There’s no evidence of this, and it doesn’t even make any sense. Plenty of characters are faithful, but Paladins are supposed to be something significant. Not every Draenei is a Paladin. Not every former citizen of Lordaeron is a Paladin.
“Paladin” isn’t just some mushy, “oh, just believe!” class - it’s an advanced, deliberate class with very specific requirements. Priests can draw power from a Baskin Robbins worth of sources - Voodoo, Elune, the August Celestials, etc. But Paladins? Paladins are Light based exclusively, and demand a direct connection to it in some form, either directly or through a Light-tangent deity or being.
Heck, they could make a new Void Hunter that’s the DH class, but they turn into a Void Remnant instead.
It was Blizzard. A dev interview.
I gave you the actual facts on how it works. You can ignore that all you want, but facts are facts. Can things change, because Blizz retcons everything? Sure.
But they can also avoid such things entirely with racial class skins and make it all work.
The Shadowlands book has basically confirmed this creation story is a myth. and with the whole “First Ones” thing mean that at best the Chronicles telling of the creation of the universe is half truth.
We have proof that it doesnt, or that it might not necessarily explode. And maybe more importantly you are SUPPOSE to mix the void and light.
Alleria tried to make sense of it all. She searched the Void’s knowledge for answers. When none came,she instinctively reached out for the Light. The two forces collided in a blinding jolt of pain. But she glimpsed a truth: Turalyon screaming silently as his soul was ripped from his body.
So, based on that void and light can be destructive, but it seems like it is the only way to get the “truth”.
Not really. You gave me your own personal headcanon. The actual facts are that a pure void being can be infused with fel and be fine and things tend to explode in the warcraft universe if you just pump them full of energy.
The void and the light will never be at peace they will always be trying to destroy each other because they are polar opposites, the void wants to consume and destroy life where the light wants to protect life
In a Book, they do touch each other, but this time its explained that they can touch no issue as long as Alleria is in her regular form, while in the other form there is a reaction that pushes them apart.
Then there is Chronicles 1, who you need to understand isn’t necessarily 100% truthfull, its written under the in-universe perspective of someone, so its not all knowing, but in it there is a creation mythos who attribute the twisting nether formation (and creation itself) to The Light and the Void as fundamental entities (so its a lot of light and a lot of void) touching.
Now, this part of in-universe is very important to note because the 9.2 Lore and its book go directly in conflict with said creation mythos in various points.
Interesting that you would attempt to misrepresent a difference of opinion as an attempt to censor you. I usually say that “people are too sensitive” is a bad excuse for bad behavior, but you’re changed my mind, Ms. Victimhood.
Next time, you can just say “I don’t have a source”. Take the L and move on, instead of getting upset with me for pushing you to backup your baseless claim.
Nothing I quoted you is headcanon. Including the DH lore I gave, as well.
I’ve been very open and gave facts and ideas on how to even get around dealing with this at all. You’ve chosen to ignore it for a “NO U” argument. I thought you were looking for factual information. Shame on me for finding out too late that you just wanted people to mindlessly say “your opinions are fact and you’re correct!”