Is There Concrete Evidence That Light And Void Actually Causes Someone To Die In An Explosion Of Fel?

Matter and Anti-Matter particles will destroy each other if they come in contact. The Color Spectrum involves all colors including white and black. Can’t have light without darkness… But a void is not necessarily darkness. In architecture, a void is a negative space that can create ambience such as large cathedrals. Void and Light are not antonyms of each other.


I mean I literally provided the source, but okay I’ll provide direct quotes.

Before the Storm, page 149:

From the same page:

Page 152:

Page 184:

Page 192:

Page 205:

Page 222:

Page 248:

Page 252:


There’s a difference between use and infused. We’ve been over this.

Because they used to be Paladins and now use the Void to fight the same way.

They have nothing to do with Paladins anymore, so this doesn’t make sense and is moot.

No it doesn’t. Because a plate wearing warrior who fights with the Void wouldn’t be a new class.

What problems?

No. It doesn’t. It justifies class race combos in a way that makes sense.

They’re already infused with Void and use it to fight. The Light is irrelevant and has nothing to do with any of this.

Nowhere did Nightmare Druids come up. Nowhere. Nelfs are already Druids. They don’t need a class skin for it. And no race uses Nightmare magic. So this is moot, too.

Void Knights have nothing to do with the Light and retcons nothing.

We already have Dark Shamans in this game and Goblins already made deals with the elements to be Shamans.

Well that’s just false on so many levels.

There’s no storyline that they go against. And the combos a fan made included new combos, not just current ones.

Such as?

So now your headcanon is factual lore?

It’s in Before the Storm. Even Wowpedia has it sourced like that.

Nothing gets retconned.

So a plate wearing warrior who uses the Void to fight… like a Paladin.

No they aren’t. This has already been cited and referenced and gone over in this thread.

No, they are not! I just linked a full source in this thread.

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Jesus, that is very specific. Almost like you were waiting for the question.


I’ve answered it at least twice before. lol

People get very angry over this stuff and I’ve no idea why. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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There has yet to be anything to refute the knowledge that the twisting nether was created from an explosion of light and void so massive it created a dimension of fel magic. Of course the first ones moved in and built a zereth there too. But until they say the twisting nether came about some other way, light+void = fel.

It’s the forums. People just get angry over someones existance on the forums these days :frowning:

That happened to me last night. I even got accused of stalking someone I don’t even know for a decade. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Woah, the hell? :frowning:

Some people are stepping even lower to be accusing someone of doing this, especially when I know you don’t do anything like this.

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It was a weird night. lol And thanks. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The fel explosion part is a mechanic in wod’s hfc.

Do with that info what you will.

I’m not entirely sure if this is what Brae means but typically

The class skin idea is paired / hijacked by Alliance HE fans to say that if you use non VE skin tones the class skin works as the regular class


That was not him saying he was apart of the forsaken, that was someone just using the name as a label for free willed undead discriminatorily.

So he himself does not consider himself a member of the forsaken. It was one of sylvannis’s minions that used it, again erroneously.

So someone understood that not all undead are evil, but once again mislabels alonsous.

Not him saying he is forsaken, just in free willed undead in general.

Shadow priests was always a thing.

Again mislabeling all undead as forsaken.

This author sucks at mislabeling characters. There was no statement at all in the book that he is apart of the forsaken as a group.

Used to be, former as in no longer paladins.

Wrong, a void paladin that is still called paladin would be, in game and lore, be paladins, which would be a retcon of the ENTIRE paladin lore.

The ones your ignoring that I put in my posts.

For paladins it’s everything to do with it.

You want void knights, ask for a different class.

Ask for a new class then with it’s own story.

Dark shamans uses decay, a magic from the death cosmology. They do not use void.

Your free to be wrong. When it was talked about as a concept by blizz when fire druids came out, they only thought it should be for cosmetics only, not to allow more class combos.

Druids are guardians of nature, void actively tries to consume all, including living.
Paladins are strictly light users, with a code of conduct reflective of the lights morals with justice, righteousness, and protecting peace along with uplifting hearts of people. The void is the direct opposite of that, prefering to torment, torture and consume.

I can do other examples if you wish.

Void knights is one example.

His sources does not correlate he is a member of the forsaken, only the author failed to correctly label him as such, he even linked a part where alonsous himself said he does not wish to server anything other then the light which is not fealty to the forsaken.


un-like a paladin, WoW paladins uses light and has a code of conduct that is the direct opposite of what the void stands for.

Yes they are. It’s even shown in SL uther’s memory quest lines that uther himself is infused with the light, as well as defined in arthas’s novel that they are filled and infused with the light.

This is an example yes.

To reply to the OP, with fel/void usage it depends.

Warlocks are users of both void and fel and with many of their spells they tend to mix both.

As for light and void, it’s more of a chemical reaction, yes it can explode, but it can also burn both sources of magic as seen with alleria and turalyon books.

my position is, high elf wayfarers in telogrus rift could be silver covenant spies, who have yet to be converted to void elf, but are affiliated/allied with void elves. its the high elf wayfarers/silver covenant spies who lend the normal skin/hair color options to void elves even though they technically are not void elves.

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Yes, a free willed undead raised by Sylvanas’s Val’kyr.

So, a Forsaken.

It’s not a political affiliation, it’s a term to distinguish those from Scourge or mindless necromancy minions.

What in the headcanon nonsense is this lmao

All void elves are void elves. Even if they’re light skinned they still go voidy in combat sometimes and can riftwalk through space (though I’ve forgotten that racial exists for years tbh).

High elves will never be playable as a distinct group. Move on with your life.

Right I was just trying to provide context to why some people are against the Paladin class skin idea for VEs because it’s often used to go “and for the non void skin tone options we would get regular paladin class spells” correct, thats basically what you’re saying?

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He was not raised by sylvannis’s valkyr.

And you know that how? This passage would seem to suggest otherwise: