Is there anything in game that says Ashenvale is owned by the Horde?

Indeed. That’s pretty pathetic after she achieved nothing with those powers, but what did anyone expect from writers that intentionally want bad things for the Night Elves.


I wouldn’t say she accomplished nothing. She made a cool entrance at the peace talks and basically scolded Anduin for being a naive idiot.

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I wonder if they are going to show off the night warrior’s power in some way in SL, because the demonstration of her killing a couple red shirts and then failing to stop Nathanos and needing Malfurion’s help to fight him made it seem like the powers made her weaker.


Doesn’t look like it at all sadly.

It’s pretty straightforward.

In War of Thorns, the Horde killed all the defenders in the zone and marched their army through it, making the entire zone now behind the Horde lines. Which makes it Horde territory until the Alliance reclaims it.

We’ve had confirmation that the NEs reclaimed Darkshore, but not Ashenvale.

Is it possible the NEs also reclaimed Ashenvale? Yes. But it hasn’t been confirmed.


The only Human that when he was alive made the cut to be an Elven Ranger, and in order to do so he had to outdo the lot of them. Or are people forgetting the Nathanos Blightcaller that used to be an outdoor Raid Boss?

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He only got to be a ranger because the Windrunner sisters have a thing for human men and Sylvanas was not going to be the only sister without one.


Blizzard has always remained silent about the status of Ashenvale for whatever bizzare reason. Hell, until A Good War we didnt even know the Horde was official kicked out of all of Ashenvale after MoP.


Yeah that’s great and all, but it’s not really who you’d expect to hold off the vengeful avatar of a deity in the very scene/chapter that she gains said powers. I know that “power-levels” fluctuate wildly in the story, but It just kind of made the whole thing ring hollow.

Especially with Malfurion helping her. Sylvanas and Saurfang spent half of A Good War figuring out how to deal with Malfurion, but they apparently could have just left him to Nathanos?


No there isn’t. The thing is that Tyrande wouldn’t allow a single member of the horde to remain in her lands. I can not see her taking back Darkshore only to let go of Ashenvale. That makes no sense. And it’s not like the horde had the forces to remain there either.

I read this in Stabby Lottie’s voice. :rofl:

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I’m pretty sure that Nathanos+val’kyr vs. the Night Warrior was intended to show the new Jailor powerups that Sylvanas and Nathanos must have gotten after the Burning and parts of the war.

Unfortunately, there were a bunch of compounding issues that made it unsatisfying.

It was the first taste of the Night Warrior’s power, and this made it end on a sour note. Perhaps this scene was necessary for it to lead into a warfront, but those types of details don’t make it sting any less.

Nathanos or the val’kyr’s new powers weren’t mentioned or called out, and since the game has fluctuated so many times before in showing off character power/abilities, many players assumed that these powers weren’t meant to be out of the ordinary. (Perhaps this was a reason why the writers added Jaina’s confused remark about Sylvanas’ power at the SoO 2.0, as they realized they needed to outline that these were strange new powers instead of leaving it for players to speculate?)


That’s a good point, I’ll have to consider that in the future. Although as you pointed out, it was poorly displayed if that was supposed to be the case.

Graphics, spells, and powers fluctuate too often in this game for me to identify the difference between an intentional change and an inconsistency.


The writers will find an excuse to let the Horde keep the zone.

Yea, but that’s just bad planning. 8.1 was the entire revenge plot / conclusion for Teldrassil and they use that to… show off how strong Nathanos is over Tyrande? That’s ridiculous and insulting to be honest.


They didn’t even add the valk buff power up until people were all over complaining about how bad the night warrior scenario was, they also only changed tyrande breaking the chains immediately on alliance side, on horde side she is chained for a while while Nathanos laughs at her.

I know this is a theory people have as to why the night warrior was made to look so weak and pointless, but nothing really hints at this and nothing is mentioned about it in game like him having any kind of strange power or being stronger than she though. The only time they seems to hint at Sylvanas’ power is after Org when Jaina talks about her power.


This is I think another case of the issue of having one team in charge each faction experience in an expansion and apparently there being a total lack of communication between them. There were a LOT of inconsistencies of that sort throughout BFA, where each dev team made it to depict their assigned faction doing better so there is no defacto on which is actual cannon.

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It wouldn’t have been half as bad if they continued the Night Warrior and justice plot and didn’t make 8.1 the entire resolution and then kill Tyrande off later without her doing anything…

Hateful writing at its finest.


Since Tyrande ended the Night Warrior scenario by saying she was heading out to “sate the Night Warrior’s wrath” (maybe slightly different wording), I really expected we’d hear at least a tweet saying that she’d be going ham on the Horde in Ashenvale for that time period and that’s how the Alliance would get the zone back.

…Stil waiting…


I think that comes down to… well… the Kaldorei not being important to the larger BFA story plot. As distasteful as it is the War of Thorns was just an intro meant to galvanize the Alliance into full out war. After that it took a back seat Vs. the actual story of Kul Tiras and Zandalar they intended to tell.


“Far to few” give us no indication of anything, its completely up to interpretation. Unlike the example I give where we have many descriptions as to how large stormwind is, how far away from stormwind Goldshire is, and we can extrapolate how many individuals it would take to “spill out most the way to goldshire”.

Frankly, far too few is accurate in a few ways. One of which is the fact that no night elves should have died in the burning of teldrasill. None, it shouldn’t have happened. I can only assume that tens of not hundreds of thousands died. So yes, there were far too few after because there should be tens/hundreds of thousands more. This doesn’t not indicate in any way shape or form that night elves are on the brink of extinction.

This we agree on, nigh elves have been on the back burner for a long time and this was not the way to give them screen time. I think blizzard was going to sweep it under the rug but the back lash that has continued for the entire expansion can not be ignored. Unfortunately game development time make it impossible for them to switch from ignoring it to addressing it correctly and quickly.

80-90% is head cannon, and is really not smart. Teldrasill is big but no where big enough to support that much of the night elf population. Your “far to few” evidence is weak at best. 10 trillion night elves could be far to few in someone’s opinion, where as 100 forsaken is far too many. 100% opinion based and up to interpretation with 0 actual numerical indication.

Edit: clarity


Yeah there is a lot of bad communication at blizzard and that was definitely happening from cata onward as well. I would think thought a scenario with both players fighting at the same spot wouldn’t be so inconsistent. It’s more likely thought that was the original plan but it was only slightly altered for alliance side to make it look not as crappy, because she was chained for the same amount of time on alliance side before people were complaining about how bad this was, that is also when they added the valks empowering him.

Then when you have devs out there saying the night elves got their revenge in 8.1, when it was obvious to anyone with a brain or anyone who didn’t hate the night elves that the warfront and scenario that made the night warrior seems super weak was entirely unsatisfactory, but things like that should be expected at that point from every implementation of night elves they’ve done since Cata.