Is the Horde Fascist?

They all are except the gnomes.

All hail the gnomes.

True facts

Imagine saying that anxiety of the end of the world, fear of the other, and obsession with plots against the nation are all indications of fascism and then insisting that the third reich has returned from the grave and is active in the US today.

This thread is dumb.


And only like 5% of orcs supported Garrosh, everything you are presented with in game is people doubting and reviling her. Valtrois wasnt in on this supposed cult when she was comparing her to the Legion, neither was Lillian when she says shes forgotten that free will means something, Talanji wasn’t in on it when she didn’t even have her people formally join the Horde because they would be under Sylvanas. There is only one other person then Nathanos who gives even a nod of support her way and thats Fem Thrall after she arrests Baine, and that’s more for the act of arresting someone Fem Thrall thinks is a traitor, not Sylvanas herself. Telling and not showing means nothing.

I wouldn’t call it facist. But it seems to have facist elements.

Yep almost like blizz cant keep a consistent tone


What is that clearly defined meaning?

I mean, the Big T’s back, so maybe there’s hope after all?? Still, I have to admit, Horde has really not changed as much as some people claim…I mean, Thalyssra claimed Alliance was cloistered and stagnant or something, but I don’t see how Horde is really that much different.

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They are diffrent because every few years they have a civil wsr snd their leaders die so change there lol.

No. You didn’t have to write all that.

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The horde is more like the Mongol Empire than Fascist, which is a type of socialism.

Garrosh may have tended more towards the fascist end with his pro-orc anti-non orc sentiments, but generally the horde has been more of “you can keep your culture if it doesnt interfere with the Horde”, which is rather similar to how the Mongols ran things.

Facism is defined as an extreme right wing government that merges the state with corporate leadership.


Which is in essence, the state seizing the means of production

Ergo, socialism.

More like the tiny handful of people who own the means of production seizing the state.

Ergo, fascism. Which is, basically, corporate rule.

It is why so many recognize the USA has tread down the road to fascism more than any other developed country. Though, calling the USA “developed” at this point might be a stretch. Our infrastructure gets a D minus and about 45,000 people die every year due to lack of healthcare. And then there is our basic educational system. That isn’t even including the many more people who are financially ruined for life by our for profit healthcare system. Our country is currently rated 17 on the Global Prosperity Index. This is due to none of the other developed countries being so far to the right as the USA. Even our Democrats are, to them, a center to far right party.


If the State = Business it is a form of socialism.

Fascism is a subset of socialism, pioneered by Mussolini (who studied socialism in depth) that is more traditionalist and militaristic in nature, then german Natsoc took that idea and took it even further

But they are all still forms of socialism.

Also, actually no. Political studies have found that the right wing and center has barely moved since 1960, while the left has shifted the overton window WAY to the left, to the point where the democratic party is even more left wing than most in europe.

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“a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”

Facism doesn’t advocate letting the community own the means of production. And it certainly doesn’t advocate the community being allowed to regulate it. It is VERY much in favor of private property. For instance, when the a fossil fuel company dump tons of radioactive ash into rivers that lead to your drinking water? Fascism. The community has no means of fighting back against the corporations who have all of the rules pushed to their favor. It is just corporate leaders using law to keep the little people in line.


Fascism makes the community and the state one and the same.

Who pays for communal things in the US?

The government. Aka the state.

The government is an extension of the national community, and under fascism* the state is elevated above all

To put it a way you would better understand, while fascism allowed corporations to exist, what do you think would have happened if the CEO of a corporation went against Mussolini’s wishes? Who really has the power there?

The people, meaning the community may pay for them, but they aren’t regulating or deciding what to do with them. And the ugly thing about fascism is that it was basically the law of the jungle. If someone disagreed with Mussolini, the result would depend on what sort of power and influence his corporation could provide for him. Though admittedly, that particular structure might not have been much.

I have a raid on my calendar and I’m late. I will get back to this later.

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“The people, meaning the community may pay for them, but they aren’t regulating or deciding what to do with them.”

Where does this exist? Communal things are paid for by the government via taxes collected from the masses. Socialism is simply when the state seizes all means of production under its own control, nationalizing everything. Fascism does this as well, the fact that corporations are allowed to exist as puppets of the state means nothing if they are still owned and run by the state.

The key defining feature of fascism is strict adherence to a set of moral values, usually traditionalist in nature, often the imposition of a class system and the elevation of the state above all else, usually also including a single figure to be revered at the top.

The Horde under Garrosh met many of these criteria, but was not quite there yet

Ok, I am back. It turns out the 5 PM server time is in 3 hours. That is fascinating that the Dems are to the left of most of the major parties in Europe. Which issues are they to the left on, since it clearly isn’t healthcare or the military. I would like to research this.

Edit: Also, after a quick reviewing of the definitions of both socialism and fascism, as well as other forms of economics, I concede that socialism and fascism do indeed both have an overlap.

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