Is the new mount from Final Fantasy?

Heh. I knew how I felt about the mount when I saw the official video promo for it, but it manages to look even worse in actual use. Nice.

Hmm… so next expansion is either the dragon isles or has to do with the light seeing as tauren paladins are also known as Sunwalkers

Balance Druids’ Solar Magics are considered Life Magic…

Sun is tied to Life just as much as it is Light.

Fun fact: Elune is heavily indicated to be the creator of the Naaru due to not only the myths spoken of by Khadgar but by Light’s Heart(which only reacts to Xe’ra’s descendants or ancestors not her siblings, cousins, nephews or nieces) reacting to the Tears of Elune.

Both Elune and An’she have ties to Life and Light somehow. Elune’s sister the Winter Queen AKA the Blue Moon on the other hand is tied to Twilight(as her Death Magic Spells use the word Twilight in them) but not Shadow/Void.

Elune and An’she are naturally of the Pantheon of Life and judging from the Green Eyes of the Cat… An’she is not a good guy(as Il’gynoth states: The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.). Probably corrupted by a Lady Nathrezim to Denathrius’s schemes in all likelihood.

I am looking for clues or hints about the next expansion now.

I’m theorizing that it might be a void/light expac.

Turalyon is running stormwind now, boy king is nowhere to be found, Turalyon is obsessed with the light in such a fanatical fashion that he’d willingly sacrifice anyone to appease it. Reminds me of that space goat in alternate draenor who tried to forcefully convert the mag’har before we save most of them.

Alleria is void and regardless of all the training she’s done with locus walker, she seems to be losing control more than maintaining it.

Locus walker is another suspicious character as well. Reminds me of venari with all her secrets.

Also we know the light isn’t this good thing. It near devastated revendreth, it tried to forcefully convert illidan against his will.

Not saying the void is any better but then again we’ve yet to see actual void interactions, only old God stuff and I doubt that’s a proper introduction to void.

Also from what we’ve heard the light has near devastated the void worlds. Crystals of light everywhere. Whose to say we haven’t been missled this whole time.

really I am starting to feel FF is really messing up WoW and I am all set with playing FF online…ever.

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Then no one at Blizzard actually owns cats


It looks a version of Disney’s Cheshire Cat. And that makes it out of place, yes.

It’s cute, don’t get me wrong. But I won’t pay for it. tokens or otherwise. They don’t get rewarded for this, when most of the SL mounts are hideously ugly.

I saw some tool sitting on one is SW, like he had just conquered some great trial to get it. When did sliding your bank card become an achievement?

I dont think he was doing it to brag. He probably afked in the city.

He was moving. And there for over an hour…

We are medieval intergalactic time traveling paranormal fighting space grunts and people think things like the cat don’t fit .

Nothing about this game fits and that is actually what makes it work for some reason .

Hmm. I don’t know then. Could be alot of different reasons but I digress

That needs to be a title all players can get.

It was too long so they shortened it to

Mall Walker

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Yeah…it’s just an awkward aesthetic for WoW’s typical style. I guess we’re going in the direction of FF mounts where they don’t care about the overall game’s aesthetic. Like having a huge car in the middle of a small medieval-aged looking town lol.

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Disney cats don’t fit. It’s not World of Cutecraft.


Whereas after seeing one in the wild, this is the first mount I’m considering shelling out real dollars for.

If this is the bottom of the barrel, keep scraping Blizz, keep scraping.

The panthers, in of themselves, do not look out of place in WoW.

My point is it is the whole package that looks out of place. It is a mishmash of ideas (elegant saddle, cutesy styled animal, yellowish glowing feet, blue glowing outline) attached to a mundane oversized form that flies without wings. Nothing about it works or fits, not together and not with the aesthetics and theming of WoW.

(Btw, love your name!)

There’s no Cat in the Chinese zodiac. The Rat stole her place and that’s why Cats hate Rats.

I’ve seen several of them in game by now, and it does look a bit off somehow. Even though I’m rocking the “Crazy Cat Lady” title, I don’t think I’ll be getting one.

Maybe we are going to have a Alice in Wonderland Expansion…I mean why not…we are in death world right now so called Shadowlands…