Is there a disconnect between Blizzard and the community?

It’s more like there is a disconnect between the community and the community and blizzard us caught in the middle.

Where are these multiple quests that you speak of? You know the ones that give 250x2? Or the ones where I just tag a boss and win? The ones can be done on a Tuesday when I do my campaign work?

I have to disagree with you on this. I don’t know one player who wanted to have to farm 1000 anima at 35/5 increments. Nor do I know anyone who wants to spend their limited time playing flying on flight paths.


I am channeling my inner Annie Lennox.

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Streamers praise blizzard because they fear retribution and exclusion from content… which means killing the golden goose. Streamers cannot be trusted and should not be listened to when expressing their opinion… some interesting but their opinions must always be held suspect; especially when there is obvious disconnect from the forums.


You need more neck!

No. There isn’t a disconnect. They’re playing the game.

The Game Director has been side-by-side playing and reading our chat’s in game since Classic launched. He’s been here longer than the majority of the playerbase has.

Now he develops the game. He literally understands this game more than 99.9% of the community.

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Will try and work on that. Ugh, I hate running out of likes and having to come up with some random reply. Damn using my brain instead of clicking a button.

I agree with you completely. Its rather evident theyve decided on the stick this expansion. And you just think… how have you not learned this lesson already? For cata, see also wod. Players who feel their time is being wasted, or feel that theyve run out content they want to play, dont USUALLY “step up”. What they USUALLY do is unsub and wait for the next content dump/catch up. Just as they did in wod.

And it blows my mind that the community hates these time gates and meta-systems like artifact weapons/azerite power/covenant renown, yet supports the design that absolutely necessitates their existence: To wit! How do we stop casual players cycling their subs? I mentioned this in a post yesterday, but every week of this expansion, the gap between the LFD solo-casual player and the LFG convyor belt to the ‘real’ endgame grows. It wont be long until its completely unbridgeable without pure luck as ilvl/achievement demands start to increase.

Its precisely what happened in WoD. Its precisely why Blizzard bailed on it and skipped a raid tier then threw catch up gear in Tanaan. And its why Legion went heavy on RNG.

Im struggling to think whats different this time? “Hope” that suddenly the stick will magically work when it never has before? That players will be so entranced by their covenant campaign and general storyline that they simply must save anduin/ardenweald and get that transmog? Maaaaaybe… but the wheels are kind of coming off already. And thats worrying.


YES! :clap: This is what the constant hate trolls don’t understand, Ion and the dev team know what they’re doing or we would’ve have the most critically acclaimed WoW expansion out right now!


Not as much as people like to think.

“The community” is not a monolith; it agrees on very, very little.

Players will ask/beg/demand something, and then all too often want the opposite months down the road.

According to some vocal individuals. I think they are getting better at listening.

I am loving Shadowlands.

PLEASE BE CAREFUL: such bald-face lies could get you struck by lightning!


It isn’t a lie that Ion and the dev team are carefully listening to player feedback, a lot of people love Shadowlands and the features it provides!

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Then if I were you I’d avoid these forums. There’s a reason Shamans have to be nerfed regularly. The reason for it is because if they used their full grade lightning on the forums with the conductivity levels they have…


If I was to go the non-cynical route. Simply put Blizzard wanted an even playing field for 99% of the players in Torghast. This is what the whole tier reminds me of. Can't get to far ahead, cant get to farn behind. Eventually grp A will catch up to grp  b in time for the next patch.
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Disagreeing with the Dev’s choices = “they don’t know how to make a good game”

Blizzard listens to players on 10 things = sound of the wind after the single day of praise from people

Blizzard won’t budge on 1 thing = pitchforks, threats of violence, personally insulting developers and those who disagree with them, angry forum posts for months

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It’s hard to look at some of their design choices or changes and not think “ok what is the ulterior motive here?”

Example: when farming old raids for mog, like Blackrock Foundry, tier tokens are gone, and now we loot actual tier pieces for any class. To me, that screams “now it will take longer haha play longer”

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You know that voice… that quite whisper in your ear…

The one that every casual player eventually hears…

The one that says,
‘ipps, why are you doing these world quests?’
So i can get better gear!
“Why do you want better gear?”
So i can finish my world quests faster.

Im starting to hear it already. Its barely a whisper. I cant quite work it out right now because theres so many moving parts in game distracting me. But im definitely starting to hear it. This is a huge concern.


This is not what is happening… nobody is advocating for giving 100% of everything to everybody; to even bring this up is disingenuous and an attempt at devaluing peoples opinion.

Whole segments of the playerbase are dissatisfied - the game has taken a terrible turn towards unnecessary complexity, grinding and difficulty. In addition, the current balance is terrible. The Maw and Torgast are garbage for many classes and race combinations. The game is especially hostile for casual players. For example, the last round of tuning was not to make it easier for solo DPS players, rather the chose to nerf things to make it harder for tanks and healer classes. This is the kind of insult and disrespect to casual players that Blizzard has been exhibiting lately.


It doesn’t matter if a lot of people like it - we don’t even know how many people like it, as a matter of fact. It matters what it is.

The fact that Ion sees everything in Shadowlands as a success that just needs tuning is very telling. The game isn’t fun. It has a plethora of chores that lock progression behind it, and it’s not fun to play. The expansion from its very design is flawed and bad.

Him saying he was happy with how covenants turned out is just so obviously out of touch. It’s not fun for the vast majority of players to have to pick power over preference, which is what they did.