Is the Horde Fascist?

Social justice mainly, but the democrats also have a growing subgroup within them that is straight up self described Socialists and even Communists

Not to mention the admission that the Green New Deal was purely designed to give the government power over the economy (ie, Socializing)

Are they growing? I thought the ‘gnd’ and it’s advocates were mostly ridiculed and not taken seriously.

By social justice, you mean… Really? Wait, the Republicans have barely move on from the 60’s? And that is a good thing? The world has improved, and civilized human beings realize just how much wrong we have done, from ethnic minorities to gays. And the social democrats are simply people who are trying to bring our country up to the level of the developed countries that have surpassed us on a number of crucial levels. The Republicans not having changed isn’t a good thing, since looking back, we should be appalled by the sort of things that were normal back then.


“The world has improved, and civilized human beings realize just how much wrong we have done”

I have done no wrong to anyone. All the things people on the left like to bring up were done by dead people, to dead people. I am not responsible for actions I could not control, and dwelling on the past is unhealthy and will only increase tensions in the future.

“And the social democrats are simply people who are trying to bring our country up to the level of the developed countries that have surpassed us on a number of crucial levels”

Oh really? What level is that? Mass immigration issues, sexual abuse rates rivaling third world nations, terror attacks every other week, annihilation of small businesses and propping up of mega corporations? This is something to strive towards?

Also the democrats were the ones advocating for Jim Crowe laws, and Lincoln was a republican

Just saying

Don’t get me wrong, I’m on your side as far as the more cringier SJWs are concerned, and that they have bigotries that do a fair job of mirroring the ones that their movement supposedly rose to confront.

Also immigration, in most cases. I was referring to regulating pollution and doing more to promote green energy (climate change alone will collapse our civilization), universal healthcare (even the Koch owned Mechartus Center shows it would not only save lives but also trillions of dollars), and easily affordable education from quality universities. After all, there was a time when we could pay for a university education with a summer job. That lifestyle now exists for people in other developed countries. And some of them simply pay for it out of pocket for those who can demonstrate sufficient ability, seeing the money making returns on a well educated society. Though i might suggest limiting this to only certain degrees, such as STEM and business.

I don’t march in lockstep with every idea floating on the left side of the country, much as I hope you weren’t one of the people chanting “send her back” at those four Congress women. However, it is obvious by the successes of other countries with certain programs, that the USA really ought to be aiming higher.

Edit: Also, yes the Dems did champion the racism prevalent in the South. Then one of them passed the Civil Rights Act, and they not only lost the South, but they never again won a majority of the white vote. They did start getting the votes of ethnic minorities and the people who championed the cause of civil rights. Guess where all of the racists jumped ship to? Guess what sort of people suddenly became welcome with open arms into the Republican Party when it went pressed its Southern Strategy in all of its campaigns. Guess how the culture of both parties quickly morphed as the people with the same ideas changed party labels.


Here’s the thing. The countries where those ideas work? They have tiny populations of well educated, already wealthy people who were instilled with a good work ethic. The USA is not.

The USA is simply not remotely capable of sustaining things like universal healthcare (though our current system does need changes, but universal healthcare would be just as bad in opposite ways).

Colleges too are run too much like businesses, and insert too much political BS in the curriculum and need to be overhauled.

Another huge issue is too much of our economy is being outsourced and taken out of the US, we need to bring jobs back to increase the living standards of our own people and boost our economy.

As for pollution, the vast majority of pollution comes from India and China, and while I’m for “green energy” where it is efficient, solar and wind power are not. A very viable alternative is nuclear energy, but people have been scared off from that due to misunderstanding what caused catastrophes like Chernobyl and Fukushima, and not understanding how much more advanced and safe modern nuclear technology is.

Considering how the Koch Bros have poured billions into the convincing people of these ideas, and yet the Mecartus Center, which they own, released a paper showing in detail how it would save the USA trillions, citation is needed.

While I agree that nuclear energy should be an option, with corporations straining at the leash to be unregulated, it is understandable why some might be leary. And you might be underestimating where we are with these energy sources, and where we should be if we had treated climate change like the WW2 level threat that it is. And where we could still be with these energy sources if we throwing the sort of money we are spending on adventures over seas, like Iraq, on these sources.

There may be a bit more politics than needed in a few of these, but my own experience at USF was incredibly neutral. I would like to see evidence, one way or the other, for whether or not this is the case for most colleges. The problem is, anything that doesn’t white wash some of the uglier parts of US history, teaches actual science like evolution, cosmology, or climate change, or promotes tolerance for gays, atheists and minorities, has been branded as “liberal propaganda.” I am old enough to remember when the word “liberal” was basically a curse word, and being gay or an atheist was comparable in many circles to being a member of an organization that I apparently cannot say here, and you never admitted to being one. Now, thankfully, that sort of thing is largely reserved for places like Georgia, Alabama, parts of Texas, and so on.


Everyone automatically has evil intent, no matter what their opinion is. I’ve taken a position against the state legislating the ‘marriage’ concept for as long as I can remember, but now people taking this position are accused as using as a coverup for being a homophobe. I consider myself to be a zealous centrist, but nobody wants to agree on where that ‘tolerance line’ is. The difficulty is there on both sides, I promise.

You mean to tell me that their own company painted their own ideas in a favourable light? Imagine my shock. Also, don’t they want to completely abolish regulation of medical insurance, minimum wage, and social security? That doesn’t sound like universal healthcare to me, in fact it sounds like they support privatizing it even more. As for citation, I merely need to point at the almost absurdly high tax rates in those country that make their lifestyle possible. Good luck getting that kind of tax rate across the entire country.

We’ve been out of Iraq since like 2012? What overseas adventures are you talking about? Do you mean how we’re trying to not get overly involved with Syria, to the dismay of the Democrats who wanted boots on the ground intervention?

Also how is climate change a WW2 level threat? And how exactly do you plan on stopping the majority of the pollution that comes from China and India? Ask them nicely to completely overhaul their entire industry?

A close friend of mine dropped out of college because of pressure from their teachers due to them speaking up against social justice in a mandatory gender studies class. Anecdotal, but it’s the best I personally can do as I stayed as far away from college as possible.

Also last I checked, the vast majority of people don’t give a **** about people’s sexuality, and gays and minorities already have the same rights as everyone else (if not more), so what exactly is there more to be gained except wanting special treatment over anyone else?

Seems like this is getting pretty off-topic.

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Stop bumping this thread


I will end my part in this by clarifying that the USA is currently waging war in 7 countries, and we are currently considering to go into more. I used Iraq as an example of a historic mistake that was obvious.

Forum Moderator Note: This thread has gone completely off-topic for the World of Warcraft forums. As such, we are closing it down.