Is the new mount from Final Fantasy?

You, too, can be friendly and happy. Just gimme $25.00. Don’t ask questions.


Don’t remind me about my snek people :c

it… still hurts.

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As someone who mostly plays Argonians in Elder Scrolls games;

Me too, friend. Me too. :sob:

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I wanted the sethrak over the vulpera.

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I think it works with Blood Elves alot.

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Girl blood elves. Can’t take a guy belf on it seriously lol. The mount screams feminine ferocity.

Real men love kitty cats.

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I do love my kitty. As annoying as she is right now due to being in heat

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Oh that thing is horrible.

Ours is way better.

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I’m already sick of hearing meow-meow in the background!

Sounds so mean. /sarcasm meow-meow

Good god, that is hideous. I would have guessed that to be a morbidly obese hamster, not a cat.