Is there just plain jane vanilla classic servers?

No season of anything. Just basic Vanilla? Im thinking I just need to go back to simpler times. Just solo and self sufficient.

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Classic Era


classic era, yes.

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Thank you!

what you want is anniversary realms

come home to classic era :expressionless:
i actually recommend the mankrik cluster. yes, it’s PvE, and I usually prefer PvP, but the player culture here is so much better than whitemane.


with daul speck and a bunch of other nonsense changes? no thanks :expressionless:

Anniversary realms are definitely NOT “plain Jane” vanilla.

Classic-Era is the way.

We’ve got at least another few months before SOD transforms Era into an unrecognizable 2-D side-scroller. :joystick:

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That would be so cool…

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It would be good if Blizzard named things more intuitively honestly. Instead of “Classic Era” they should call it “Vanilla Eternal”.

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And that would be perfect. Just be a lone hunter out in the world with their pet. Or maybe a Shadow Priest. I know they were fun in TBC. I did the raids when they were new content 20 years ago, so I dont even need to do those.

We’d love to have you over on Grobbulus Classic Era. It’s a realm of about 100 people. One guild per faction. There’s bigger Era clusters to be clear, but those who are looking for a tight knit community and longevity (been around going on 4 years here on Era) have been happy here and tend to stick around with us for the long haul!