Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

I agree with this… I mean right now, there is no tf, but the reduce drop and lower gearing ilvl on dungeon is like going for tf without anything in between.

you also play havoc which got over nerfed because of forum QQ.

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One of the biggest issues is the loot rewards being so bad.

Now I am glad it isn’t raining down like it did in BfA but with SL they went to the other extreme.

When players said they wanted lot to be meaningful in BfA they didn’t mean they wanted less lot they meant they wanted the base item when it dropped to have meaning. They didn’t want to get an item then go great now I have to go again and hope it TFs. We wanted gear that if it was going to be upgradeable it would be by using a currency like valor like it was in the last patches of MoP and WoD.

Another thing they should of done is instead of 1 item at end of m+ is done at least 2 items and up the 3 pieces for 20 people in raids up to 4 and finally bring back bonus rolls.


The fact is no one can prove numbers so no on knows what they are talking about and are making guesses?

Unless you’ve misinterpreted something I’ve said? Can you quote me making a claim of fact?

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people complained about too much loot too. i was in those threads. most of those posts were directly anti dungeon by mythic raiders who want to raid log.


But…I thought when less gear drops it was going to make us feel twice as rewarded??


True and like I said BfA was too much and with SL they went to the other extreme.

For some reason Blizz always likes to do the extremes when somewhere in the middle is just fine.

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So 99% of players are casual


Yeah, honestly I’m not happy with the state of havoc DH and warriors

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yep. that’s the point i was making.

This is honestly the most unanimous I have ever seen a forum thread in being critical of an expansion. Most people are being constructive in their criticism so it isn’t just like random trolls bashing the expansion for the lulz.

Both of these things should be worrisome and facts to consider for Blizzard. I for one have unsubbed and don’t have more than 30 days left.


Naxx came out a couple days before Nath. I have full tier 3, 2 trinkets and the weapon from Kel’thuzad.

Current wow devs are a failure all on their own.


PvE gearing is horrible. Almost 100% unanimous on that


I’ve been critical of SL since Beta and the ripcord thread putting in ideas that I think would help .

Not saying I don’t like SL at all . I just think it needed to be a little more player friendly and give us more choices.


warriors will eventually scale and become gods. havoc? until blizz buffs them will literally be buff bots in raids and non existent in competitive mythic+. this expansion they’re letting veng shine, and havoc rot.

Not true. Most if not all players know the reality.
Many also have jobs and RL situations that prevent from giving a lot of time.

majority want a simple game that has some meaningful progression. The problem with SL is , it has a never ending loot scarcity with little progression in any aspect including, Story, power, old content. Everything is time gated and stuck.

TBH, most dont even want to be in the top 1% , because it takes dedication. What they are asking is after repeating same thing for 2 months there should be a way to get out of this rut and blizz is refusing to acknowledge that there is even a RUT.


Which is a fraction of a percentage of the playerbase. The casuals keep the lights on, they are going to be in for a rude awakening.


this is my feeling too

If that does happen I imagine we’ll have another team 1 situation with a lot of devs having to justify their jobs and having to reapply to other positions within Blizzard or be given the boot lol