No season of anything. Just basic Vanilla? Im thinking I just need to go back to simpler times. Just solo and self sufficient.
Classic Era
classic era, yes.
Thank you!
what you want is anniversary realms
come home to classic era
i actually recommend the mankrik cluster. yes, it’s PvE, and I usually prefer PvP, but the player culture here is so much better than whitemane.
with daul speck and a bunch of other nonsense changes? no thanks
Anniversary realms are definitely NOT “plain Jane” vanilla.
Classic-Era is the way.
We’ve got at least another few months before SOD transforms Era into an unrecognizable 2-D side-scroller.
That would be so cool…
It would be good if Blizzard named things more intuitively honestly. Instead of “Classic Era” they should call it “Vanilla Eternal”.
And that would be perfect. Just be a lone hunter out in the world with their pet. Or maybe a Shadow Priest. I know they were fun in TBC. I did the raids when they were new content 20 years ago, so I dont even need to do those.
We’d love to have you over on Grobbulus Classic Era. It’s a realm of about 100 people. One guild per faction. There’s bigger Era clusters to be clear, but those who are looking for a tight knit community and longevity (been around going on 4 years here on Era) have been happy here and tend to stick around with us for the long haul!