Is there anything particularly special/cool/unique about Warriors?

I used to have fun with Fury. Id say if you like action Fury is your spec.
The other two bore me to death

I took advantage of the Pandaria Remix event to level every class to max. I never play Warrior or Melee classes.

I leveled a DK, Monk, Warrior, and Paladin to max so far this week. And I have to say Warrior was probably my favorite one. Fury warrior is just so simple and impactful and also felt really mobile and fun. Would highly reccomend trying it out!

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A warrior did whoop Malfurion’s butt… sooooo… there’s that.

So do Druids and Hunters to some extent.

Oh and Mages too.

And Pretty much any Night Elf with nerfed Stealth. So that’s like… what? 3% of Warlocks, Priests, Warriors, Demon Hunters, Death Knights, Monks…

IMO, Warriors share just as much lore as Mages, just in a different format. Mages display lore through books and scrolls. Warriors display lore vocally and with scars.

They’re both the most vanilla classes ever to exist. They’re both unique.

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Think Saurfang, old grizzled veteran whose skills were almost supernatural. He lost to sylvanas but she had plot armor. The class hall storyline in Legion is great for more flavor, a shame we didn’t get Vrykul then. Warriors are pretty fun to play and their hero talents are looking good.


I’ve heard opinions of the Warrior Class Hall stuff, none of what I’ve heard was good though…

Probably because of Odyn, but I liked it even if it seems a bit odd for horde races. If you already had some kind of head canon for your warrior it could be off-putting but doesn’t seem that is the case for the OP.

Malfurion is the most overrated character in the entire game tbh.

he’s literally God The Father in books, but then in game all he does is stand around and get captured by people that are clearly less powerful than him, if going by his book descriptions.

You can make thunder clap and heroic leap have a thunder looking animation. Fury warriors have the glyph that has them catch on fire whenever they enrage. As well as your charge leaving a trail of fire. I always take those. And in tww it looks like they’ll be moving closer to the thunder type animations.

Because the fantasy is very niche. The Warrior bends the knee to a patron god so to speak. Maybe a necessarily evil in a sense because Warriors were simply lagging behind all of the other classes in terms of lore power level, so getting some of that “God Juice” allows them to compete with a threat that wipes out planets, but it does subtract a bit from the core fantasy of the character.

If you play Warrior because they’re Batman, forcing Batman to kneel before some kind of Kryptonian God in order to get super powers feels lame.

Ideally, Blizzard strays away from Legion levels of power level in lore. The grounded level of threat just works better.

You spelled it wrong. It’s “RAWR! SMASH!”

Warrior are Rogues in plate, with out the stealth. Or subterfuge. Or subtlety. And they use two handed axes instead of daggers.

“If I use Vanish, then I have to stop killing you, even for a second. That just won’t do.”

Warriors are on you like glue. Static cling with razor sharp sticking and carving things. A dancing, metal encased Cuisinart.

They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!

Captain Chaos is the Patron Saint of the Warrior class. “DUN dun duhhh!!!”

The Unstoppable Force mace was named after the Warrior.

I’ll level one the day they get Gladiator Stance back…

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Physical prowess, you need magic or other gimmicks to survive, Imma kill you with this piece of log that I found in the woods. Mana drain pfttt, who needs mana ? Hunter flare pfft, just a spotlight for my muscles ! :muscle:t4:

For me, they have the weirdest rotation that takes me the longest to pick up after a break.

Oh, and when nerfed, like at start of SL, they are annoying to play. Honestly, if this wasn’t my original character, I’d drop her (I play my hunter and mage more.)

alright, so.

If I want to try a Warrior, and I make one in Remix, I absolutely will not get a realistic view of the Class, will I…

i mean, due to like, the gems and the cloak and such, it’s going to be a night-and-day difference between Retail and Remix, like it was for my Mage, I’d wager?

Or is it mostly the same, gameplay-wise…with a little extra?

The warrior class fantasy is ‘angry dude with sword’, which explains a lot about some warrior players.

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Well here’s one take. In a universe where literally everything is powered by or uses some sort of magic as its source of power warriors are able to hit you with a stick and kill titans doing so.

I never managed to level a warrior. I tried once, my friends told me it will be fun at level 10, got to level 10, they told me it gets more fun at level 20 lol. Not for me.

yeah I have to admit this is somewhat offputting.

I’d much rather go with a Soldier type of Class Fantasy, than a Rage-Filled Barbarian one.

I suppose that would be what Protection Spec is? Or is Protection a Barbarian also?