Is the pre-patch event bugged/untested/unfinished or is this some kind of joke?

the thread is about the idea that “your time isn’t being respected” when condensing the reward period to a shortened window and putting that window on a timer IS respecting time. you need to participate for 10 minutes if that out of 90. The rest of it is the infinite grind for people who are not you because the very idea of an infinite grind does not respect time. “Go do something else for 80 minutes” is a perfectly fine response to delusional people who think the event ought to be both infinite and time rewarding.

Thats the big problem say the event starts at 2 by you go in at 2:05 boss is dead by then 1 1/2 hour wait till next boss no that not respecting players time.


Go in at 1:55 instead then? Hard concept…

What about those who, like me, and your response of “Go do something else for those 80 minutes” when you first log in, get hyped for the pre-patch event and being able to go do it… Just to see “Wait 80 minutes for the next one.”?

That’s not respecting my time. Is it potentially respecting that player who has entire days off, or doesn’t work, or is on summer vacation? Sure. Maybe.

What would respect everyones time, is for it to be repeating. Once the boss dies, the event starts back up again. For 90 minutes per zone. Endlessly going.

You should not design content around the players who will sweat it out. THat only shortchanges those players who do not engage in that kind of behavior. Trying to fix that kind of issue, only makes it more abundant.


Good expansion?? One can only hope …

its to farm time played metrics. Game might be going dark because of designs like these. Shadowlands suffered alot because of how much time it made players waste for such metrics. Like the 10min flight paths between zones, or the no mount rule in the maw. This event making you wait is another example.

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You can get multiple random drops per event (in two events I’ve had 4.) These are warbound so you send them to an alt. The alt than does LFR and gets a ton of bullion because they haven’t raided this patch. This nets you a ton of additional cosmetics. That character can than also participate in the event and get the 1.5K reward and than transfer that to your main.

Also don’t spend your currency until you get most of the items and than use it as a bad luck protection.

I feel like they are trying to teach people to take advantage of the warbound system.


my response to people like you remains the same. Do, something, else. You know exactly when the event will be, do your washing, cooking, cleaning, etc in the time the event isn’t up for so you’re available when it is. Blizzard has already said the event will become more frequent over time so if this is truly untenable for you now then just wait until later.

The one not respecting time is you, blizzard is not under obligations to cater to your niche schedule in the game you opted in to playing.

I’m sorry that we cannot see eye to eye on this. The kind of responses of “Go do something else” is exactly why Shadowlands had such a hard falling out. The response of “If you don’t like it, then don’t do it.” The response of “Just wait to do it later.” It is entirely dismissive. You’re literally telling me to stop playing the game I wish to play. Then stating, It’s my fault for wanting to play.

one can hope that you are doing nothing but attempting internet trolling, AT which, I guess you succeeded.


Its like that guy who tells a really awful joke that is not funny and borderline offensive.
Hes chuckling away at his joke and everyone else is glancing at him from the sides of thier eyes going “W.T.H was that?”


Yep. Was gonna say the same thing. lol

All of the Above and not funny. At least not to my sense of humor, and I have a pretty sarcastic sense of humor.

There is nothing wrong with needing to wait for an event to start, we’ve had an entire expansion of doing that actually and if we want to talk about gameplay additions that happened during massive sub drops lfg and lfr top that list, and nothing is causing burnout now quite like great vault does. Something tells me you’d argue against the removal of any of those however…
Morover I’d rather be seen as a troll than be seen as someone who pays a sub just to log into the forums and complain about the game that they pay money to play. If you’re unhappy then there is nothing wrong with playing something else, something you feel respects your time more, somehow. Whatever that buzz word means as near as I can tell “respecting time” is just code for faster gibs.

I need 50k to get everything I want and this is a LIMITED TIME EVENT. The timer is awful for a LIMITED TIME EVENT. Things like Siege of Dragonbane Keep aren’t limited time, they are there forever if you miss it a few times you aren’t screwed.


My “Complaints” are to try to help the game I love become better.

The day I stop “Complaining” is the day I’ve given up on this great game.

But yes, another dismissive thought. The great old “If you don’t like it, just leave.” remark.


6000 memories in a week when it costs 318,000 to buy all of the stuff? Not enough time to buy it without grinding 24/7. Absolutely idiotic.

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You get your wish, I logged out, now playing ESO. Will I carefully watch the clock to switch back for the next event. Not likely. The rewards are not compelling enough for that. The gear is stuff that will be obsolete quickly after the expansion drops next month, I couldn’t care less about transmogs. The mount is a wind rider reskin and costs 20,000. I already have 560 odd mounts, a mount has to be a lot more compelling than a reskin of one of the oldest mounts in the game. The companions do nothing for me. 32 slot bags? I have those already. The event needs to be on a 20 to 30 min timer, not 90. It is over in under 10 mins. I should be able to log in, complete the 3 weeklies on an alt in an hour and half tops, not 4.5 hours. Add to that, the event itself is a boring little zerg fest. Yawn.


Oh the memories that are completed in minutes and don’t refresh making people wait over 80 minutes until the next one just to do the same thing over again? This is just terrible Blizzard, please fix.

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Your complaints are your opinions. My opinions are that yours are ridiculous and would serve only to recreate the “do something for 4 hours then have nothing to do for 3 weeks” events of old.

No more or less dismissive than calling everyone who disagrees with you a troll, wouldn’t expect you to get that though.

its all a joke, a good damn joke