So your argument is the responses are childish so you get to be childish in your responses too? bruh
Opposite question: is it worth doing the campaign on a 2nd alt to get more rep? Can you get rep gains twice?
I’m at about 6 and a half undermine rep and want that 7 for the champ boots. Have done the weeklies ( the major ones), the delves, and the Dorn weekly. Did all WQ that award rep. Need about 1000 more points. What’s missing?
(Have the rep contract enabled)
You only get it once per account.
Oh make sure you do the dungeon weekly. Cartel rep is an option you can choose when you turn in.
I see, I wonder how people are already at 7 for rep? I could do the Kaja Coast dailies again but only 15 pts per quest. Will have to figure it out.
Yep I got that one, the dungeon weekly in Dorn.
I won’t be touching my alts til next week then got it
Could you also do this for BFA opening up Nazjatar for alts please, that would be fantastic to farm the raid that’s there with more then one character.
Gotta get my pets I was unable to get since I needed to miss that expansion to take care of family matters.
I am almost 7. Did all the quests, wqs, events, rares each day.
Hmm I did a lot of alt rotating to get the pinnacle gear from different zones so guess ran around too much. Ok will sort it out!
people who play alts don’t play the game in that manner - you set everything up on a raider mentality when someone spends 100% of their time on a main until they are geared up then the alts are played. People who play alts want to take them to that area right away for the gear.
I seemed to have access to the rocket drill right away after entering ringing deeps, but I did not try using it, as I wanted the initial chain quest valor stones.
After entering undermine on my alt , I was immediately prompted to put the G99 car mount , on my action bar and did NOT have to do the chain for it.
So my answer is yes there is a skip, maybe.
Experimented with my warlock alt Trabajo who has never been to undermine before.
- teleporter in Dornagal worked immediately.
- received G99 car upon teleporting in to Undermine
- was already employed by the cartel chosen by my alt and was able to do 9 jobs.
The female goblin NPC was missing and there is no Orwenea npc there, but Otherwise , it’s business as usual.
why can’t i use boost on my alt then? wtf.
Last night I completed the campaign, and this morning I attempted this on my first alt. Despite being on the stated quest, the version of Renzik near Gazlowe for the quest turn-in does not have any dialog options to skip. However, traveling to Undermine and talking to Paks does let me skip, so it’s at least there…but unfortunately buried for people who may not yet know where to look.
Alts have to visit the drive shop to equip a boost, but they’ll all be unlocked.
Hi Linxy,
I’ve got a few alts trying to get into Undermine. It seems that one of them was able to skip, but one that was in the middle of the Ringing Deeps portion of this campaign before the patch isn’t able to skip. I’ve tried going to Paks and checking in with every NPC before progressing in the campaign, and nobody’s giving me the option.
Excited about the real Season 2 hitting on Tuesday and being able to finish Campaign to open up zone for alts. Grinded through the usual Undermine kill-a-bunch-of-something quests and now ready for the final effort. And it’s a damn dungeon. Apparently NEXT week we get option to do that in solo mode.
Assuming this wasn’t a strategic decision, it’s just that Blizzard is still trying to make things work.