Is the pre-patch event bugged/untested/unfinished or is this some kind of joke?

The past few expansions (since Legion pre-patch) have been little tastes of what’s to come with the ability to easily gear up an alt so it’s ready to level in the upcoming new expansion. The pacing for this doesn’t match up with previous pre-patch events. The pacing for this seems like a X.X.7 patch type of event.

The items cost way too much and the rate at which we acquire the currency is way too low for a limited time month long pre-patch. These prices wouldn’t be bad if the ability to get them last for the entire TWW expansion. The gear being upgradeable seems weird as well. Who’s going to farm flightstones and crests to upgrade this stuff? It should just be a single ilvl.

The event boss for each zone only spawning once per cycle seems like an oversight as well. Why on earth would you not make it respawn? This is a prime example of Blizzard not respecting the players time. Oh and the weekly quest to kill the three bosses, not raid grouped friendly…


Yes to everything.


you get 1500 from each of the three weekly quests, that also necessitate killing the boss which gives you an extra 500. that’s 6k per week, per character as the weeklies are not tied to any one character, rewarding an account-wide currency (you can just slurp up memories from your main on your alt to buy more gear).

It’s so the gear is on par with the other 480s you’ve been able to acquire all season, why buy these 480s when those ones went up to 502?

The event takes 10 minutes to do. You log in at the time get 2k memories and log out. On par with every other event this entire expansion. The players time is being respected just fine, the one disrespecting their time are the ones farming memories for 1 per mob.


A joke… a really unfunny joke.


Which event in Dragonflight is on a 90 minute rotation, in which you can only do it on 1 character (at most) in that window, giving you enough currency to purchase 1 (cheapest) item from the vendor?


Time Rifts.

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Siege on dragonbane keep is longer, at 2 hours. Can also only be done on 1 character each cycle and gives at most 1 item that may be an item you already have or otherwise don’t need because it is random.

Also, blizzard has stated that the event is going to increase in frequency over time. Have some damn patience before you talk about time being respected or not. Minor sidenote: I got 3 warbound items doing the event once on my hunter while also getting enough currency to get a 4th item that I can choose what I get. Actually play the game before you complain about it too.


I stand corrected. Blizzard has been consistent in making terrible events this expansion.

I don’t care what it’s gonna be like 1 week from now. I’m talking about right now. It’s the worst, laziest and most alt unfriendly pre-patch event in at least half a dozen expansions.


They’ve made great events all expansion. There are ones that are on timers and ones that are active constantly.

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got 3 warbound items in 10 minutes of doing the event (random items but i got them), got enough currency for a fourth as well. Play the game before you complain about it like fr, sorry you didn’t get served a full set of 480 gear in 5 minutes…


Ugh. So we now have warband, but we still need to run event on multiple characters so we can redo the quest? Instead of just having the currency drop on bosses for one character continuously and then we can, you know, take advantage of warband?


i just don’t get why they would make it so if you’re not in the zone within 3 mins of the boss spawning you have to wait another 90 mins rofl

genuinely awful design


I did play the game. Now I’m in the “wait 80 minutes” phase of this incredible, engaging event.


It really makes me wonder how much of the WoW team is working on their first xpac cuz it feels like they dont have much experience with the way things are going.


Did you though? Or did you afk through the event and only tag the boss? Because I feel like you would have noticed how much gear was dropping if you actually played the game for the events…

This is definitely NOT one of them.


This has got the be the most boring pre-expansion event I have experience so far in WoW and the only one I missed was the pre-TBC event. Regardless of the timer it is on, it is just flat boring. Not something I want to cycle my alts through to get the weekly quests to max out currency.


Breaking a bone sucks but cancer is worse.

Don’t justify a timegated mess because something worse exists in game. They both suck, and it should be fixed.


I have. And because the gear that drops is completely random, I’ve gotten 1 piece of gear I can actually equip, along with 3 replicas of some boots. I’ve done it 3 times, that’s close to 4 hours and I am still about 500 currency short from buying a SINGLE WEAPON.

And that’s all just for 1 character. I am dreading doing this for my 14 other alts and in addition farming the currency for the mounts and pets.


Its actually both, and its been this way for awhile and per usual Blizzard ignored feedback, so here we are.