Is the new mount from Final Fantasy?

Time to level my skinning and leatherworking toon then.

I hope so.

We want that flying whale.

Also we want a car.

Miqo’te for next expansion race

FF mount?


And my engineering need make us Duck mobile like Batman Returns.

This mount could be hinting at next expac. And it’s a sun cat. My character is a sun elf. It fits, haha.

It doesn’t look like anything in FF, so not sure where the connection is there. xD It looks a lot like mounts like the Vulpine Familiar, the dog, and such.

Looks like they stole it from a Studio Ghibli film.

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I can use the cat mount to steal cherrys

You can find your own in Nagrand.

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Who need freind when got your nagrand lol

Did you check the Blizzcon Yeti transmog? That’s like out of place too, the problem is that Blizzard doesn’t embrace this by adding more transmog or allowing halloween, xmas.etc trasnmog any time of the year.

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The store dog mount I agree . But the Vulpine? Seems fine to me from a wow perspective. It’s fairly similar to the fox mounts. IMO the new cat seems way more out of place. But my main issue is actually the monk legion order hall mount. Sure it’s just a reskinned panther mount. But the friggin thing look like someone shoved a light bulb up its butt :joy:

should be added to the game via unlocking

not via shop

people need to stop simping for microtransaction bullstuff

So it’s the glow that throws you off?

I’m not defending this here, I think the mount is stupid and if anything should have the quality of the mounts we can presently unlock in game, not be leaps and bounds better.

That said though, it is possible this is another one of the store mounts they like to release in the middle of expansions to kind of hype people up for the next. The Grinning Reaver in MoP as well as the chimaera did this for WoD. The Mystic Runesaber was meant to hype up Legion and I think there was another. Then I don’t know if there was any to hype up BFA but the Sylverian dragon was meant to hype up Shadowlands.

Indeed! I get there are other glowy mounts but that one looks like they took the contrast level level and dialled it to 11. At least with something like Ashes, it works since the entire thing is basically on fire. But the monk mount just looks like a regular mount they stuffed up on colourisation.

Maybe the cat was in Silvermoon. It does have those green eyes. It exposed itself to some good ole’ fel. But I understand what you are saying.


initially i thought it was like a blood elf type of cat mount cause of the green eyes and how it looks. but then i seen sinelius comment which makes more sense as yes the cat somewhat to me resembles the cheshire cat but a different color.

either way i mean it’s a cool mount not entirely sure why people are hating on it. don’t like it then don’t buy it. simple as that.

the way i also like to think about it is like irl people only know what they know but that doesn’t mean other things don’t exist in life. we are only a small part of the universe hell look at how much of our own oceans are unexplored still. new species are discovered everyday. the wow universe is similar.

We can say a Stormwind mage wanted to ride a house cat and polymorphed it into a house cat mount? Since there is a cat vendor in Elwynn forest.

The cat looks like a Studio Ghibli animal.

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