Is there an Undermine Campaign Skip?

Completed 4/6 of the campaign story on main, please tell I don’t have to do this on the rest of my toons.

Anyone successfully find a skip yet?


Calm down bro I’m still at 1/6. Please tell me I don’t have to do this on the rest of my toons.


Hehe, that is exactly what I’m trying to figure out. It wasn’t terrible, rather just not overly enjoyable.


I hope so… I have 65 toons. I am doing this crap ONCE. I hate questing. I got to the new zone then logged off. I don’t care about rep at all.


I’ll be stuck on a single toon until this happens as well. I will only do the quests on one toon. I also can’t get Brann to tank on any of my toons.

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Kind of a skip, per this thread

when you unlock the teleporter the first time, you can simply use it on other characters to get to the new zone. just hop off the ledge by the bank and turn left.


Usually you have to do all the parts to get the skip. You’ll have to wait 2 more weeks.

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Why wouldn’t there be a skip, when there have been skips for every campaign so far in the past few years?

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I love how you admit you have 65 toons then act like you don’t have time to do the campaign more than once. Bro all you have is time


There has literally been a skip for every campaign afger finishing it once. Do you even play the game?

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I agree … this person has a lot of time. But they DID state they dont like to QUEST specifically. They probably leveled up in dungeons and stuff. :smile:

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When this is a 20+ year game, 65 characters isn’t as impressive as it used to be. And just because someone has a lot of time, it doesn’t mean they want to spend it redoing the same campaign over and over and over again, there’s only so much time within a week to do things.


the unlocks are account-wide, so everything you have access to on main you have access to on alts

I don’t think there will be a campaign skip for this, because the final quest for the raid rewards an enchanted runed crest. The campaigns for Zaralek Cavern and Emerald Dream in DF didn’t have skips either; instead (as was already mentioned), you just have access to the zone and things your main has already unlocked.

They aren’t gonna let people skip straight to the raid quest unfortunately.

i cant wait to get this by doing the story mode

Having 65 toons that exist bc you made one-offs for various reasons over 15 years isn’t that ridiculous I agree, however OP is framing it like he’s doing current content on 65 toons which is ridiculous

I barely do quests. I hate quests. I leveled my alt army in timewalking dungeons through the anniversary event and the timeways event. I do dungeons and raids. Not quests.

Lol you win today. Thanks for the laugh!


Of course, as was the case with Nerub-ar Palace as well. Not to mention all the crests from renown rewards. Actually, I wonder if those also got updated to S2 enchanted crests like the valorstone and normal crest rewards did?

I would like a skip thank you please