Is there an addon like spell flash to help with what ability to use?

Mate, i literally did a terros run with hekili where i didn’t even look at anything else other than it, at 402 ilvl (at a time where most players were sitting at 414ish range) without bis trinkets and got a 92% , i did prepot, but thats it.
it was a pug group, so the kill time was atrocious too. if i it was a full grp of competent players and the boss died at the right time it could have easily been a 99%

Again, there are things that play a much larger role in how parses come out.
especially kill times, gear and PIs.

But yeah buddy, keep calling other noobs with your 2100 io experience…
whatever you say.


I would like you to submit a statement that proves you don’t even know what you’re taking about.

Oh wait… you already did it. gg

Also-- thanks for also submitting a sophomoric argument that even further defines your ignorance of the subject matter. Or would you like to explain to us how IO is a reflection of parse?

You’re suggesting that because I don’t have time (nor inclination) to push my IO … I don’t know my rotation? And because your info is wrong, and my IO score is actually higher than that… did I just suddenly GET BETTER!!! w00t!!! No one needs Hekili, they just need a fool to follow them around and quote the wrong stats!!! lololol


Your parses are all blue too, so i wont even get there.
You have no right to call anyone a noob when you clearly don’t know how it works.
There are players who consitently parse 99%s that use hekili and similar tools. (albeit, private and with better optimization for their content)
Be sure of that.


I did 90 on Raza two weeks ago, and hit 91 last week (so it wasn’t a fluke).

But please, continue flaunting your ignorance…

Your highest on raz is a 77.
You see, ilvl parses don’t matter, friend.

There are a lot more than just doing your rotation correctly to parsing.
Your parses could be much better if you had a group that worked around that.
and to be honest, i think its dumb, but thats the game so we have to go with it.

You’re comparing me (i408) … to EVERY Arms Warrior… which is i417-i419-i422+

Is that REALLY where you’re going next??

I didn’t think you could make a WORSE argument, and yet here we are.

Are you REALLY comparing i408 parses … to i422, and then saying “ur an n00b!”

+insert Bender meme+

edit to add: Your ONLY saving grace so far is you at least saw a big factor in why I’m limited in my parse. And EVEN WITH THAT LIMITATION, I parsed a 91. So… thanks, but no thanks.

Your experience matched mine. I use it as an addition to my own Weak Auras. In particular for Single Target fights it performs very close to my sims. How could it not?

All the addon is doing is following the priority guidelines created by theory crafters which is what Raidbots uses for simming. While there’s always a chance for mistakes to be made by those making the SimC profile most players are using those priority suggestions with or without addon help so the outcome should be similar.

Whenever I reco Hekili I always caveat things by saying it’s great to help learn how the rotation works when playing a new spec but don’t follow it blindly. In particular for CD’s and for AoE.

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If you had a group where your team didn’t have to carry people that are literally parsing green and grey, you could get better parses.
What i want you to understand is that there are MULTIPLE things that will change the outcome of a parse.
You could have an ultra geared player in a grp of people parsing green and his parse would be lower than if he was playing with a group of competent players, he could mitigate it by padding on adds etc, but for the most part its much harder to pull good numbers when there are people in the grp hindering killtimes.

No one should follow it blindly, new players could, and honestly it would be better for them than just messing everything up.
FOr aoe yes, its not very good, unless you’re playing outlaw rogue or something similar where the aoe is a modifier to your single target rotation.

Because of the reality of which I already stated, and any real player inherently knows:

Your sim … doesn’t EVER match what you play.

This is axiomatic.

In pure ST sims are very accurate of what you should be seeing ingame with your gear.

There’s a reason the ST sim is called “Patchwerk.” That fight involved NO mechanics, other than HAM DPS.

Knowing that, can you please tell me any ST fight in the last … I dunno… 6-8 years… that replicates that?

Name a ST fight that doesn’t involve a degree of movement that would throw off a ST rotation.

Even Terros does not fit into this.

I’m going to assume your answer is going to heavily rely on playing poorly. Avoiding mechanics, etc in the name of a better parse.

There’s a reason every raid mocks the guy who does stupid stuff and says “but mah PARSES!!!”


Terros is literally a patchwerk fight.
Movement shouldn’t be an issue for anyone that is a little above average either.
casters know what to do when they have to do, melee can keep doing their entire rotation on the move as long as they remain in melee range.

Losing a cast or two wont make you tank your damage, as long as you are being consistent with your uptime.

100% wrong. I’m done here.

Enjoy your day!

Keep being stubborn and not realizing simple things.
i can have 99% uptime as any melee on terros.

Have mine set to track cooldowns, and if theres more than one mob, i have it set to Auto, so it switches to my AOE rotation.

I can keep up with the big boys just fine lol.

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Of course not but since most players are going to follow the prio reco’s from theorycrafters and that’s what the makers of the Sims are using to create their profiles the numbers should be close between someone using an addon and someone doing it themselves.

On Terros or any modern Patchwerk style fight the main variable is movement which effects some specs more than others.

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It is 100% feasible. This isn’t that hard.

No, it isn’t. It gives you a general idea, but the Sim cannot predict what procs happen when since it happens individually. It will give you guidelines on when to use CD’s, which is the best thing about Sims.

Players need to learn that most classes play on priority and not rotation. Once they break that mold, they tend to get better naturally without the use of an addon.


Pretty sure most of us know that, we call it rotation out of habit.
ff14 has actual rotations and it plays very differently than WoW, stuff like m+ would be a nightmare there because of it.

Wow being prio based is why stuff like hekili, private rotation auras and other “tools” which im not gonna go in details here are so effective.

Yes they can, with a high degree of reliability. This is why Raidbots and the simcraft application both start with a minimum of 10,000 iterations (that means it sims your character 10,000 times through the same fight). It is very clear from this thread that a lot of people have never looked at the action priority list for a simcraft character and have no idea how they work.

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