Is There Concrete Evidence That Light And Void Actually Causes Someone To Die In An Explosion Of Fel?

I see this claim pop up quite a bit. That the Light and Void will cause an explosion. Particularly related to void elves and a certain class but that’s besides the point. The only real written down evidence I have actually seen is that Fel is a byproduct of void and light. But if every light and void encounter caused a fel explosion they quite literally wouldn’t be able to fight each other because they would just be committing suicide.


yes this killed my uncle



I lol’d


Yes. It’s in Chronicles chapter 1, Mythos. I want to say page 18. I don’t have the book near me as I’m out of town. That’s pure Light and Void on a cosmic level, though.

They’re polar opposites.

But will people explode? Probably not. It’s just that the Light won’t deal with anything Void. So Velfs wouldn’t even be able to listen to or hear the Light. And if they did, they wouldn’t even be Void Elves anymore. The Light would change them entirely.

Velfs would explode if they tried to infuse themselves with Fel to be Demon Hunters, though. Void and Fel are too volatile to have one being infused with that much of both.


It’s in Chronicle Volume I as stated above, and Xal’atath says it as well in the Priest order hall.


The entire game is fiction. There is no concrete evidence whatever. Concrete evidence is a real life thing.


this is known. like I said it’s more of a byproduct. I don’t believe it’s stated as an explosion.

I’ll contest this as well. We have fel void revenants in WoD that quite literally are pumped full of fel.


It is.

Yes, there is one. And the actual mechanic is that if he’s fully infused with both Void and Fel, he literally explodes and kills everything around him.

Designer notes:

A lot of our boss concepts for Hellfire Citadel began by imagining what would happen if we added fel energy to different parts of the Draenor ecology. What would a fel variant of one of the void revenants we saw a glimpse of in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds look like? Xhul’horac answers that question

And if he’s not defeated fast enough, he explodes from too much Fel and Void being absorbed. He literally gets torn apart.


Just like Forsaken, they can also be priests, which comes with 2 specs that they shouldn’t be allowed to even look at, so there’s 0 reason that there can’t be void elf (and forsaken) paladins tbh.


So, if I’m understanding all of this, VE shouldn’t be able to use the Holy spec on Priest.


Canonically, they don’t. They’re Shadow Priests only. But just like Forsaken of old and Lightforged, they’re not going to grey out an entire spec for gameplay.


So, it would be ok to let VE be Paladins at this point.


I’d like to play a velf dh that just takes constant ticking damage. Pure survival mode begging for bandages at all hours.


But isnt that only true “from a certain point of view”?

Maybe its just propaganda put out by the fel trying to cause the Void and Light to never stop fighting and be at peace?


No. Because that’s not just one spec, it’s an entire class. Now… if they do class racial skins like they should… then Void Knights could exist and it would be swank.


The facts don’t change. Just how the cosmic chart looks to someone else. But they’re still opposites. And again, that’s on a more cosmic level.

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I hate to be contrarian but the facts can change on a whim if the devs decide it doesn. Like they have since BC but especially in the latest expansions

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Utilizing the Light is not the same as being infused with it like a Paladin. A Forsaken Priest can very carefully, with some pain, invoke the Light on an external basis, and a Forsaken Warrior can be healed by it, though that’s an extremely painful process.

A Paladin, meanwhile, is directly infused with the Light - they’re almost pseudo-elemental beings. This isn’t like carefully handling radioactivity - this is like having your bones laced with uranium. This would be insanely lethal.

While some rare Undead can maintain such infusion postmortem, with crazy, often downright pathological amounts of zeal and faith, there’s no evidence such an infusion could be made on an already Undead subject. You can have Paladins who become Undead, but not Undead who become Paladins. If the process didn’t kill them, the unrelenting resulting torment would render them completely inoperable.

Such an undead probably couldn’t even function as food for the other Forsaken because it’d be that “tainted” with holy energies, and its body would have to be discarded with the care and caution of nuclear waste.


I fully disagree with this take whenever velf holy priests or lightforged shadow priests are brought up.

There is nothing directly addressing this from blizzard indicating that any race/spec choice is not “canon”. It’s literally made up - it’s head canon from those attempting to apply logic to a fantasy game.


I’m pretty sure the had it in the void elf quest line as well didn’t they? When Alleria goes to visit the sunwell and almost cause it to explode again with her being void and the sunwell being light now? It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done it but it was something like that.