Is there anything in game that says Ashenvale is owned by the Horde?

Tyrande never needed any power up to do any of the things we saw her do in the Night Warrior scenario. Her army crushing powers are well stablished in several media such as WC3 and novels.
She could have accomplished any of that without any exterior help. The sad part is that as soon as she got the so called power up she started doing the opposite of what we wanted to do in the first place.
She regreted sparing Saurfang’s life and blamed herself for the burnt of Teldrassil but what does she do next? She let Belmont live. Then after the joke of a fight against Nathanos she vanished and we never hear from her again. She wanted revenge for Teldrassil but left the warfront to be led by Maiev because apparently she had more important things to take care of… guess what was it? Yeah! witness Anduin get a boat! I mean wth are they thinking when writing her story?

Now we get those hints of her not being able to handle those useless powers she got and she is facing death? What was the point of it all?
She could have fought hard until the end and give up her life to safe others without going through this ridiculous path.

None of what we got from her and the ritual served any purpose so I’m baffled to see how Blizzard keeps disappointing me even when I thought they could not get any worse.


Everything Blizzard says or does is inconstant. That’s what happens when you suck at telling stories.


Or the power up will play out in Shadowlands.

I’mma just echo what other people said.

  1. Pre-BfA, we’re shown the kaldorei and Horde contesting Ashenvale.
  2. We’re shown the Horde invading Ashenvale, and gaining control.
  3. We weren’t shown (or even told) that anything else happened.

Since a change from state 2 isn’t mentioned, it’s not unfair for people to assume that we never changed from state 2 - the Horde invading and owning Ashenvale.


I mean, Blizzard is hella famous for setting up narratives and then forgetting to like…

End them.

Right? I mean, hell, Stratholme's been on fire for the last 20 years, even through updates to it.

So… Is it reasonable to assume that Stratholme still isn’t on fire? Yes. Is it reasonable to assume it’s been purged of Scourge? Yes.

But, since there’s no evidence suggesting that Stratholme isn’t burning, then you can’t fault people for assuming that it is still on fire canonically.

Same thing for Ashenvale. Does it make sense that the Kaldorei would get it back? Yes. But was it shown? Nope. So… Safest assumption is that it didn’t change from it’s previous, Horde-owned, state.

Sir our names and appearances are too similar for my liking. That is all. :stuck_out_tongue:


I saw your name, and I was like…

“Is this guy making fun of me? I didn’t think I was meme-worthy.”

Haha :rofl:


Yes we were. Through the Mission Tables. The Horde didn’t even station an occupation force in Astranaar - at best just some Forsaken Rogues left behind that the Alliance player cleared out in the in-game event after the Horde had already left - leaving the Alliance to take Astranaar back and hold it defensively, along with other spots mentioned in the Mission Tables.

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Mission tables also say Teldrassil is being evacuated.

And we’re never allowed to go near Teldrassil to see if anyone survived ourselves, so it’s not outside of possibility.


Here I was thinking the Night Elves were genocided and completely wiped out as a playable race and had no survivors et al.

Nope. See Smig’s posts earlier in the thread.


This is my mistake, as I have fallen into the sarchasm.


Oh great. The mission tables. Obviously a very forward and clear source of canon lore. I definitely read those before I mix and match followers. (Actually, I haven’t looked at my mission tables for months.)

I’m mostly sour that that would be the only place they’d reference that.


Me, too.

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Ashenvale is as it’s always been since the start of the Mmorg, contested territory, the Night Elves have one town and a couple of settlments, the Horde has two forts, the Barrier to the Barrens, and one settlement, that being the former Silverwing Refuge. It’ s a bit more in Horde hands than it used to be… (IN GAME… Amadis!)

Ashenvale is still set in Cataclysm era. What we see in-game isn’t lore relevant to current events.


I’d have rather it been in a tweet than on a mission table lol

At least a tweet would have gotten attention.

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It’s very relevant. Saurfang’s advance explains the reoccupation of the Mor’shan gate by the Horde, the re-establishment of Zorum’gar Fortress and the continued occupation of Splintertree Post and Silverwing Refuge.

Malfurion’s attack on Sauffang in Astrannar in turn explains the Night Elves’ reoccupation of the town.

Plenty of evidence that Night Warrior Tyrande has pretty much spent her wad after the fight with Blightcaller. She pretty much relies on Maiev to conduct the Warfront and the Champion to mop up afterwards, aside from giving further orders via World Quests, there’s no action taken by Tyrande at all following that pathetic excuse of a victory celebration.