Is there an actual date yet

If it broke on any DoTs and stagger and you essentially put a stun on yourself while healing, sure. Go for it.

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Ion said in 2017 blizzcon they would be available upon release.

Oh I didn’t realize Ion said it! That makes sense why they still aren’t available. It’s so hard to believe anything that guy says :cow:



Then I hope we can get an official post of some kind with a decent summary with what to expect before the patch goes live.

I have no idea what the next planned patch contains but off the top of my head some things we’ve been promised would be introduced in future patches were.

  • Profession quests.
  • Portal rooms
  • Brawlers Guild
  • DMF rollercoaster
  • More pet battle dungeons
  • Raiding with Leashes (MoP)
  • A new 5 man dungeon
  • New raid of a smaller size
  • Worgen model update
  • Arathi and WSG BG Visual updates
  • New Brawl: Arathi with AI
  • Wintergrasp returning (And Ashran?)
  • Heirlooms scaling up to 120
  • Heroic Warfronts
  • New Micro Holidays
  • Flying

That would be right. That is Fat Tuesday and I will be at Mardi Gras all day, and probably in no shape to log in the next. LOL

Wow that’s a nice list of features that a lot of players would likely enjoy. It’s almost as if all of these things could’ve been released with the expansion. I wonder how many more players would still be around.


Blizzard hates feedback

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Ion is a lawyer that’s why.


Right? I’ve gotten the picture of how this company values me as a customer with the way they’ve handled nearly every step of this expac, and I’m responding with my wallet differently going forward, but man, how about post after post of people bending over backwards to justify ActiBliz’s missteps?


This is how fanaticism works. You lose sight of rational thought and justify everything on behalf of your thrall without questioning, often encouraging others they are daft if they do not do the same. The number of times I see players create excuses on behalf of Blizzard is dumbfounding. If these people would stop filling in the massive communication gap for Blizzard it would become obvious how poorly managed the developer to player engagement has been.


It goes without saying that Gnome Heritage armor should be in it also; That is the most important thing.


Ain’t that it??? :unamused::unamused::unamused:

Devs need to stop watching youtube and posting on reddit during work hours and push this out the door.

May or June.

Apparently we get a bunch of stuff on March 12th, somewhere around there. And the Zandalari/Kultirans will be included. Guess better late than never. /shrug

I think the most logical release date is going to be 3/12. 8.1.5 takes place “after” BoD. The final wing comes out tomorrow in LFR, and each wing has been released two weeks apart. So, I’d say the most logical release date is going to be two weeks after tomorrow
 We’re still waiting on many players to finish the BoD story line.

Will they follow that pattern? I don’t know. Maybe not. But I would hope/think so.

Probably even less cause putting all that at launch would have been a heavily delayed launch which would mean longer in Legion.

That’s fine. I would gladly wait longer for an expansion to come out complete and ready and crammed to the rim with new features to experience at once.


Oh you wont see those till the xpac is over. Since you will be forced to grind the rep just to be able to play which is a bunch of bull**** imo (since they should have been out when BFA came out.

Sub is up in April so trying to decide if i even want to keep playing this beta for azeroth since this is a filler xpac and is totally trash.

I know it’s been a bit of a wait, especially for the Zandalari folks, but we just mentioned on the live stream that is diving into the art of WoW that it is the week of March 12.