Is the pre-patch event bugged/untested/unfinished or is this some kind of joke?

This information is wrong, 6k per week is 2 pieces, that’s only half a set of gear by the time the event is done.

And it takes longer than 10 minutes if you log in inbetween boss spawns, and you gotta keep logging in at specific times, which most people don’t have the windows for.

This event is trash.


Just lot of people day one issues so general once a year kinda thing sadly lol.

Too much time and effort spent on Plunderbust and MOP Remix.


We need red shirt guy.

wORkIng aS inTenDeD cough why do our retail subs keep falling off - Blizz . I also imagine blizz bends backwards for some old sweat dev who is like WE HAVE TO GATE KEEP 480 GEAR EVEN THOUGH THE EXPANSION IS NEXT WEEK OR THE FILTHY CASUALS WIN and there like okay BOOMER joe lets get you to bed but there also like were just gonna leave this awful so we don’t have to hear him rant in the office again.


I logged in to find the event already over. I got in right as it said “1 hour and 20 minutes”. So now my only option is engage in mindless, repeating, grinding of enemy mobs.

This event is supposed to be a fun, engaging content for players to bring excitement into the new expansion. Give players something to do that’s new.

This isn’t fun. I have yet to engage in this new event at all, and I’ve been online for an hour. OF my very limited timeframe of being able to play.

Additionally, a player shouldn’t be forced or be expected to play the alt farm game in order to actually be able to get items. THose that do, sure they can get things maybe faster than the single character but it shouldn’t be such a massive gap. I shouldn’t feel the need to log into each of my alts on a 90 minute rotating timer just to be able to get the time limited items this event now has.

But yes, excuse me for, as you put it, Not having any dang patience or not playing the event. I have limited time, and I have yet to be able to even experience this event in its fullness after playing the game for an hour already.


Isnt it basically one random chance at a piece of gear per memory thing you complete? Gear hasnt dropped from trash for me at all.


I really don’t understand why it’s only 1 zone every hour and a half. It feels REALLLY bad this way. It’s missing that frantic fun feeling that’s supposed to be a part of pre release events.


“Is this an out of season April Fool’s joke?”


August fools joke. Memba, when pre release felt epic. Like when you were going to open a gate, or destroy a shoreline and stuff mattered to the actual story… Yeah, welcome to Microsoft.


Even the Shadowlands Prepatch event was better than this, and we all know how that expansion went.

If a bad expansion had a good pre-patch event… What does a bad pre-patch event forbode about the upcoming expansion?

or, crazy idea, do something else for 80 minutes.

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While, yes, you are correct. That is one dismissive way of ignoring the general complaint about the event.

I want to play the event right now. Not sit around famring for 80 minutes, or do things I’ve already been doing for the last 2 years… or doing other things that I’ve been doing for the past 17.


That does sound crazy. What would you like to do for a month?

Yeah, its called log out and go play something else or go mow the lawn etc. Anything except play WoW. Which is certainly not the reaction Blizz wants.

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You need to go do your research. All of this is wrong.


Farm old raids for mog now that it’s less painful to do so, come back every 90 minutes to do a memory then go back to what I was doing before. Almost like there’s more things to do in this game than just this 1 thing, or hell play other games.

This thread is about the pre-patch event. Your response to the complaints is “go do something else”. That does not sound like an enthusiastic endorsement of the event to me. You are dying on a wrong hill.


I like how they clearly wanted to make it a bit more of a grind. Well, unless they really messed up and just had no idea what they were doing with this and thought they were doing the same thing as the previous pre-patches. But they made it way too much of a grind – and way too boring.

Grinds can be more fun with RNG and milestones. This is the most basic and rawest of what a grind can be. Just one by one killing a mob for a payout that you’ll get in a month maybe.

But this payout becomes immediately obsolete so it makes the grind even more demoralizing.

Not very well thought through. And I hope they don’t take this and say “Well I guess people don’t want grinds”.


I want to play this game. I want to play this pre-patch event and experience it like it should be experienced. I don’t want to do the same things I’ve already been doing the past 2 years, or the same things I’ve been doing for the past 17. Yes, I know, I can now get more for the same time But I’ve already done them so much.

I wanted to experience this new thing. This, what is supposed to be an awesome, inspiring, getting me hyped up for the expansion pre-patch event. Not, this.

I finally got to “experience” an event. And it was nothing short of a lag induced fever dream. By the time I got an inkling of what was going on, it was over. I sometimes couldn’t even cast a spell on some mobs before they just disappeared.