Is there a reason to stay in a losing BG?

I’m glad for you that the system the way it’s currently implemented serves you well and brings you enjoyment in this game. Why are you so insistent on rallying against others that advocate for an additional feature that would let them enjoy the game the way they would prefer?

Is it jealousy because they might get rewards that you have access to now? Is it because you think your ability in finding/making/joining groups should be the determinant for how good your rewards are, moreso than your individual skill?


The adults are having a conversation.

You know one side states their view, then the other side does.

Judging by your response, I have my doubts about that.

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LFR is the “modern era solo queue” option for raiding which has safeguards in place for failure (determination buff, removal of mechanics). What would those be in battlegrounds? First to cap 1 flag? 500 points?

I don’t believe a solo ranked queue option would work given how temperamental the system is. It already tries to match team roles, a vocal minority constantly say they want blacklisting back, the faction disparity only continues to grow and there is a deserter epidemic.

Splitting the playerbase for PvP into solo ranked / group ranked / random / arena / random epic is not a suggestion we should be encouraging when the larger faction currently experiences queue times of 20-30 minutes for one of those modes of content.

Getting into rated battlegrounds is not hard - look at LFG. You’ll find a few groups each night that play YOLO or just for fun (admittedly harder on Alliance).

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I do more rated Bgs than randoms. My honor level is this high because I had a max prestige ranked toon and another halfway to max prestige. And yes I have fun in rated Bgs currently, even at 1600.

Because I know a solo only queue would be bad for a game that has 100% been about forming groups all along.

Well said and totally agree. We enter a BG to battle. So… Go forth and battle.

lmfao. you dont even get anything for winning.

a box of fish and 75 echoes. wow! so awesome!

iunno maybe to PVP? to improve? to learn? to adapt? to overcome?

and yet you have missed 100% of my point which is disrespecting the player base. Seems that is irrelevant to you though.

Do you play in premades in randoms?

The reason to stay is it is faster to lose than wait out deserter. Especially if you get your team to surrender and let them 5 cap or stay as ghosts.

Your argument seems to be “it’s the way it’s been, so that’s the way it should be forever and always.” It’s a poor argument. Do you want all WOW expansions/changes to just be rehashes of things they’ve done the in past?

You didn’t say why you “know” it would be bad for the game, because I doubt you have a good answer. As I suggested before, I think the truth is closer to jealousy and gatekeeping.

Think about the reasons why it would be good for the game: Consider if they just allowed solo-queue players to join inside the current system of RBG too (even with no separate brackets). Would have minimal effect on you or your enjoyment, would bring enjoyment to those that don’t enjoy the forced-group system, provides better PVP rewards for those skilled players, provides better matchups for all players, increases PVP population. Please try to reason with me why these aforementioned things would not occur, or would be “bad” for the game.

You act like this is a new topic and never discussed before.

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Jugga is not a gatekeeper :joy: she’s a yolo queen… She joins and accepts everyone.

Wow is an MMO. People lament how the community doesn’t exist anymore in this game. It’s largely due to auto que systems where there’s zero interaction anymore. The whole point of a game like this, that’s so different than any fps/moba, is to meet like minded individuals and develop relationships. I would have stopped playing this game years upon years ago if I hadn’t met some decent people. I played through the entirety of WOD and look back on it as my favorite expansion of all time. Mostly because I was surrounded by amazing people and had amazing relationships.

Solo que rbgs solves partipation issues at the cost of what this game is. I just wish they made it easier to find people. Made it more rewarding. Made it 6v6. There’s so many things they could do to improve rated bgs that would be better than solo que.

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Right? Not sure why they think I’m a gatekeeper :joy: Either way, more people should do yolos, that’s essentially solo queue rbgs. Quick to fill, no voice, etc…

As you may have guessed, I play WOW nearly exclusively for the PVP gameplay, and although I enjoy very occasionally playing with a very very small set of players/friends that I’ve played with in the past (when our playtimes match up, and the friend’s raid schedule allows), that is not the major draw for me. I enjoy playing with/against others (otherwise I would play a single-player game), but not necessarially with a community that I have binds to. I completely understand how community is a draw for many others though.

I view an additional solo-queue option added on to the current group-only RBG system as a compromise. It allows those who want to play with others and crave that sense of community to keep playing as they do (again, they are well-served by the current system so I can understand that a change wouldn’t benefit them, beyond perhaps a larger player pool), while allowing other soloers like me to engage in competitive content too.

It seems like there’s a fear that adding solo-queue rated options will decimate the ability to forms groups and community. How so? Random BGs allow both, and there seems to be a good mix. If that turns out to be true that group-forming is decimated as a result of fewer people wanting to form groups when there’s a solo option available, then to me, that’s a clear indication that the solo-queue mode is what players prefer, and the reason for group-based popularity (if you consider it popular today) is because it is the only rated option available. Why not let players choose what they prefer with options?

Rewards are a factor too – should good gearing paths only be available to players that are able/willing to get in groups? Should competitve ranking be a feature that only groups can experiece? I obviously think not.

There are many subfactors that contribute to gatekeeping in the forced-group system. It takes more time to find/gather groups, and not everyone has this time (maybe during COVID-times, but with a full time job, after-work classes, and a relationship, I don’t see it being sustainable for me in normal-times). Most groups also want proof of achievements, which a good subset of the playerbase does not have. Many groups exclude players or specs based on perceptions on what the meta is. And let’s not forget gear. I get that these may all be inconsequential factors for some, but they are factors for others. Fixing the community to perhaps care less about these things or be more inclusive is not something I see as feasible/achievable. It requires a systemic change, and to me adding solo-queue rated content is the solution that removes all of these barriers.

If people don’t have the achievements then they start a group and earn them. Heck, even run some 2s/3s. I am not gonna lie, sometimes I use my 5s achieve because it was 2k years ago. Leaders don’t always care where or when you got it, just that you have something.

100% me… Go check gd, I’ve gotten into some arguments with pvers lol.

Except it’s going to damage both ques. We already have a tiny PvP population. You’re asking to split it down the middle effectively increasing que times for everyone. This is not a good thing.

Additionally people wouldn’t use it because it’s better. They would use it because it’s easier. No accountability, you could be a dick and leave. Without that community there’s no incentive to stay subbed and keep playing as it’s a throw away system. Even other games with a solo que don’t even really have solo que, they force solo to play with groups. Look at rocket league. They have a solo que option that literally nobody plays. Deadest bracket in the game. You can que solo to play against people that are grouped which is exactly what wow does.

There’s so many reasons why this is a bad idea.

Obviously yes. Again this is an MMO. It’s how this entire genre works. PvP or pve. If you want good gear you need to put some effort in.

Or you could start your own group anytime with anyone accepting whatever you want. Solo que addresses almost nothing while adding so many issues that it is nowhere near worth it man.

I love PvP and that’s all I do but I think you’re playing the wrong genre man. What you’re asking for is not an mmo thing.

You may have missed this, or I might’ve not been clear enough. I wouldn’t mind split queues, for sure, but what I’m saying in this thread is this:

Meaning being able to queue into the current RBG system as solo (or less than full groups), not a separate queue/system.

Come on, I know you know this is not how rated systems and matchmaking works. If a person is trolling and/or a leaver, they impact their own scores negatively; they’ll get lower rating and be relegated to the lower brackets. That’s what we’d want. Most systems that allow for solo-queue rated content penalize players that act like this even more severely than the normal rating they’d drop with a loss.

Additionally, I think for a lot of players (myself included), easier is better. Because the hardness (via less access or it taking too much time) that comes from the alternative is not sustainable or possible for them. I actually did spend some time early BFA trying to get into rated groups, and found it very time-consuming and challenging. I was frustrated enough from the experience that I stopped my sub until just last month (again, because of more COVID free time).

This is absolutely false if you’re considering the genre. I believe FFXIV and GW2 are the other two top MMORPGs – both have standardized/equalized gear in PVP and solo-queue rated content. Grated, neither of them have the popularity of WOW PVP, and having played both of them, neither have the awesome PVP gameplay that WOW has. But saying that these are characteristics of the MMOs as a genre, is 100% false.