Is there a reason to stay in a losing BG?

A small part of a bigger game. Like in OW you can switch up toons during matches. It’s a completely different game.

Ooooh solo queue RBGs.

I’d look forward to the forums being full of threads discussing if Elo Hell is a real thing or not.

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That argument applies to unranked queued content (ie randoms) as much as ranked.

Are you against random Bg queues then?

Randoms are fine how they are. And rated BGs are fine how they are, though I wouldn’t be opposed to the 6v6 they were originally going for.

If you are fine with the current options why do you care that other people would be playing a ranked solo queue?

Because where are you getting these players from? It’s either going to destroy randoms or rated, which both are fine as-is.

So your argument against solo queue is that it would popular and lots of people would play it?


Nope. It would ruin both random and rated. Not that it would be popular. Again, luckily Blizz will never implement it.

If it won’t be popular how could it ruin other game modes?

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Because you’re splitting players between 3 different BG queues, 2 arena queues etc…

But if it’s not popular it’s not going to have any effect on randoms.

If it is popular then it justifies its own existence.

Really what your proving is that the current model of ranked needs to be deleted in favour of a modern and convenient ranked queue.

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Nah, rated BGs are fine as they are. If you can’t find a group, that’s a problem with you.

Question: since random BGs are the LFR of PvP, if a solo RBG queue was implemented should there also be a queue for heroic raiding?

Blizzard will eventually implement solo-queuable rated PVP content; they even said they were considering it, in the past, but there were development challenges to overcome. It may not be in SL, but I think it’ll come.

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Ranked matchmaking uses ELO type systems to work out your % chance of winning and by how much.

Not sure how they’d adapt such a system to PVE.

Not very likely at all.

Highly likely.
Edit: realized this is just turning into spam, and I’ll leave that to the pros

Like zero chance.

Like zero still.

I just downloaded REflex and I want to accurately track everything so now I make myself not AFK even in this poor epic bgs as I want to keep accurate stats.