Is the pre-patch event bugged/untested/unfinished or is this some kind of joke?

Go do something else works for a game you aren’t paying for a subscription.

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Wait all month, do a few quests and be done for the week. Rinse repeat until the expansion in what 3 weeks. This is laughable.

Just finished my second event.

Why isn’t sharding turned on?
Why didn’t I receive loot for defeating the lich king for the first time? I got credit for the weekly quest because I’m being forced into playing the alt game for this badly made pre-patch event.

Why isn’t there more to this? Why isn’t there secondary things to do while waiting for the “big thing” if that was the design philosophy?

This is horrible, even if it’s only “day 1”. It’s bad.

Edit: Heck, even the Shadowlands experience had more than this. And it was even more enjoyable because it was a set rotation of “rare” spawns that were easily done on an alt. And you had daily quests to accomplish while “waiting” for the “rare” spawns to spawn.

Or even the Dragonflight experience. Constantly going. easy to do. Easy to jump in. The wait time was small.

Furthermore, You don’t even get anything for completing the pre-patch events questline. Nothing. Not even a high-five.

Further edit: Not even the Voice-overs are working. So you cant even hear the NPC’s talk about the events going on. You have ot read it all.

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I am going with this some kinda of a joke , op

Even when this goes to 30 min it’s still going to be dull; it lasts 5 minutes, tops, so, ya, your event is 15% content up from 5% in two weeks, that’s still bad, though. It’s both so short as to be unfulfilling and also so infrequent as to get me to log off between events.

Don’t pop all of the events simultaneously; I’d like to participate; do them sequentially and make them timed or at least longer.

If you DO have to have downtime, (and I can’t understand why you would have your event go idle, but whatever), give us some random spawning rares or something. But generally if you want to have downtime, make it different or slower but not as much of nothing as it is now.

This is beyond disappointing.

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Demanding my time be scheduled around an event where the objective is eliminated in less than 5 minutes every 90 minutes is not respecting my time, it’s holding it hostage. Respecting my time would be allowing the boss to respawn and giving us ample opportunity to get all of the items from this limited event, like numerous previous events. Pre-Patch events are supposed to be fun, a celebration, something to get us hyped for the next expansion. This event is currently doing the exact opposite for so many.

In fact, I think it’s really lame that we don’t have fun end of expansion power boost we had in Legion (unstable Artifact Weapons) BFA (Corruption going bonkers) and SL (Double Legendries), something like making all gear upgrades cost nothing. Let us go wild for the last month of the expansion.


Not to mention that in previous pre-patch events the gear provided was higher than what a normal player would/could normally get.

in this case, the gear dropping/being provided should be in the Heroic raid level. Cause why not. like you said, Let us go wild in this last little hoorah of the old expansion and the first hoorah of the new one.

If they wanted us to log in everyday I would’ve preferred a daily queue per alt for a scenario. And then come back tomorrow.


This pre-patch is so sub par.
My first issue is that when I got home from work, I was caught between the event timer. So I had to wait to even do this event.

Then when you actually get to the event, there is so little content to do before the 90 minute timer again.

So I effectively get to do this once per day if I am unlucky with the timer due to work and other responsibilities in life.

Cool, thanks Blizzard.


I’m pretty those are dailies. Weeklies have a yellow exclamation mark.

ooppssyy I thought this was for Remix

From my understanding, it’s supposed to be spread out, closer to TWW the bosses will be respawning every 30 mins, so I assume you will be getting far more currency than we do now.

It has to be a joke. It lasts 3 mins (don’t be late lol), and it’s mainly just traveling from one spot to the next. It’s so dumb I’m laughing.

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I try to stay positive - there was some effort put in; but the main issue is the current devs clearly do not understand WoW or who actually plays this game still.

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That is the intended way this is going to work. And I don’t have an issue with that.

My main issue is that the timer is too long as it stands now.

I can already tell that there will be days that I will physically be unable to do this event at all as it stands right now because I will literally be unable to get to the game within the time frame.

So more/less currency doesn’t really help this situation. 0 is still going to be 0.

I really just wish/hope they change the timers sooner than they said so that the events starting going every 30 minutes now.

So I actually have a chance to play


Even more fun, getting online at the right time, completing the mini-events, and having the boss not spawn - what a waste of development time to waste player time.

I thought this funny also.
Voice-overs didn’t even work. Cant even enjoy that part of the event lol

Absolutely no effort went into this event. It’s just another cut and paste repeatable world quest with a horrific timer designed to timegate your playtime until the expac actually comes out…

Throw in all the bugs over the last couple of weeks and I’ve lost all motivation for it now quite frankly.


Rejoice, the game has been saved by microsoft and Chris Metzen… not. haha
Imagine putting all your trust in something that doesn’t even matter in the slightest.

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When a prepatch event is designed to be less fun than normal quests.

Not a good look.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: