruption. There is nothing a small handful of players can do that could ever be legitimately as classified zone disruption. You would need a whole raid sitting on top of a flight path for days-on-end.

If Blizzard did not want quest givers to be killed, they would have been made untarget-able. The fact they CAN be killed means that its okay to kill them…however they flag you for PvP so players can deal with the problem themselves.

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It would be strange if Blizzard didn’t consider it griefing to kill NPC’s over and over when they consider spawn camping in a BG griefing.

If Blizzard didn’t want players spawning in a BG to be targetable, then they wouldn’t have made them targetable.

But they did and they called it griefing so there ya’ go.

The spawn-camping “griefing” in AV that happened was above-and-beyond the normal BG spawn camping. The whole 40 person raid was inside the horde cave for hours and hours.

That is different than killing people normally as they spawn.

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People safespotting in gadgetzan was brought an end despite there being a “pvp solution” so you’re straight up wrong.

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Safespotting was an exploit though. Sure there was a “pvp solution” but you were also intended to have guard help.

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PvP solution, bud. Or is that only when it’s Alliance having their game play disrupted?

This has nothing to do with one faction or another /facepalm. This also isnt an AV thread either.

GY camping in a BG is fine. Doing it for excessively was not fine. Killing quest NPCs is fine. Doing that excessively is also not fine. What the OP is describing is not excessive.

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Well you can take your very powerful level 60 and sit next to a quest giver, doing nothing but defending that single NPC. Then kill the other faction when they one-shot it.

You’ll be trading hours of your life for 2 seconds of a kill, have fun!

My point is if something is against the ToS, it’s against the ToS. It doesn’t matter if there’s a pvp solution or not

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