Is the new mount from Final Fantasy?

Half of what I do on the forums, seems to be posting cat gifs. It is Totally a WoW thing.

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Here’s the kitty we should have got…it certainly likes petting that Vulpera, ahem, fox.

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I want a :duck: mount.

How does this have anything to do with my answer. They were added into the game in 2007 when a new zone opened. I’ve yet to see a zone with giant wild purring kitties.

So in 1995, pre World of Warcraft. Again, your point is missing. These races were in Warcraft lore, a giant purring floofy kitty is not.

And I wanted my water strider to maintain its ability to walk on water. So what.

Oh, c’mon. There’s plenty of mounts in WoW that (finger quotes) “look out of place in WoW”, both in-game and on the shop. And honestly, I wish Blizz would loosen up a bit more when it comes to cosmetic stuff like mounts. We never did get that goblin hotrod, Blizz. Just sayin’, the model’s in the game. I don’t like the cash shop but I think the cat is fine. Certainly no worse than any other mount so far.


copy cat! if you cant beat them, at least join them.

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It’s at the very least adorable and it even meows like a kitten apparently.

Well the vulpine familiar now looks less out of place by the fact…there are those brightly colored foxes in Ardenweald

Seems to be and no it’s not free for anyone, purely a store mount and not part of the six month subscription.

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You said the FF words.


said the fox person.


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Fox hunter with a fox pet, fox battle pet and fox mount.



I thought it was some kind of special Halloween mount when I first saw it in Stormwind. It didn’t look weird up close and personal, but this game keeps feeling more and more “cute” than like a Warcraft MMO.


WTB a beagle mount. :kissing_heart:

Honestly, there is never enough, ah hem, kitty in wow…

Truly though, I am loving the cat mount, its freakin adorable, though blizz would break the internet in a good way if they gave away free kitty instead of making it paid…

Fun little added bonus of cat mount, if you attack from mount, you get one angry cat hiss :stuck_out_tongue:

Well we do have the fat cat Mount in 14 don’t we?

Oh yeah easy to forget about it, based on a real life cat thought…fat cats irl.

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If you look at the mounts in the collection tab, you can easily find more than a few mounts that look more out of place than that cat.

Speaking of mounts people found out of place, 11 years ago.


Did they already make the ox? I don’t pay attention
Next year, 2022, is the Year of the Tiger, which lasts from 1 February 2022 until 21 January 2023

Clearly it’s a cash grab at all the wow players which are cat lovers which is prolly 89% of the player base that’s left.

Or somewhere in Blizzard HQ is that kitten poster hang in there…


and they had best be tameable for hunters.

If next expansion has a zone of these giant cats I will be satisfied. :cat: They need all the treats and cuddles!