I mean why does the undermine campaign have a weird one week time lock.
Probably cuz the next 2 chapters are related to the raid, which is out next week.
Max lvl campaigns are always timelocked. It’s annoying, but it’s not a new thing.
Man yall can just relax and enjoy something this zone is awesome! I can’t wait to push keys it’s the best part of the zone! This is normal and grind rep ! They took a risk with this zone and I love it something new with the steam punk goblin vibe!
Blizzard actually did a great job with this zone!
65 characters?
Seek help fr
I expect there will be a skip at 6/6, just like every other time they’ve done this sort of thing. Reluctantly and late for some, but they’ve eventually done it.
I’m on 1/6 and constantly getting distracted by world and side quests. Who needs a skip?
thats kinda crazy lmao. They must really hate players that play alts for some reason. I don’t see any realistic reason for not letting alts skip to up to where your main is
But why do you need to? If you don’t want any of the rewards from the campaign just use the teleporter to Undermine and ignore the campaign until you can use the full skip next week.
How is that hating players when you can just ignore the campaign? There’s no benefit in skipping it as opposed to ignoring it besides the quests being complete.
The zone is garbage. DRIVE is garbage. Seriously don’t understand why they’re so hung up on keeping us grounded.
Man yall just complain about everything! Been playing this game since 2004 and blizzard makes mistakes but they do a lot of cool stuff! Campaign has always functioned like this! Just enjoy it the art work team put a lot of hard work creating this zone have some respect!
totally off topic, but that is a great transmog.
I disagree, lol.
Thank you kindly, warm mr wolf.
Oh yea I got double fur.
I’m 2/6 and already tired man…
This is a disincentive to play. I rolled my mage in undermine and I’d like to take my goblin or my rogue… but I think I’ll just head back to SoD for awhile and not worry about this patch until I need something else to do.
I gave it a shot. The story was the one thing that got me to play again… I liked everything up to the point where the bad guy got away (I mean, that shouldn’t be a spoiler, right?) … but now I wait on the rest? Or I do it ALL over again on another character.
Hmm, actually, might do that. I guess I was heading to negative town but I might give it another go on another character. The skip really should have been available from the start - a skip to the wait for this week or a skip to the end starting next week.
you guys really like draggin out subs lol
firstly, not everyone is the same on the forums, different people have different things they want to see improve.
secondly, calling everything just complaints is a childish way to dismiss valid criticism of badly designed systems, but does nothing to actually address the issues people have with those systems.
you can still enjoy something and have valid critiques about certain aspects of it. That is normal, natural, and okay. That you think that you should just blindly accept everything is extremely abnormal behavior.
people criticizing things in a game or in anything else is not a personal attack on you, stop it. get some help.
Bit ridiculous. “If you want alts to get the crests and stones this week you need to slog through this slop repeatedly. Have fun!”
except that the complaints on this thread are “zone is garbage, DRIVE is garbage” … So not exactly mature or well reasoned criticisms. I don’t love the goblin, gorkamorka vibe nor do I like crazy taxi… and I’m pretty over having a green arrow over my had almost all the time. But not complaining and I do agree with @brewworkxx in that there’s a lot of stray “this sucks” comments every time something gets released. ymmv, be kind, enjoy
what are people unable to do this week on alts? i did 4/6 campaign on my dh, then logged on my shaman. i was able to go through the port to undermine and had my DRIVE car available instantly and could pick up quests.