Yrel… anointed to the Light has become an enslaver who’s doomed an entire world.
Many leaders of the Light, Uther, Tirion die, no effort at resurrection, but the Light reaches down and makes Calia a light-powered undead.
Is Turalyon, now posessed of a lifespan far beyond his human origins another such light-forged Undead? What is the implication for the Lightfoged Draenei? Is there a more significant reason that Shaw and Greymane are hiding details from him such as Anduin’s whereabouts?
Speaking of Anduin…is he on walkabout, or is he hiding from the Light? The light orb no longer shines in his father’s sword. And he denies his former identity as Azeroth’s foremost lightbearer. And who is that voice entreating him, Thrall, and othrwise. And is he truly a Priest or Paladin anymore?
I expect the forces of Light to be the main enemy for one of the next expansions. They’ve been hinting at it for long enough that I think they’re actively working on bringing into the story ASAP.
I think Blizzard’s long-term plan is for us to fight enemies based on all the cosmic forces at one point or another. However, Light has been getting the most ramp-up over the past few expansions, and it’s also the force that requires the biggest stretch to view as an enemy when compared to the old cosmology. So I think Light is next on the list.
I’m not particularly excited about it, but that’s how the writing on the wall looks to me.
the light was always evil if you were horde
I dont trust any floating windchime or whatever else its all the servant of a giant light lord horror. blood knights were made pawns.
tldr kill liadrin
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If they’re going to make the light villainous, can we at least get some new designs for enemies made of light? No more gold-colored voidwalkers please.
I’m thinking of something like the biblically-accurate angels, six-winged seraphim covered with runic eyes, except made out of the same puzzle pieces as the Naaru. Like Super Smash Brother’s Galeem transferred into Warcraft.
I mean come on, everyone mocks the windchimes. The light needs its own beings that mortals would cower from in awe and horror.
she has to go, she is an alliance character on the wrong faction
I am not on board with killing any character voiced by Claudia Christian-sama.
Misty Lee voices Liadrin. Xal’atath is the one voiced by Claudia Christian…
Blizz are hacks and have run out of ideas so we’ll probably get some Holy Light based “facism” or Turalyon becoming evil to appease Horde players or something stupid like that.
All cosmic powers minus death are infact bad by now because they all defied their original purpose made by the First Ones and are on a rampage to become dominant in the Warcarft universe.
Cute you actually think any Alliance leader would ever get the boot similar to Garrosh. Trust me that will never happen alliance plot armor runs too deep in Blizzard writing by now that will never change.
With enough whining on the forums anything is possible.
My bad—but Misty Lee is really good too!
(Edit: Apparently I was right about Claudia Christian, though.)
Too early to say for certain. It is certainly a possibility that the Light may be made to be an antagonist. It’s also possible that a group of the Light’s servants may become the villains with the Light itself either being neutral or a force for good that needs to be awakened/answered in order to put a stop to its wayward followers.
Personally, I like the idea that the Light is a positive force that can be miss used but at the end of the day is still a good thing. I’m not a fan of everything being shades of grey all the time. Shades of grey in storytelling is absolutely important and a good thing to have, but not for everything. And in my opinion the Light should remain a positive force.
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You shut your filthy mouth. 
The light is a greek goddess? O.o

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I would rather they make someone from the Noble Houses seize rulership convincing Turalyon and Anduin to step down from the throne to let them run the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Alliance while having that person be the Villain.
It’s almost as if balance is a common theme in fantasy, teaching that all forces are destructive if not used in moderation…
This isn’t new. Just as the Elements need to be balanced, so to do the cosmic forces.
Even some of the time rifts play into that theme.
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