I just hope they take away the annoying cut scene leaving the area other wise those dailies leaving ill be avoiding
There’s no skip for the 11.0 max lvl campaign, tho?
Haven’t played the campaign yet, but don’t you get rep with one of the factions from the campaign quests? Could be a quick way to grind rep across the warband for all four factions?
I didn’t finish as far as you can yet last night but yeah some of the campaign quests and side quests give rep with the general cartel rep but not with the one you picked like picked at least not that I’ve seen yet.
The world quests do though.
The weekly dungeon quest in Dornogal also grants general Cartels of Undermine rep as an option too.
I just finished it all on my Hunter after what, six months? Never used to dawdle going through the first run. Hoping the rest of my characters can skipit.
I finished on my main and now on alt. No campaign skip but you get your car as soon as you hit undermine. They need to fix that and add skip bc no way i am doing this more than twice.
Is there any reason to even do that? I haven’t touched the crap for the same reason. I’m not a quester in the slightest
There will be a Undermine(d) campaign skip for alts after you’ve completed the entire campaign on the account. The Undermine(d) campaign continues next week, so after completing the campaign from next week onwards, your alts can speak with Renzik while on the quest “When Opportunity Explodes” or speaking with Paks any time after that to skip.
This is just a lil bit savage, but I didn’t expect to laugh as much as I did when i read it .
Skip should be available now, not timegated till next week… Fix this mess ASAP.
Whilst this makes sense, it does suck a little bit the whole campaign has been timegated which then timegates playing alts as it’s either begin it now on them or be forced to wait a week so you can eventually skip the campaign.
Why would a partial campaign skip be a thing? Campaign skips are always locked behind having actually completed them lol.
You can get to the Undermine on alts tho without doing the campaign on them. Once you reach Undermine on one character there’s a quest at the intersection outside of Slam Central Station. Do the quest to open that teleporter and bam, it’s available for all your alts too.
I’d like to skip on my main. This zone is garbage.
I think at the start, you might not actually want the skip because of all those valorstones your alts will lose out on. I mean, yeah…I hope they give us a skip, but for any early alts I run through there, I’d be going through it all again to get the stones.
I hope they give it because I know a lot of players will want it (God, I remember the Shadowlands intro and how we were forced to do that one over and over over…lord, it was awful).
So…solidarity and all–skip what you wanna skip–but just: Make sure you really considered the loss of all those valorstones before you skip. That’s all I’m saying.
Will alts who use the skip be able to directly access the quest for ‘Liberation of Undermine: The House Loses’ (https://www.wowhead.com/quest=86204)?
The one that rewards a runed crafting crest for killing Gallywix.
The campaign isn’t terribly long. It’s just that there are 800 trillion side quests.
Why is it weirdly locked off?
Oh gad, not more of this place!!! Undermine can’t end soon enough for me!
Name 1 campaign skip in the game that doesn’t require you to complete the full campaign once to unlock?
Once you get to Undermine on one character, there’s a purple ! in the intersection outside Slam Central Station (where you first arrive in Undermine). Doing this quest unlocks the teleporter between Undermine and Dornogal for your entire account, so you don’t need the campaign skip to get there.
Like every other campaign skip in WoW, once you complete the full campaign once, you get the skip option for alts.
I’m honestly surprised there even is a campaign skip, as there wasn’t for Zaralek, the Emerald Dream, or the 11.0 max lvl campiagn you had to do the full thing on alts if you wanted them marked off as complete.