You moved goalposts after the fact but even if it is true and it’s past tense, it’s simply because you have gotten what you wanted in a second rated copy/paste from Horde to Alliance and Blood Elves to Void Elves, it doesn’t change the fact we have the actual High Elves as Blood Elves, the main city in Silvermoon, all of the lore of the High Elves and Blood Elves, the better customizations and so on and so on and before you reply with that’s opinion it’s actually general consensus or people wouldn’t have asked for our stuff and still be asking for it so I think it’s clear which side and race are the real winners here.
spanish speaker here maybe i did wrong with the verb times
i love what i had, i don’t mind the use adjectives to try make em look as a cheap choice, the trash of ones treausure of others. we had high elves of the alliance turned into void elves too not my problem they look the same the blood elves look.
lore evolve, i particularly don’t want anything of that to my velves.
doubt that, i turn emoish and high elf whenever i want, i can even mog as a dark ranger in my hunter, they only thing you have is green and yellow eyes and jewerly that you can’t see unless you’re naked and zoom a lot, being purple and pale worth more for me.
i only see the player players as winner everybody playing that they want.
How can you doubt it, Void Elves legit have our blue eyes, our skintones and our hair colors because they were shared to you from us and the only reason that happened is people from Void Elves kept crying and crying for it until it was shared thus most Void Elf players didn’t and don’t like their own customizations they like ours, it’s why people ask for a racial toggle, racial name change, our hairstyles and so on and so on.
high elves of the alliance have those characteristics too, alleria herself stays normal when not in combat
yes ours, some races, share eye, hair and skin colors, those were not stolen from anybody
you can’t stop people from asking things, those people are not a hive mind organisms.
i don’t mind horde getting nelves or human, but i will desagree those races being eliminated from alliance, keep playing your high elf in your side of the river nobody is stoping you.
Really, so you wouldn’t be here complaining if I got all of the Void Elf customizations on my Blood Elf tomorrow then, right? (Don’t take that as I want them because I don’t.)
That’s not really how it’s worked, we got a botched Night Elves model as Nightborne, Alliance got a copy/paste of Blood Elves for Void Elves, it’s nowhere near the same thing, I can’t look like a Night Elf on Horde side but a Void Elf can look like a Blood Elf so that’s like trying to compare apples with oranges.
i don’t, if they make the lore and i can keep my color i don’t mind you getting “my” options. lore in the other hand i do mind, i wish my velves stay away from silvermoon and move on.
blizzard is lazy to do things i think they added velves out of thing air, or void elves were just a place holder to add slowly high elf characteristics in the alliance
i would like a new race with new bodies like human kultiran is still human but we had the fat ones to make the diference but we had a copy paste (it’s something meme)
talking again of nightfallen you better ask for npc customizations night elves are ugly
See I had originally hoped that Horde would get the Nightborne NPC model with player bones added instead of the Night Elf model but instead we got neither and ended up with a botched Night Elf model with terrible customizations and that can’t even have stuff shared from Night Elves to Nightborne like with Blood Elves to Void Elves.
See I’d take a copy/paste of Night Elf model for Nightborne over the mess we have and from what I have seen most people have liked getting copy/paste of Blood Elf for Void Elves because of the whole sharing thing so yeah I guess it is what it is unfortunately which thus far has been one sided for Alliance’s benefit and it didn’t even work because less and less people play that faction over time.
i played horde in bfa, i loved the the npc looked so refined i turned to the alliance because sylvanas being the bad guy, i couln’t stand that, when i played horde i mostly played troll i like those things, i only played blood elves to rolplay in silvermoon once in a fullmoon, it was easier for me to rolplay a troll in orgrimmar than a blood elf there. but just for me there are good people there making great stories
night elves without shadowmeld are meh, i don’t think sharing it will cause a great withdraw of alliance player because as i said, i feel alliance players left are alliance to death. but for god sake i wish they add night elves of the broken isle it would be awkward they add night elves of teldrasil to the horde because the tree is still steaming
Trying to think. How much fully original lore has there been since Wc3 since the vast majority of wow lore was extrapolating from WC lore.
In vanilla we had the human/dwarf/gnome origin hinted at and old gods.
In TBC we had good Eredar in playable Draenei and former Draenei renamed broken. Garrosh.
WoTLK expanded on the titan construct and old god lore from vanilla but nothing else really brand new. I gess the neuribians had some interesting stuff.
Continuation of Neltharion/Deathwing lore. Friendly worgen and explaining how it’s a druidic curse rather than alternate dimension aliens.
MoP added Pandaria as a continent and more importantly the sha though technically again just an extension of old god stuff and Mogu which are extension of titan construct stuff.
WoD: Lol.
Legion: Just old lore getting more details. Nothing super special besides maybe nightborn.
BFA: More old lore being played with. More details of old lore but nothing brand new.
Shadowlands: Ok lots of new but it’s still based on the concept of shadowlands. The idea of a death pantheon similiar to the titan pantheon and void lords.
But when was the last time we had fully, truly original lore? We went to a zone or place that was never mentioned or implied in WC games or Vanilla?
when I say world building I mean more like the fundamentals of the world. like how magic works and interacts, how people use it in the world, politics of the world and so on. in 17 years of wow the only time the people of the world have mattered is when they stoned varians wife and the defias I believe. all other occasions they are treated like they don’t exist.
Most likely became warriors. The Light probably wouldn’t answer their call anymore. Same reason Lightforged DKs are basically just Draenei with plates on them.
He refuses to read factual lore and the passages from the novel that specifically cover this and believes a quest that doesn’t say anything of the sort claims paladins are infused.