Is the pre-patch event bugged/untested/unfinished or is this some kind of joke?

What a horrible way to think. “You don’t like something, shut up and move on”. I can’t imagine what the world would be like if everyone just blindly accepted everything that came their way.

One of the main points of these forums is to share feedback and criticism, not just glaze Blizzard on the daily.


I got a pair of legs, but they now have red text that reads, “This item cannot be transmogrified”.

Well, that just stinks. :frowning:

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Yup : /

Imagine if there were world quests to do in those zones, or mini bosses. Or literally ANYTHING after the boss is killed.


This is the same kind of responses many players were receiving for their very valid complaints of Shadowlands.

When players start responding with these dismissive thoughts, some players give up on trying to give feedback, going silent and eventually leaving as they feel that no matter what kind of feedback they give… They shouldn’t have given it and should just quit.

It’s really sad. One can hope that one day, we can all have a civil discourse that doesn’t revolve around dismissive thoughts. Stop telling players who are giving feedback because they love something and want it improved that they should just stop playing. That we should, in essence, Shut up Wesley.

Bro you don’t get it, just schedule your entire life around a video game.



The main point of these forums is to talk about the game generally, complaints and feedback have their own form you can fill out where you’re free to be a hater as much as you please.

Has nothing to do with Microsoft. This is all Blizzard Entertainment.

I’m the literal definition of a casual player and I logged on in hopes of getting into some pre expansion action but I ended up standing around waiting for things to happen. I only play for an hour or so here and there and after doing the into quests it was just waiting. Kind of boring I gotta say.


Needing to set an alarm to log in at a specific time to do the one boss for a 90 minute window is not respecting the players’ time in any way, shape, or form. If it was a 90 minute window in which you could, at any point, do the event, that would be different. This ‘event’ as it stands lasts for less than 5 minutes at a time.


I cannot tell you how glad I am that you are part of an incredibly tiny minority of people who feel this way. This game would’ve died a long time ago if people like you had a bigger voice.


Dude clearly doesn’t own a phone. /s


I think they added extra zero on the prices by mistake.

You’ve gone talking to a wall. I would walk away before you drive yourself crazy.


At least the wall stays quiet. Wish she would too.

100% right. its a joke

Don’t we all, my friend. Don’t we all.

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thats what I was thinking!!! Like how the hell can you buy everything even if you do this 3 times a week. its insane

Blizz, seriously, whatever needs to be said for you to warm up the developers enough to hotfix this just use your imagination and imagine that I’ve already done told you twice

It is beyond amazing to me that ANYBODY would defend this trash.

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