Is there a reason to stay in a losing BG?

The only time I AFK out of a bg is when im in a Winter’s Grasp attack and the horde has 25/24 tanks and 2/3’s of the alliance already AFK’ed out, because I rather sit in SW AFK rather than AFK with 25 tanks shooting the graveyard.

Or something IRL requires me to do something.

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if a player doesnt have the incentive to make the effort and join a group where it currently stands, there’s no reason to assume they’ll suddenly make an effort to win just because they can solo-queue rated in the way they do with randoms

Players who don’t/can’t join rated premades won’t make an effort to win?

I don’t agree with that assumption.

Even if it were true, it doesn’t matter. If they make no effort to win, their team will probably lose. Their rating will remain low and they won’t be able to get the better PvP rewards.


We already see players not making an effort to get gear before entering randoms.

People aren’t allowed to gear up in randoms anymore?

We’re not discussing eligibility.

The point is the principle of meritocracy that separates Rated from Random.

You’re in support of those who want the same rewards without the effort of proving themselves to others as a skilled player and a cooperative team-mate.

And it seems you fail to understand what competition is all about. You support a system where someone doesnt need to learn, or develop, or grow, yet should be eligable for the same rewards as those who do.

You don’t seem to understand how the rated system and its rewards work.

If they don’t win, their rating remains low. If their rating remains low, they can’t get the better PvP rewards.

Another player who learns/develops/grows will win more games and have a higher rating. Their higher rating lets them get the better PvP rewards.

Are you worried that the 1400 MMR rewards will be too good or something?

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Then the complaining about the lack of good rewards will start.

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Which defeats the purpose of solo-queue.

Nothing to do with rewards.

And everything to do with maintaining the integrity of meritocracy and valuing fair competition … of which the ilk of the self-entitled and lazy want to deconstruct.

A solo queue doesn’t change that. Better players still get better PvP rewards.

A solo queue uses rating to help form fair teams for fair competitions. If anything, it would have more balanced teams compared to random bgs.

Sorry, maybe someone else can explain it better.

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What is the intention of a solo-queue if not for the reward?

A bunch of pugs with no expectation to do anything that is required of them in it’s present state of RBGs, makes it more or less identical to a random.

If you want better rewards from randoms, it’s better to ask for that, then to bring Rated down to that level.

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The lowest rated bracket where such players reside could have the same exact rewards as random bgs.

If they want better PvP rewards, they’ll need to improve and climb the ladder.

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Solo-queue allows there to be rewards for those that perform well (a meritocracy, as you like it), while also providing the default rewards (similar to current random BG ) for those that don’t perform well.

I don’t think it’s feasible to get better rewards for random BGs without instituting ratings, because of the reasons you mention; it should be a meritocracy and one shouldn’t necessarily get great rewards where there’s zero expectation of performance. Solo-queue rated content solves that problem; those who perform well and climb ratings are subject to the meritocratic system of rewards with higher rating bringing better rewards; those that perform poorly are relegated to the default rewards (in line with what random BGs give today).

Positive side-effects of such a system: better matches for those that perform well, and those that perform poorly, due to the nature of how matchmaking (based on ratings) works

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They want the rewards of rated without putting forth the effort of joining or forming a group.

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Can only speak for myself, but I’d say that I want to lower the barrier of entry (but not the barrier of skill) to rated PVP content and associated rewards, instead of having it gatekept by those that want to force otherwise skilled players into groups , so I suppose it’s true.

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100% least you admit it

Seems like you do too, 100%. At least we’re on the same page.

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I’m curious how many of the people that are against solo ques try to sell rating. If they aren’t solo queing, they have no personal stake in the matter. If the excuse is that it would allow players to remain bad, then congratulations, they just got more players to stomp on. Or is it that they prefer to stomp on people trying to join up with them?

Is it contrarianism?
Is it blind support?
Is it because they sell runs?
Or is it just trolling?

I never understand the persistence to limit the play of others when it doesn’t affect you.


I’m pretty okay with joining groups. Part of the fun of rated BGs is actually joining a team, not random pugs. If I want random players, I do random BGs.

Honor level 398
1600 rbg rating

So you definitely do a lot of randoms going by honor level and your profile. And is 1600 rating really that fun for you?