Is There Concrete Evidence That Light And Void Actually Causes Someone To Die In An Explosion Of Fel?

well technically voided void elves wouldnt have to have a paladin skin at all, since the opposite of a paladin, isnt a paladin. i think a velf pally would be using void, not light, so not a pally.

He was raised during the scourging as a mindless undead.

During the [Scourging of Lordaeron](, Alonsus was raised as a mindless minion of the [Undead Scourge]([[3]]( though he would later gain free will when the [Forsaken](, led by [Sylvanas Windrunner](, freed themselves from the Scourge control.[[12]]( At some point, while escaping from mindless undead, Princess [Calia Menethil]( of [Lordaeron]( was found by Alonsus to his great joy at finding her alive, who she recognized. The former archbishop showed her that not all undead had lost their minds and there were some who still were themselves even after death. This made her understand that the Forsaken and the Scourge were two separate entities, with the former still deserving of dignity and compassion.[[13]]( After becoming his pupil, Calia and Faol went into hiding for some time.

This was also in before the storm novel.

i mostly play tbc classic. :joy:

Then they shouldn’t get the class?

well a voidadin isnt a paladin. so yeah. not a paladin. they wouldnt use the same school of magic even.

This does not exist

big deal. lol

It is.

It’s called not contradicting a story, or game.

I’m just trying to add context for where some of the confusion might be why people oppose class skins for VE paladins because its being hijacked by Alliance HE fans to be synonymous w their version of a Paladin as well.

This is the only image for example I’ve seen of a mockup for a “Void Elf Class Skin” quoted from the post above bcz idk who made it, but its very clear imo why there is confusion when people who only ask for a Void Elf class skin, meet resistance to the idea bcz elsewhere Alliance HE fans are busy trying to make it synonymous w their own objectives for VEs.

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Okay, she didn’t raise him, she released him from the Lich King’s control.

He’s still Forsaken. You just love arguing yourself in circles don’t you lol

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adding a void using plate wearing class that mimics but isnt a paladin, doesnt contradict anything unless you mean to say velfs cant wear plate or use void.

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It does not say she did free him.

The void does not mimic what the light does. It goes against it’s lore, and what it wants to do.

It contradicts light vs void lore, and paladin lore in a whole.

Void elves has warriors…

My brother in Christ the passage you linked yourself names him Forsaken multiple times.

I’m done lol

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One is entropy, the other is chaos, they just don’t vibe with eachother very well.

Simply because there is no name for a free willed undead. Doesn’t make him a member of the faction as a whole, it even does not affiliate him with the faction.

What is easy to label isn’t right, and the wiki is still a fan site ya know.

There is actually.


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Which he is not apart of.

Again fan site.

Lol alright I can see I’m punching a brick wall now. I can’t even be bothered to read back and figure out why you started arguing this non-point. Keep living in your head-canon world.

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Honestly it doesn’t matter if blizzard wants to make a lore reason to why void elfs could be paladins itd just be as simple as. Just as the light when experiences must stress it becomes void so to can void elfs become light.

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your head canon you mean.

free willed undead =/= forsaken.