Is the new mount from Final Fantasy?

No you put a chit eating grin on this cat and it will look just like the Chester Cat of Alice in Wonderland…

What are you talking about . We are playing a game that looks like it falls into the category of late 60s to mid 80s Saturday cartoon graphics . Take out the fighting and this whole game is World of Cutecraft.

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The new mount is bait.

It’s for FF14 players to come try WoW.

Watch how fast they complain about not being able to play all classes on one toon.

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Along with Yuffie, you have Cloud and Aerith in the game too and have been so for a while. This isn’t the first time WoW has dipped into FF territory.


Foxes look out of place too!

New mount looks inspired by the cat from Alice in Wonderland.

no more out of place then a lolmouse or pig ffs

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. . . am I seriously the only one getting a semi Norse vibe from this mount? They kinda remind me of a fiery giant version of a Norwegian forest cat . . . Fel I’d want two of em to pull a chariot akin to Freya’s. (10 points if ya get what I’m referring to. 50 if ya don’t google it)

And Blizzard is been known to put in a mount with hidden messages in it or part of it to what the next up coming expansion going to have it in.

It looks way out of place. Hate it. Not because of the cash shop.

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I would love to see the numbers of how many FF14 players saw the cat mount are were like “I’m going to go check out WoW.”

Well, we already have an airship and if my chocobo I mean hawkstrider could fly.

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I tought the same.

I want wow to keep an aesthethic cohesion. Sam Didier did an amazing job and he really ditch that artstyle. I want that wow keep their work alive.

That artstyle is the soul of WoW

They’ve got a fat cat mount. Why would they bother? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think balance is best.

Too much cute and it doesn’t look like WoW. And considering WoW already looks kind of cartoony, if it loses it’s base style it will look embarrassing.

But that being said, we also can’t have wannabe Sam Didier everywhere or we get the Cata-BFA female Worgen.

Cute has a place. So does grr mad muscle edgy.

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I liked the beta worguens, they actually had hairstyles :sob:

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Same. And they didn’t even look “cute”, I don’t get the complaints they got! And then girls had to suffer with were-chihuahuas for a decade because some weirdos got uncomfortable.

Ever since then, I just instinctively bristle when Blizz releases art and it looks passably okay and scowl/snarl-less. Female Worgen. Never forget.

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Those weirdos are the reson I can’t have playable Ogres as a playable race, cuz their females aren’t normally “Cute” or “attractive”

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Yup. No make pp happy, no make race. :frowning:

Same reason we probably won’t ever get something as out there as Sethrak.

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