Is there anything particularly special/cool/unique about Warriors?

at this point, it’s the only class my altoholic self has not played until at least 30.

always shied away from them because Warrior as a concept always seemed kinda plain and boring. I always got the image of a generic “rawr smash” fighter type.

so tell me how they’re not plain and boring, what’s special/unique about them?

Each Class generally has something cool/special/unique about them. Mages have teleports and such, Druids have shapeshifting, Rogues have stealth, etc. What’s Warrior’s “thing”?

Warrior Mains, why do you Warrior Main?

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I just focus on mechanical play for classes not the lore around them. I guess they are considered stronger then most and unlike death knights didn’t suck at their job so much that they died.


They got spell reflect which, i guess isnt too cool lore or fantasy wise but i mean, its pretty dang awesome.


I haven’t played war in a while, but I did play fury war pretty extensively in bfa. First thing is I would always grab the glyphs that would give your abilities a fire or thunder look. This way I could imagine that my war is infusing some magic into itself.

As far as gameplay, I think war is really fun because of how gear dependent it is(greatest weakness and strength). Once you get good gear you feel like an absolute machine. Warriors dps increases dramatically with better gear. Being able to constantly charge and jump to enemies made the class feel like an absolute bulldozer just flying through enemies.

Fury is a very spammy class. In which it feels like the faster you hit the buttons the faster you attack. It’s hard to describe, as it’s just different on other classes that have more of a gcd or something.

A lot of people like arms but I’ve never really played it.

Prot is really good in physical damage dungeons. Though I’ve always preferred other tanks.


I had a measly little mecha gnome named Rustbolt. He looked so puny. but holding two giant 2handers in his little tool hands was just hilarious. His shouts and battle roars were vicious as he slaughtered everything, toes to knees.


We’re really angry all the time!


You can also associate them with leadership, security, and courage.

And well, in Legion, warriors managed to skyrocket into the sky and land in the literal Valhalla of WoW, where they earned the right simply by being very good at what they do. And thats something lol

Yes, they can be this generic, but they also can be the backbone of a group to keep em standing and safe.

Exactly, they don’t have the same shenanigans or tricks as other classes, yet they still stand firm at the forefront, protecting and fighting, facing every situation and danger with only their body and soul (And anger?)


We’re like pizza.

Lots of newfangled innovations to pizza over the years, yet, if you ever have real pizza the way they make it in northern Italy, you go “Oh, yeah, this is what pizza is supposed to be”, and then you prefer it from then on out.

There is a purity to playing a warrior.


In the past, it was mostly gameplay. And sometimes just going full UNGA BUNGA… which has always been regrettably a bit dependent on gear.

These days… eh, I’m not sure if that holds true, and I’ve tried.

I guess there’s the Fell Cleave buzz-saw thing… oh wait, wrong game.


There’s quite a bit of room. You can go for the typical “me big me strong” type of vibe or like a raging hulk smash type of vibe. My Dark Iron Fury Warrior kinda fits that and I generally like the fire/magma theme to go with the Fury spell effects. I also have a Nightborne warrior to go more for a spellblade feeling where I imagine she uses arcane runes to power up her strength/endurance.


Fell Cleave then Feller Cleave and probably The Fellest Cleave in Dawntrail :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m surprised warrior is the one class you haven’t leveled.

They are very fun from a gameplay perspective.


I think ive felt the same as you i recently made a few warriors (past couple years) and i think it’s more of a feeling of “CHARGE” or “RAWR” or “HOOORAH!!” type of feeling they give.


Savior on Dragon Strike on Tyr weeks for example :wink:

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Well…I’ve learned that, when dueling them, and they start spinning like a top?

Disengage. NOW.

Oooohhhh, so THAT’S your secret.
(Avengers reference ftw)

I’ve tried to play melee classes, but it’s just not my thing. Kudos to those that are good at it, though.


I play one of each class. My warrior is a pandaren. I like to think Pandaren warriors are more about finesse using the flow of battle as almost like an art form.

The cool thing about warrior is I think they can be such a blank slate for your imagination. You can be an angry orc who is all about RAWR SMASH, EAT ROCKS or you can put a little bit more thought into it and be a mercenary, a chivalrous knight, a berserker, a Blademaster, a wardancer, a grunt, a footman, a sentinel, etc.

It’s whatever you have envisioned in your mind.


That’s the secret, Captain; look at what every other class has to have to be on an even playing field as Warrior.


Warriors are the “Bad :peach: Normal”. The fact that they can hang with super powered beings with steel and skill speaks to just how proficient they are in their craft. They’re basically Batman or Solid Snake. Someone like Ashley Riot comes to mind - a master of every known weapon and a no-nonsense attitude. Wizard starting to cast a spell? Shoot him in the heart is a cross bolt. Fighting a vampire? Effortlessly deflect his claws and decapitate him with the same stroke of the blade.

I suppose this is the reversed way to look at it, but yeah. Ultimately Warriors hanging with Wizards and Druids and Death Knights in spite of being ostensibly normal is what makes them special.


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Right, that too. They’re often squad leaders in terms of their role in gameplay if you play them as Prot, which I think has the best fantasy for them anyways. Being a squad leader in terms fantasy just works well for their mechanics.

I think Fury is goofy in Retail with Titan’s Grip. Arms is fine since a number of lore figures are basically Arms Warriors (Grom, Garrosh, Lothar, etc) but I think for the PC who doesn’t have that “born of the Gods” aspect of their character I feel Prot is the best vibe.