Is the pre-patch event bugged/untested/unfinished or is this some kind of joke?

I love how I’ve already seen 2 bosses bug and not spawn at all. Also love getting mail epic bracers as a reward as a rogue.

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That is unfortunate.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

please we have 10 posts for pre patch event, you want blizzard to listen, dont open new post, use the existing ones

the one with most comments is

how? I’ve done the event once have no interest in ever stepping back in it and I love to farm things…this is worse than plunderstorm and that didn’t thrill me…at least it felt like it had a point.

uh, I’m at 13,500. I’ve done 6 events so far. 9 more to go. that’s about 34k a week for me and my 5 characters.

Based on every other modern pre-patch and following expansion, the pre-patch items will likely arrive on some TWW repeating event vendor that uses the same currency. This has been the case since at least the Legion pre-patch going forward.

So the good news is there’s really no reason to do it or worry about the collections right now, other than to keep yourself busy if you can’t find something better to do.

But it’d be nice if these things were designed to be enjoyable and not to keep bored players who might stick around busy.

the problem is. literally doing anything else in this game is “better to do” then this.

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Who the hell wants to do this on 5 characters every single week? Awful awful design.

You gotta look at this from Blizzard’s perspective.

The biggest feature in War Within is Warband.

It’s okay. But mostly ho hum and a large part of the customer base doesn’t even care.

So they needed a reason for people to use Warband.

Hence, create an event that forces you to run on 30+ characters in order to have any chance of earning all the mogs, mounts, and pets.

Now you need Warband! Transfer Warband items. And all that currency you have spread across 30+ characters. Warband currency transfer!

See? Now you love Warband!

who the hell wants to run raids, LFR and up, on multiple characters every single week? just as awful but people still do it.

the boss isn’t even spawning at the moment. It’s completely bugged and the radio silence from the devs. Not even a “we know it’s happening and are trying to figure it out”

My problem is the event keeps not pipping happened 4 times in a row

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Yeah total ducking disaster!!! Boss doesn’t spawn, or not able to fly after stage 2, so don’t get the boss kill. WTG

Then they should have made a prepatch event that facilitated leveling an army of alts like the legion prepatch event.


Seriously, why aren’t the zones on a 30 minute offset cycle?

A = 0 min
B = 30 min
C = 60 min
A = 90 min

This way they are all 90 minutes, but you can find one every half hour.

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IDK if this would really land the same way with Remix still up.

How did so many players become so spoiled and entitled. Are we all reverting to our four-year-old selves? Mommy bought us popsicles, but they are orange and not red so we need to have a several-day long meltdown?

they were described as weeklies on the wowhead page, and having now gone past a reset I can confirm the quests are not up again on any of my characters that did them already

> Be hype for prepatch event
> Sit down and log in to wow
> Character loads in
> Greeted with a bunch of windows to close out of—talents reset, new stuff to do in wow, Details! add-on reset, etc.
> Absentmindedly accept event quest to get all the windows off my screen, not realizing what it was
> Google where to go for prepatch event in wow 2024 tww
> Portals hidden behind a translocator in the version of Dalaran from 4 expansions ago
> Instantly get 1-shot after using portal because campers
> Res, grab the quest, fly over to the orb thingies on the map
> Am excite to clap the big prepatch boss—expecting a dragon or fel reaver or something
> Just see regular mobs that drop 1 residue each
> Doubting myself—am I in the right place?
> Do mental calculus to figure out how many boars I’m gonna have to kill to afford the mount
> Group with some randos to start farming
> They say the big boss spawns every hour and a half and that he drops 500 residue and there’s a quest that rewards 1,500
> Do more mental calculus to figure out when I’m even gonna be able to log in again
> Log back in a few hours later
> 2 minutes until the next big boss spawn
> Can finally do what I wanted to do 3 hours ago hide_the_pain.jpg
> First 4 mini bosses killed by opposing faction in 0.3 ̅ sec
> Only 5 mini bosses apparently
> Get loot from 1
> Big boss spawns—finally
> Overwhelmed by opposing faction players
> Am dying fast
> Get invited to a raid group
> Accept invitation
> Big boss dies
> No quest credit because raid group


Nope, Blizzard decided to change colors for quests for some reason? not sure why the old standard Yellow, Blue, etc were changed anyway? Regardless, these are weekly quests, unfortunately