Is the new Rexxar model a sign that we will get playable ogres?

To check the comparison between Rexxar model (sans mask) and the old ogre model, copy the following link, paste it and remove the space before the .com.

imgur .com/gallery/OCb75AA

When you remove the gear assets, the new Rexxar model is incredibly detailed. Too detailed for something that’s meant to be hidden. The model itself is based on the new Kul Tiran model, but the amount on details, specially in the face, make me believe that Blizzard is working on new models for the old world ogres. Blizzard wouldn’t spend resources on a face that is meant to not be seen.

Another possibility is that the model is meant for a mok’nathal allied race, but Rexxar’s face is too much like the old ogre’s in HD (check the tusks, eyes, ears. Everything matches). Plus, Rexxar’s 6-pack could very well be custom-made for his model, while the playable one could keep the kul tiran belly, looking more like an ogre.

Be it pure-blood ogres or mok’nathal, it’s about time we get some ogrish guys added to the Horde, don’t you think?

However, I wouldn’t expect them before patch 8.3.5.


Rexxar is only half ogre.


This meaning we’re going to see another update to world models, sure. I can follow that line of reasoning. Rexxar getting a fancy new model being a “sign” that we’re close to having playable Ogres is a bit of a stretch though. And game companies give models ridiculous levels of detail that just wind up being obscured by gear all the time.

It means that Rexxar got a new model.


So, in the expansion with “allied races” as a main feature that will be expanded over the patches, it’s to much to think that a HD ogre model based on another new playable model may mean we could end up with playable ogres (or mok’nathal)?

Yes, if the only reason you even came to that conclusion is because Rexxar (who isn’t even a full-blooded Ogre) received a model bump. Like it’s one thing if Blizzard announced we were getting a straight up high-fidelity Ogre model, you could argue that that’s a sign of them prepping for an Ogre AR. But saying “Rexxar got a model upgrade and he’s related to Ogres so that must mean we’re going to see Ogre model upgrades which must mean we’re going to be getting playable Ogres” is a sizable stretch.

That doesn’t mean we can’t or wont eventually see playable Ogres, but the basis for your conclusion is tenuous.

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Rexxar model is way more than just “a model revamp”. It has details behind the mask that do not make sense, starting by the fact that the head is a HD version of the old ogre head, only lacking the horn. The model seems to have been built over another model.

Maybe Blizzard is just working in new HD ogres, like it did with quillboars, troggs or yetis, but this time the model is not based on the old one. It’s based on a playable race, which requires a lot more detail.

While evidence that Blizzard is working on playable ogres (or mok’nathal) is thin at this point, seeing you quickly disregarding the possibility is like it would feel for people disregarding Saurfang’s straight back as a sign of possible straight-backed orc models.

I’d understand the disbelief if it were any other expansion, but BfA has the allied race system as one of its main features. We already had 6 “new” races, we know 2 more are coming in 8.1.5, and we know more will come later.

This Rexxar model hints at work being done on ogres (or mok’nathal) with a playable skeleton as a base. Ogres are one of the most requested playable races for years, and Rexxar’s face is amazingly detailed for something hidden under a cowl. Do not disregard it so fast.

Rexxar is only mostly Ogre. Mostly.

Doesn’t matter.

Look at his facial features and compare to the low-res ogre face. Same tusks, same eyes, same ears, same nose. All it lacks is the horn.

Rexxar model could very well be based on a WiP ogre model (playable or otherwise). Or, like I mentioned in the OP, we could get mok’nathal instead of full-blooded ogres.

Ffs, people need to stop with these “Omg new race!” threads just because they see a race that is capable of being playable. Sorry to be negative but we just got a TON of new Races, we don’t need more any time soon. Just about to get Zandalari and Kul’tiran too.

It would just be like me seeing a Naga or Bristleboar and saying “Wow these could be a playable WoW Race!1!!!1”

We know more allied races are coming. It’s a matter of seeing what is likely and what is not and speculate.

I see Rexxar as a hint that, at least, new HD ogre models may be coming ahead. However, the fact that he’s based on the kul tiran skeleton instead of the old ogre skeleton may also hint at aiming to make these new models playable.

Allied races sofar have been just reskins of existing races. Ogres aren’t a reskin of any already playable race. Sure they share a skeleton with the boomchickens but that’s not really a playeable race now is it.

Rexxar model is based on the kul tiran skeleton. Playable ogres (or mok’nathal) could very well be based on kul tirans as well.

Kul tirans are the only totally new playable skeleton made for this expansion (male Zandalari is based on night elf model, with troll-based animations). I won’t be surprised if Blizzard reuses it on another playable race.

Occam’s Razor approach is the best approach.

Then apply Occam’s Razor to Rexxar’s HD face hidden under a mask that looks exactly like an HD ogre model.

At the very least, it indicates that some work has been done on new ogre models.

It does not indicate anything other than Rexxar getting a more detailed model. There is nothing more to see there. Come back when you see an actual ogre with a more detailed model and then your theory might have some substance.

Then yes, they will be an Allied Race at sometime in the future. No one knows what that date is or even if it will be in this expansion. They haven’t even added the eight allied races that were already announced yet.

I can’t wait for the beaver, bear, and stag allied races. They all received model updates in BfA as well.

It’s a sign that Rexxar will get a not-2008 era model. Most, if not all, updates to NPCs and their very unique, very player-incompatible models never translate in any manner to players.

The last time an NPC update actually affected players options at all was when they changed all Blood Elf bow animations to not look super dumb because they couldn’t bear looking at Alleria firing the bow like it was going to shoot “her” instead of an arrow, which is what the animation looked like until that point.

What about Saurfang’s straight back? Or Liadrin’s new golden eyes?

More likely a sign that Rexxar will become the new Warchief.

Though, like everyone, I think ogres would be a great addition.

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