Is there a reason to stay in a losing BG?

Yep, well said.

At least in Legion there was the tiny/off-chance of getting a leggo at the end of a loss. Rewards absolutely matter.

I remember I got my very first legendary from an Arathi Basin loss, right at the end of the match… poof… I was pleasantly surprised by an orange legs piece suddenly appearing in the middle of the screen :money_mouth_face:

In BFA, you get nothing of any value for losing a random bg.

Winning is obviously more fun than losing, so you don’t even get much “entertainment”/fun from a loss in BFA. If it’s a 1-sided loss or GY farm scenario, then it’s even worse.

The Key is to always be winning. You need Tiger Blood. Stomp them early and then farm their GY to break their spirits.

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players would queue for rated and play as they do in randoms

because the reasons why players dont queue for rated, is what separates the two

when you eliminate the reason, you eliminate the difference

And those players would be confined to the lower ranks, exactly as they are in other ranked competitive games.

Absolutely not an argument against solo queue.


it’s a self-defeated purpose then

unless the incentive is for the better rewards per win

of which a solo-queue isnt a good means to remedy the complaint

I mean, this is wow… solo queue will not be an option ever.

You’re using big words that mean nothing.

Solo queue works in every other game it exists in

ELO and it’s derivatives are well known and easy to implement.

WoW is not unique in its complexity or class variety, nor it’s player base.


It is though, because they aren’t adding a solo queue thankfully.

Pointless trolling adds nothing to the discussion.

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It’s not trolling, it’s the truth.

either you fail to grasp the concept , or you’re refusing to understand

rated is founded on the principle of meritocracy

your perspective is an antithesis to it, as a solo-queue removes the incentive for players to improve on their game and teamwork, Rating no longer serves any relevance, and rewards are granted regardless

you name other games in efforts to make a comparison, yet fail to provide meaningful arguments as to how and why

if these are ‘big words’ to you, then I’ll simplify it; you’re like the self-entitled 16-year old McDonald’s checkout operator who demands a change of job title and to be paid the same wage as his senior manager, while remaining as a checkout operator

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Why would a solo queue remove incentive for players to improve? They would still need to climb the ladder for better PvP rewards.


It’s just a game, people play other games ranked solo queue in massive numbers for rewards as sparse as an icon on your profile.

Solo queue is not gonna happen. You’re better off asking for 6v6 like they were planning for BfA but then changed last minute.

Plenty of things won’t happen under this incompetent lawyer turned game director with a history of lying and failure.

Doesn’t mean we can’t discuss hypotheticals.

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It wouldn’t happen with lots of people in charge.

That’s just baseless speculation. Other blizzard games have ranked queues and those people in charge would be an easy lateral move into Ions position.

Other Blizzard games are structured differently. Something like OW is a pure pvp game.

Battlegrounds are a pure PvP game.