Is there anything particularly special/cool/unique about Warriors?

What makes my warrior special is that he can press about 5 different buttons that make him roar and it’s really annoying for people at the auction house.


Did you roll a Warrior or a Skald lol :joy:


Warriors were kinda the Dragon class before Evokers and have allot of dragon spells and they’re also kinda like the demi-god class where you’re akin to Hercules/Superman and can just jump 1000ft into the air and end up in Valhalla.

They also kinda represt the leaders of WoW, I feel like you’re kinda like the captain of your Platoon when you play a Warrior fantasy wise, espeically if you’re playing Prot.

To look at it another way this is how I see melee classes and their ranged counterparts

Melee - Range

Warriors - Evokers
Paladins - Preist
DemonH - Warlock
DeathK - Necromancer
BattleMage - Mage
Shaman - Shaman
Druid - Druid

Hunter - Rogue

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Not a warrior main as I do not play a main and alts, I play characters.

But I do have a warrior character that I love and play frequently. She is currently getting acquainted with Odyn and is not impressed, due to his uselessness. But she does tend to be pretty judgy about people who can’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps :grin: .

Mmmm… description of the “rawr smash” fighter type is pretty on the nose.

But I don’t find the concept plain and boring.

I find it classic.

It is a stripped down melee class. No flashing spells, no ‘cheats’, just good old-fashioned slicing-and-dicing an opponent until they are in dirt. There is something satisfying about wielding that up-close-and-personal raw prowess.

I especially appreciate it after a rough day at work dealing with obnoxious people :grin: .

That’s all I got :woman_shrugging: .


I like melee classes when solo.

it’s in groups where I start to worry because group combat is pure chaos, to me. so many things happening and I am right in the middle of it and can’t really see what I’m doing.

at least as a ranged character, I am on the outside looking into the chaos and have an easier time visualizing what’s going on.

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I didn’t read through all of it so sorry if it is repeat buuuuuut

It is ridiculously fun to jump off things and then leap slamming into the ground. Also super fun to find things that you can’t get to easily but you find you can charge up at them. It’s like a cheat code in some cases.

They are quite good at getting around some weird stuff.

You might also find “no path available” appears at weird spots when there is nothing in front of you lol.


At launch they were tough to play. It was a blast, now, they are as generic as all the other classes.

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Big shoulder pads. Big weapons. Much Hulk, much Smash. Duel wields polearms for maximum impracticality. Likes to jump around and yell at things.


wait, so you say there are Glyphs that add some magical spell effects to some of the Warrior skills?

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Unfortunately Blizzard allowed Paladins to steal their lunch :frowning:

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Female orc warriors, are the true king of Azeroth.

If you have never played one, you must do it now. It´s just a myth that they smell and have bad manners, in reality every men that crosses their blade, will die a painful death.



I like to think as Warriors being the ultimate in front line fighters.

No complicated magics or blessings carry us into battle only raw martial skill, rage and armor on our backs see us through thick and thin when all else fails.


I’m not a warrior main, but it is one of the more visceral feeling classes in the game. When you leap, charge, and smash you feel the weight and power behind your attacks. It just feels satisfying to play. It doesn’t particularly need more bells and whistles.

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Warriors get to wield Flamereaper. That’s why I play it. There’s also an attitude/persona to it in real life.

Death by snu snu. 10/10 would die again.

Both in class fantasy and gameplay they are kinda barbarian focused, I mean, their order hall was basically fantasy Valhalla in Legion. If you are into that kind of class fantasy, warriors are really neat.

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Two words:


(… or maces or axes if you’re in to that sort of thing)


Victory or Sovngarde!


Dual wielding two handed weapons smashing things. Other warriors are lesser. If that doesn’t interest you, then don’t warrior. Unga bunga bash!

Unique abilities would be Shouts, Stances, and high movement (intercept ally, charge, leap, whatever). Never been a fan of arms spec, but I do have a bald female dark iron dwarf fury warrior and one of my first characters was a female protection night elf tank (learned what need/greed meant with her).

Some of my fav abilities would be charge, shield slam, sunder, and thunderclap. Plate armor does look really good and warrior women I think is still pretty sweet. Kind of related, one of my all time favorite games is Dragon Age Origins. I mained multiple play throughs with a female human noble warrior.