Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

When they make the game not even worth playing for casuals, the results will speak for themselves.


Many devs wont mind moving to other teams especially since King and other activision brands are doing so much better .

Its all anecdotal sadly,

But its been my experience, and other people i knows experience that yeah, people have been steadily dropping like flies the past few weeks.

My once busy friend list is back to being a few people only, guild raid team that was at 30, and us swapping people in and out… dropped to 16, we managed to beef back up this week to 20 by taking in people whos guilds have died over the past week.

And just from the people i know (not counting other people on the forum who have talked about it) its been a similar situation…

Between PvE loot, the Covenant balance, DPS Balance, and a general feeling of ‘meh’ that SL has in spades, where before i was saying its way to early to call it, im getting closer by the day to saying SL might be the worst launch Blizz has done yet.


To be honest I don’t expect to get gear at levels for stuff i don’t do but I would enjoy it for what I do participate in . I would also wouldn’t mind WQ gear scaling just below what ever the current LFR gear level is because that is the form of raiding I do the most and I don’t want a repeat of BfA where my WQ gear started out leveling my lfr drops.

At that point they aren’t even working at Blizzard anymore. Although with all we’ve learned over the last few years about the working experience at Blizzard that might actually be preferable for them lol. But the team 1 fiasco were the devs who botched the Warcraft 3 Reforged game (which wasn’t entirely their fault) and their team was dissolved. Anyone wanting to stay at Blizzard had to reapply as if they were an outside candidate.

it does. once you’re at renown 22 you can upgrade your covenant gear to 197, get a free lfr oh or weapon from completing your campaign, and wq and rares drop 184 os pieces.

Already did the weapons and most of the upgrades on at least 2 toons

its trash and yes we are leaving


What the guy above me said ^

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the game will live on. and the vast majority of you will be back and ready to whine, in a month or two.

Alright, to all of you quiting I’m going to need you to reply to this post with the realms you play on, I’ll make a character on them to come by and pickup your gold, mats and tradable battle pets, thank you.

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if they were serious about never coming back they’d delete their account and be done with it, but they won’t. :wink:

I was just playing Classic and it was packed in Org maybe everyone is switching to there?

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The earnings calls aren’t going to really help all that much because they defer revenue of the game purchase over a long time period. The financials are impressively vague on the impact of sub fluctuations. Looking at their cash flows would help more but they don’t release individual statements for Blizz and I believe it all rolls into Activision which would mask the sub changes.

sharding doesn’t exist in classic. retail has tons more players. before they changed how population showed up even servers like whitemane were listed as medium pop. and most other servers were low pop.

WoD was fine for the first 6 months and then the rot set in. Garrisons instead of faction hubs, content cancelled including an entire raid, areas planned but never introduced, etc. It went through a huge later-patch content nerf and at that point it started shedding subs.

It’s the opposite for me, I see many new guilds forming, infact i just joined one the other week. and as for zone populations, etc… all seems the same to me on my server. including the lagfest on tuesdays and constant fights against the character select screen ( trying to log in and the multiple loading screen bosses ( when trying to port around.

Pretty much this. But for me its not even the low loot drop rate from m+, its that the raid and relying on m+ as the two main stages for PvE content is just not sufficient anymore. M+ was a great addition when it was new but raider . io has ruined it anyways but so do bad players so its a double edged sword.

They don’t do anything to make the world in general feel more alive. It’s just funneling everyone into either m+ or raiding (if you prefer pve over pvp) and then their bore-chores.

The only thing I care to log on for is my weekly grind for thunderfury transmog.

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Those new guilds forming could be because the previous guild fell apart or people quit and they need to recruit more though. People spamming for new guilds or to recruit isn’t necessarily a healthy indication of player population.


I just raid log. Now my guild has killed 3 Mythic bosses I don’t even do M+ anymore. I don’t do the Maw I have both BiS legendaries and I don’t do transmog so Anima farming is null for me. This game is super unrewarding for time and effort and its just a chore now and not really fun outside of raiding