Is there anything in game that says Ashenvale is owned by the Horde?

Nothing in the lore says night elves are an endangered species their cloning machines didnt burn down.

Nope. People are assuming that the Horde controls Ashenvale because the Horde had to control it before their invasion of Darkshore. All we know right now is that Darkshore is back in Night Elven hands and the current state of Ashenvale is unknown.

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That’s stolen goblin technology!!

It’s true, goblins ripped us gnomes off for that stuff, fair and squ- wait…

Shadowlands Alpha is Tyrande either dying or giving up the Night Warrior powers. So it’s going to amount to nothing.


Just a wild guess here (and something I think we shouldn’t HAVE to guess, because Blizz should be more explicit about it - I mean come on it’s one line of dialogue, you don’t even need to voice it), but I think the peace treaty would be pretty dependent on a full Horde withdrawal from Ashenvale.

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Yeah, I don’t think gnomes do it like we do.

You know all those times alliance go through and massacre goblins? Well we have “clean up crews” that go and pick up w/e remains are left.

Then, all that goes into a giant blender with a bunch of special alchemical substances. Only goblins with there natural acute alchemical abilities could concoct such formulas.

Lastly, the kaja cola is poured in, the blender is turned on, and a current is run through the “goblin smoothy”.

What happens next is pretty exciting! The mixture begins popping and, like in the grimlins movie or like popcorn kernels, little goblins start popping out the top and rapidly grow to full size.

It’s an extremely effective way to replace large portions of a lost workforce all at once.

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Control/own is a funny term.

We think in terms of in game zones and borders. Regions we color in on a map. And, it is certainly considered its own region in lore, but, what is it really?

One of the largest, tangliest forest in the game with little pockets of settled area. And remember the cinematic- the attack on the Horde convoy and camp didn’t come rushing in from the water. It came from the woods, meaning the Night Elves had already infiltrated back in to them. With the taking of Darkshore, they can likely do so with impunity.

Do the Horde own Ashenvale? In world, it probably depends on who you ask. But the Army of the Black Moon doesn’t think so.


Where is confirmed that? All i’ve seen so far is about the previous night warrior, and Tyrande fighting amalgamation of souls.

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From a quest chain in Shadowlands involving Shandris talking about the effects the Night Warrior had on Tyrande and how they need to find a way to remove it. And that she should be prepared for Tyrande’s death because every other person who’s had the night warrior “buff” have died.

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Do you have a link? I don’t see this in Shadowlands. Only Maiev and Shandris saying this in Battle for Azeroth.

Maiev Shadowsong says: None who have attempted the ritual since then have survived. Elune’s raw power tears them apart.

Shandris: You are dearest to my heart, Tyrande. I beg you, let go of the Black Moon’s rage and embrace the mother’s light once again. I could not bear to lose you to darkness.

It’s from some Voice Files datamined where we can hear Shandris talking to some guy who I believe was also a Night Warrior and he tells us it eventually killed him.
I don’t want to give false information because I really can’t remember how that conversation went and right now I’m working so I don’t have that much time to dig around looking for that audio.

Found it.

The conversation regarding The Night Warrior begings at 1:37:54

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Thanks. I could not track it down for the life of me.

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That audio track doesn’t seem to be talking in specific about Tyrande though.

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You might be right and we may as well be jumping into conclusion ahead of time but they are talking to Shandris about the night warrior and that she should be prepared to let “her” go because that “buff” always kills its vessel.

It’s not big of a stretch to imagine it’s Tyrande they are referring to.

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I don’t know, they’re clearly saying the ‘dark power of Elune raging inside’ needs to be dealt with. And that anyone who takes it up is destined for some death grove. Whether or not they’re specifically talking about Tyrande, the comments about the Night Warrior still all apply to her.


Well… of course it runs the risk of killing her. That was intended to be the tragedy of it, Tyrande sacrificing herself in the name of Justice for her people. Blizzard’s lackluster capacity for follow through obviously marred this rather badly, but it was the intent.

It was stated from the get go that even witnessing the ritual can kill you. Also, that minor detail where it physically tears 99% of people apart who try to invoke the Night Warrior because it is too much power to contain in a mortal body. Who would of guessed invoking the the most vengeful aspects of one of the only legit deities of Azeroth into your own body, making you a divine avatar in the process, might just be terrible for your health. When even power-hungry Azshara terms something a ‘Forbidden Ritual’ there are reasons.

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Knowing that different people come with different ideas, i assume that woever came with the night warrior concept couldn’t go all out, at least yet.

8.1 feels like a teaser more than the whole thing, i hope it gets a good closure

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I’m still waiting for that power to be shown, but since it can neither be shown against the Horde nor against Sylvanas, it won’t be shown at all. Kind of boring if you have that meta knowledge already.

If dying without achieving anything with it is a good closure…

I just hope she gets a decent cinematic atleast and not one of those cheap ingame ones… probably not though

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