Very very dark grey almost black you might say abd super super light almost white grey
100% false. We learn in WoD that Thrall is objectively like his father, who had absolutely no human interaction before the events of WoD. Humans raised Thrall, but Thrall’s being raised by humans was not a requirement for him to be a good person.
AU Durotan was cool.If anyone should have come over to be the leader of the mag’har on Azeroth it should of been him.
Old grizzled Durotan with a faded and worn white wolf pelt, gimme gimme.
“fascism” is one of those words that are intentionally ambiguous so that you can sling them at people that you don’t like without having to defend your accusation. Even fascists would call other people fascists in order to create fear. its stupid.
I refer to his ideals of how to run the Horde as an idea of multicultural countries coming together not his morality. Also Frostwolves are the only level headed clan, Thrall was not like his father thru heritage though, it was when he discovered Drek’thar that ge started to learn of his father and the like. His identity had formed long before that. Also Thrall despises the Old Horde, hence why he wants the orcs to atone.
Fascist today is like communist, everyone says it without the actual meaning or context of the word, and the alt right (fascists) distance themselves from the word so that they aren’t spotted. The argument is that the Horde follows those 14 parameters.
Applying real world -isms to fantasy governments is usually a bad idea.
Some of these “parameters” seem like garbage to me. What is a “cult of heroism/cult of death”?
As if heroism and if necessary, self sacrifice is anything other than civic virtue. I feel bad for anyone in a nation wher the message is “HEROSIM IS BAD! DON’T MAKE A STAND FOR OUR LAND AND OUR PEOPLE, JUST RUN AWAY!!”
“Fear of difference”. Is it really a “fear” of difference, or an acknowledgement that some differences can make people and/or groups of people incompatible?
“disagreement is treason”- Sylvanas doesn’t call Saurfang, or Baine “traitor” when they disagree with her. She calls them traitor when they take matters into their own hands and kill horde soldiers and horde military assets.
“Obsession with a plot against their nation”- I guess Talanji should have just let Ghuun and the blood trolls steamroll Zulzadar. That would be so much better than being a nasty FASCIST!
Cult of heroism/death is like when people talk of great heroic violence and worship such things. Like when conservative American Southern Christians wish for the end of the world (Apocalypse/Revelations in Christian theology) and such things. Awaiting anxiously til the end, of life, the world, so that they can move on. Its a harmful thing that makes people neglect the present. Orcs yell and relish on their “victory or death” motto.
Irl fascism “fear of differences” is the fear of the other. “Racial minorities gainting our bloodline” and “gay people currupt our white suburban children”. Thats fear if the other, and expanding on that fascists regimes say “the other” is cause of whatever issues the country has. In America the other is everyone from Mexican to LGBT and to some people of Hebrew heritage, yes in 2019 the third reich exist in America. The other is actually usually the one abused and discriminated by the nation, the draenei and stormind humans would like a word with the orcs in that regard. The Horde sees the other as the Alliance but they are the ones that are trying to exterminate them, and started the whole thing anyways. And dont say demon blood, weve all played WoD.
Disagreement is treason isnt so much Sylvanas and Baine’s thing but, Garrosh and Vol’jin’s whole deal. And Garry had his boyfriend Malkorok kill people who disagreed with Theramore. Btw Baine is justified in killing those soldiers even if he wasnt Jaina’s brother.
The obsession with a plot against the ation isnt applicable IMO.
Also if you defend fascist things anymore for the sake of defending Sylvanas theres some red flags you should be noticing.
Ik that Blizz is evil and mean for making Sylvanas a meanie but shes always been evil since WC3. I wouldnt have expected that of any other Horde leader but for her, itd be out of character if she didnt wanna kill all the …-night elves. Itd be weird if she DIDNT burn down the tree. Also she does singoe the Alliance out as “the other” of sorts, read Before the Storm, hence why she starts the war. And she also wants to blight SW, which is fine but our leaders with the exception of maybe Genn and maybe at most Muradin dont wanna do that to yall. We wanna get along yall just…you cant sort yourselves out. And if you didnt like Sylvanas’ actions 1v1 her or whatever yall do to decide who wins arguments.
That’s funny. A while back I had neighbors that were pretty conservative christians. They were different than most people in my neighborhood, but they didn’t remind me of the Orcs.
I’m in no way defending fascism, I’m criticizing the characterization of the horde as fascist, and also the criteria used to do so.
Really with Sylvanas in charge the horde is more like a cult praising the dark lady than snything
Why would you necro this thread, the last post was over a month ago.
No, “fascism” has a clearly defined meaning. It’s just used ambiguously by people who don’t really understand what it is.
Like in this thread.
The Horde is clearly not a fascist state by any normal definition of the world. Neither is the Alliance.
facism does not apply here
the horde is an amalgam of tribes and clans. They are a horde, ruled by a warchief.
If you want contemporary application, a Military Dictatorship is a better term. Fascism is National Socialism. Keyword being Nation and there is no horde nation.
Literally no one is praising her aside from Nathanos and even he’s pulled back on it and all the leaders are doubtful of her.
I mean, you zone in and basically try to murder every last troll there
So I think there are a lot of arguments there, but I also think a lot of your references would apply to the Vikings and I don’t believe I’d classify the Vikings are fascists. I also have always seen the horde as more (somewhat) of a Viking culture.
Live for battle
Glorious/honorful death
Wage war for resources
Hate weakness
Last thing we heard she has the support of the people so much even the reagent lord doubts his own people will follow him.
Fascism doesn’t really apply to the Horde. I think you would need a higher level of technological, governmental and economic sophistication to have a sufficiently totalitarian system to be fascist. The Forsaken on their own come closest, perhaps, to Fascism. But really, the Horde are closer to Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan than to modern fascist systems.