Is There Concrete Evidence That Light And Void Actually Causes Someone To Die In An Explosion Of Fel?

Did you mean a Warrior?

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Your free to be as wrong as you wish.


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Whatever you do, don’t mention Lady Liadrin.

mimic perhaps wrong choice of words. i consider velfs to be the negative of belfs. if you took a belf photo and put it in a graphics program and told the program to generate a negative image of it, it’d pretty much look like a velf. so a class of void using velfs tap into void and use it to do similar things they did before they became velfs but using void not light. and before they became velfs, they were belfs and helfs, who were paladins. so they would have like the negative version of belfs/helfs but negative doesnt mean evil, in this case, it means dangerous. velfs are not full on void lords either. the rules that apply to the void are only partially applicable to a velf

I only mention Lady Liadrin when discussing her Valeera slash-fiction.

Ummm… blood elves are not light elves…

Again, they would not do that. The void does and act differently then the light.

A blood elf paladin would not seek void, and most likely was not with umbric’s company when they originally turned.

It applies fully to them, they have been transformed by the void. Even Alleria cannot touch her husband unless she has her powers fully turned off, which unlike the playable ones, she can do.

The playable Void elves had almost completely been transformed by a void ritual, and only was spared being void walkers by stopping it at the end of the ritual.

so they arent full on void. you can admit it. g’head. it wont hurt.

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Why are you high elf for alliance fans so insanely obsessed with riding the Blood Elf coat tails. Like give it a rest.

There isn’t any lore backed ‘high elf’ paladin order prior to the Blood Knights. At all. Ergo, neither the traitorous helfs who ignored their King calling them home in favor of human potential nor the hippies exiled for not getting with the program don’t have paladins in their culture. So the entire thing doesn’t belong in helf fantasy.

There’s no reason at all a void elf paladin should exist. At all.

An anti-paladin already exists. It’s a Death Knight. A shield wearing plate class that is not a paladin already exists for Void Elves. It’s called a warrior.

For Pete’s sake, will you people never be satisfied?


Are you arguing for a Void Elf Paladin class skin Hyper or are you arguing for “Class skins” as a concept and trying to reason VEs would get both the Void class skin and a non void normal paladin option

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I would argue trying to ride the coat tails of Void Elf fans who want a void specific class skin is also a disservice to VE fans because people then can’t tell Alliance HE fans / the idea as a separate from what Alliance HE fans are pushing

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personally, i would likely not play a velf-adin, but i’m a fan of options. like i want belfs to have druids and dark rangers and san’layn options, cause variety is the spice of life.

Yeah, sure, but it has to be set up. I think that’s the big issue with these sorts of changes, and something a lot of people don’t really understand when they make those request/complaint threads.

THough I will say that Dark Ranger and San’layn as options don’t make sense in general, as they aren’t even the same race at that point. They make more sense as allied races or as a new class.

i’m arguing for as much as we can blizz to do while they’re in the mood to do it. here this is my actual position:

i think blizz may give alliance a forsaken model for like skinnny kul’tirans or maybe lightforged forsaken.

Is it really necessary to even have a class skin?

It’s just a gateway to high elf for alliance fans to push for a glyph that further encroaches on Blood Elves.

Options already exist—warrior and death knight. The push for lore shattering void elf paladins is just another step in the high elf for alliance agenda of hate to harm Blood Elves, one that doesn’t make sense in lore on either the void or the helfer side.

Haven’t you done enough damage?

Why can’t you just be satisfied with what you have for once?


pink sparkles and starry consecration would be awesome.

And it would be terrible if they did.


I’d agree with you yeah I mean I think the fact that they made a mock up for it side by side a “regular” Paladin to try to make the class skin idea as synonymous as a two birds w one stone type objective speaks for itself, I just haven’t voiced my stance in this thread as it feels moot, I just wanted to add clarity to some of the pushback the class skin idea was getting from people / why.