Is the Light the new Nemesis?

Alonsus is faction neutral, Dezco is a paladin ( Liadrin isn’t the only Blood Elf paladin.

Why say that? It has nothing to do with my comment.

Since it’s out there now, among other things, that discrimination you cited is the final result of the following quote; “First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.”

I figured Everien’s hostility to Turaylon was related to that.

Every religion (and the non-religious) and nation has those kinds of crimes under its belt (eg; Ottoman Empire, China ever since Mao, Aztec Empire, Mongol Empire, Soviet Russia…) so there’s no excuse for double standards.

And when the writers slap the “morally grey” label on the worst of the worst (eg; Sargeras, the Old Gods, the Jailer…), they can’t then turn around and paint those who do less as evil.

There’s an old quote (I don’t recall who said it) which summarizes the idea. I’ll be paraphrasing, but it goes:

“Religion is truly the greatest evil born of mankind. Without religion, good men will do good things, and bad men will do bad things. It’s only with religion that one can make good men do bad things, and bad men can earn praise, their actions condoned.”

I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard uses that as inspiration for a, “Light bad,” expansion.


That quote has a lot of flaws, so this flawed story beat being inspired by that would explain quite a bit.

Blizzard using that flawed approach with the Light is a rehash. We’ve already had people doing evil in the name of religion in WoW many times. We’ve seen it when fighting;

  • Old God worshippers (Cult of Twilight’s Hammer, the Mantid, the Black Empire…)
  • The CULT of the Damned who worship the Lich King.
  • Followers of religions revolving around malevolent Loa like Hakkar and Mueh’zala
  • Lei Shen was doing his acts in the name of the Titans and led the Mogu under him in that cause (some of whom also worshipped the Titans).
  • The Old Horde were literal DEMON WORSHIPPERS.
  • and more.

As shown with what they started doing to the Titans in Wrath, it wouldn’t even be the first time they’ve done an “Order bad” story in WoW. Their only options with that storyline are preachy social commentary, a cliche rehash or both. To which I saw “A plague on both their houses”.


That’s a good thing.

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You know, I originally hated this idea. “The light has been a righteous thing since WOWs conception!” I would say.
After discovering the Elder Scrolls Franchise I’ve realized I should cast aside all preconceived notions. But, I would’ve if not for the clear influence the Light has worked with for decades now, that is only now being changed.
One cannot blame me for resistance in some capacity, since this is not a premeditated thing. Sure, Legion was Six Years ago when they began to villainize, Sure the novels mean very little to Blizzard as it is now, unless it’s something Christie Golden made in the last 5 years.
But, I have to admit, my Lady here still opens portals to the Nether, which should be destroyed as Argus, the Titan who kept open the nether and made demons immortal in a way is dead. The Light may be evil now, that doesn’t mean it will take away our Tirion and our Ashbringer.
But, beyond that, I have always loved the Scarlet Crusade concept, it is extremism, and it’s horrifyingly depicted as it should be! Yrel is just the new form of that. If the Draenei grew all powerful for decades, and resistance was made of course they’d feel threatened. What happened to their world in the hands of the Orcs? What happened to their homeworld when “New Ideas” entered frame. While we could blame the light, we must understand as well zealotry is not something wished for, it’s something self-imposed most of the time.
Sure, there’s crystal floaty lady in Legion. But, look at her and how different our bros in the Sha’tar are. For Icons of the Light, they seem to be more organisms made up of it. Organisms with their own mind and interpretations.
The Light is not evil, but the beholder, but the wielder may be, like how a Warlock may instead choose to help others, may take care of his/her demons. Or how Alleria embraced the void, yet with caution.
While I may’ve believed Blizzard was attempting to villainize, and while it may be quite presumptuous to suspect them of good writing. Perhaps this is there way of exemplifying understandings, subjectivity. Which is interesting indeed.

Deeper though is Anduin, I’m taking it he merely abandoned the light or distanced himself because what happened to him in Shadowlands. Or perhaps the Light, having felt him touched by such Dark Magic cannot so easily return. One can think of the Light in a deity sort of way. But, that might make the Naaru Gods, which they are not. The Naaru are the byproduct of the clash of the Light and Void, Collected Shatterings of Light Energy which would then gain sentience by some miracle and guide beings.
We have yet to see a Light God, or the Light, as we have yet to see the True Void, save in TBC when we aided the Consortium in fighting a Void Lord.
But, glare carefully, The Shatterings of Light became the Naaru. Thrall though having disgraced tradition and thus the elements of his homeland, was forgiven. Anduin is a muddled mess, he’s having a crisis of faith, yet the light will find him again. It’s destined to be so. He need only redeem himself.
Of course, he could argue “Oh, it didn’t save me”, it wasn’t supposed to. The Light is not a God, the Light is an Energy which can be overpowered. It’s something, a concept I think many denizens of Azeroth are not ready to understand.
Glare upon it deeper, we’re going to villainize the Titans soon, Shadowlands laid bare death, souls become fuel, becoming contorted and shaped, assimilated into sects, abandoning all former character save what makes them fighty, righteous, gothic, or… Fae? And worst of all, if you’re Fae you have a 50% chance of being made into the shubbery of some goddess who’ll definitely water you, for sure.
The World of Azeroth has no Gods, just beings using one another.

Your bait surley is low effort. The greenskins will take their revenge one day and I will bring Turalyons head myself to Orgrimmar.

Elder Scrolls had their own time of crazy. There is a reason Kirkbride was fired.


The meme exists and Blizzard is aware of it.

If players think their favorite leader is too noble to get that treatment they are fooling themselves

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Better Horde members than you have tried and failed.

Yrel isnt wrong though.

Yes she is. I hope we can kill her.

Sooner the better, and maybe we can kill her precious Light Mother too.

She just shows any cosmic force can be bad and finally pulling the rug on those forum fanatics thinking they are alway on the right side as paladins.

Hey, if it angers hardcore alliance fanboys, than you know by now I’m all for it.

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true, true, not denying that, absolutely not :rofl:

Since some of this thread got memory-holed by the mods, let me re-state what I said earlier.

You don’t have to change your view of one franchise because another did something different.

Maybe, maybe not.

They’re not the only example in WoW, we’ve had several who don’t follow the Light and the Scarlet Crusade story has gone beyond stale.

Considering those Draenei live on a death world where every group tried to kill them unprovoked first… right or wrong, they have a point.

If one slaps the “morally grey” label on the worst of the worst like Sargeras or N’Zoth, they can’t then slap the “evil” label on characters who did far less like Xe’ra.

Fel and Void are inherently harmful by their very nature. Light is only harmful when actively weaponized.

They are doing a poor job of it so far.

Well, the Light did play a role in saving him from the Jailer’s magic/possession.

If anything, the closest analogues to the Naaru would be angels.

I don’t think Blizzard themselves know what the Light is.

That is the latest retcon.

I find a lot of that to be poorly written too.

How do you define a God? And what about the First Ones?

That’s a good question.

Is being a God an innate thing by virtue of it’s power?

Or is it just a role, a job, a being that receives worship for whatever reason like that astronaut who lorded over a village of people only milimeters tall in “The Twilight Zone” only to be accidentally crushed by indifferent giants?

Northrend had gods that were being consumed by their once priests. And then there are immensely inconceivably powerful beings worshipped only by the mad.

There are myriad definitions of godhood depending on the agenda of the definer.

Have you considered that he doesn’t want to be found?

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That isn’t a modern thing. Hell Blizzard has been doing it via the Diablo series since its inception.

The Zakarum faith is clearly catholic-coded, even back in D1 and it was corrupted from within by the Lord of Hatred. And then the order made to come back and remove said corrupted were too late to complete their job (crusaders). A group of random adventures did it for them.

Elune was for a long time the only god/deity tied to Azeroth itself but that no longer holds.

Most of the “only true god” verbiage was from the now very deprecated RPG material.