Is there an addon like spell flash to help with what ability to use?

It’s still not enough. I’m not saying the Sim is ineffective at giving a general idea of your damage, but to say it gives you an exact number all the time is disingenuous.

It doesn’t have enough processing power to Sim through every possibility for every proc for every ability.

That’s why I kind of laugh when people cling to Sim’s like some kind of golden-calf instead of a basic tool.


That’s how rotation addons like Hekili work. They dynamically change their reco based on procs, etc.

What are you talking about? If the trinket or ability CD doesn’t have a 2-3 minute cooldown already, it has either an internal CD or a RPPM, meaning that Simcraft can track WHEN these proc with a high degree of reliability.

SimC is a PROGRAM - programs do not have processing power. They rely on CPU’s to do their processing for them. Again, when you run a character through the same scenario 10,000-100,0000 times, your degree of reliability goes UP, not down. No it won’t be 100% accurate, but it will be 99.5% accurate.

You clearly have no idea what a sim is, nor do you know how they are created if you call it a “basic tool”.

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It IS a basic tool. You are one of those players that treats it like the golden-calf, so I’m not surprised you’re making it more than it really is.

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This sounds the closest to what you need. Get MaxDPS, and make sure to get the MaxDPS-Demon Hunter addon as well (or it won’t work).

All it does is highlight the button you should hit next for maximum DPS.

Great learning tool until you get your sea legs.

I don’t treat it like a golden-calf; However it is something I (and millions of other players) rely on at least once weekly for spec, gear, and rotation changes and is the source of nearly every ingame gear and rotation addons like Pawn and Hekill.

But yeah, ignore the actual content of my post and focus on reinforcing the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about.

The max is 60 now since df prepatch. Not being retentive just sort of adding on what I can infer as you saying how easily people could get “lost in the sauce” of how many specs that can be played.

Terros is figuratively a “patchwerk” fight.


The fact that you quoted “patchwerk” instead of figuratively made me spit out my coffee, thanks.

This is because the fel rush and veng retreat spec is good numbers. Yes it takes more skill/effort to play than your typical “eyebeam goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr” variant, but just because you are incompetent at this point to use the abilities properly, doesn’t make them “wrong”. It’s ok to be bad so long as you know you are bad and work to improve and stick to content where it is more acceptable and appropriate to learn and make mistakes.

If you want to pay for premium just to hump the analytics, go for it. But don’t pretend that players are going to hit those exact numbers, because they’re not.

People use SimC for a ball-park estimate of what they should be aiming for. Only the sweats and the pretentious elites think otherwise.


That and Hekili only tells you to use abilities if they are in the action priority list for your current active spec. If you are not spec’d into tactical retreat, momentum, initiative, or unbound chaos; Fel Rush and Vengeful Retreat won’t be in your action priority list.

Who pays for SimC? It is freely available to EVERYBODY so you can run simulations on your own computer. Raidbots is not SimC - Raidbots uses SimC, which is 100% free, not the other way around. Again, you are showing just how much you don’t know about the program.

I have not. My suggestion is to watch videos if you would like to see the difference.

I’ve never had an issue with it, so never thought to look for a different one. It just did what I wanted it to straight away.

No set-up that I had to do outside choosing how it highlights things. That’s not even necessary.

Though, I’ll be honest… I haven’t used it in a while. Some modules may not be updated for DF.

DH looks like it’s had a 10.0.1 version released, so it should be ok with the talent revamp.

It goes off the simulation settings. It doesn’t account for variables around you, just recommends what you should press next to do the highest damage.

Not a good time to vengeful retreat? Doesn’t matter, it’ll recommend it anyways. It can’t factor in outside variables aside from ST/AoE.

Some classes/specs are more accurate than others by nature with a rotation helper. Hekili can’t predict certain things (like Demon Blades generation) so it may change its recommendation quickly based on what’s happening. Target swapping is a weak spot as well for the addon in some scenarios. It’s still pretty close though, I’ve tried it on my DH and it does well enough.

Yea, this is what I use them for. Not so much rotation, but the cooldowns. I know there are other things for that, but these work fine for that for me.

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Wait…you got a 92% parse? Is that overall or by ilvl?

was a couple months ago, overall at the time.
Again, read the thread, don’t 100% blindly rely on it.
it can work and will be much better than playing the class incorrectly, but you should always optimize everything.

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Never used the add-ons everyone’s talking about. But, to be fair I only play 1-3 toons per xpac usually, and enjoy learning it through trial and error.

Well, hekili/hero rotation are soft rotation bots to put it simple.
It only has you pressing the keys yourself. (although, some people have ways of automating even this)

I would consider them cheats, but since everyone has acess to it and them being 100% legal… , have fun with it.