Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

the lagfests sure are… along with the loading screen bosses.

also the guild i joined isn’t a guild formed from the ashes of a former guild, rather it’s just a raiding guild by people who want to clear mythic CN. As for my realm, there is no news of any major or whatever guilds collapsing that I am aware of… The last major guild that fell apart on my realm was Midwinter way back whenever it was that they quit the Alliance World First scene.

Also when guilds collapse it’s usually due to drama majority of the times or player frustration after wiping to a boss over and over too many times, the same individuals making the same mistakes over and over causing or leading to wipes who aren’t being disciplined by leaders or benched/replaced, and/or raid lead and officers too incompetent; 7.2 Legion comes to mind and the Kil’jaden fight or 6.0 WoD Imperator, etc that cause a number of guilds to fall apart that encompass one or more of these traits above…

Yea they really pushed the hardcore scene while gimping rewards to incentivize. You can’t progress acquiring vicious mounts without ranking on the ladder nowadays, m+ traded some rng in favor of expecting 10 dungeons a week, raids always come overtuned (Don’t think I’ve forgotten the mythic race complaints about Tomb of Sargeras)

Then there’s balancing where you see the same fotm specs in pve and pvp

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That’s not true at all lol. The majority of guilds that fall apart aren’t ones that are due to drama or repeated boss wiping. The majority of guilds that fall apart or need recruitment are due to people who stop playing. It can seem like drama or boss wiping is the main reason, but those usually tend to be loud examples. When people quietly just stop playing the game, no one really notices until the look around and everyone is gone. Not saying guild drama and frustration on progression aren’t causes, heck those are even reasons why people might stop logging on. All I’m saying is that people recruiting or forming new guilds aren’t necessarily an indication of a healthy population unless hard data can be provided that supports that position.


Another week of Heroic Raiding. Went 9/10… not a single upgrade.

Not from any boss. Not from the vault. Not from the world boss.

They got the spirit of 40 Man Raiding in Classic right at least. They just forgot to make this Expac fun.


The “typical casual” wants to be able to buy mythic raid gear for gold? I missed those demands. Since you seem to think these demands are what every casual wants, probably you could come up with a large number of links to these demands.

Oh, that’s right. You can’t, because it’s a lie.

It doesn’t count if your quotes are of other elitists like you who despise the majority of players and think the game would be better if they were simply removed from the game population. And are willing to lie about it, like you.

I agree. On busy realms I am seeing a great number of ads for “new guilds” or “rebuilding” or “new to this realm/faction”. I think this expansion has accentuated the difference between those who have time to play full-time and those who can’t or won’t to the point where guilds are having a great deal of difficulty maintaining a raid team.

And they’re always asking for “exceptional players”, who unfortunately will always be in the minority.


My guild had 6 people on today. More logged in for raid then logged out. Mind you we had 60 at the start of the expansion.

I could see people peacing out after the covenant campaigns were finished. What’s left to do is tedious anima farming.

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I’ve been leveling alts for desperate want of something to do. Every time they get to SL, I lose all motivation to keep going.

Just rolled my monk (no pun intended) after finally unlocking Zandalari. This will be the last class and as soon as they’re all ~50ish, I’m probably just going to unsub.

There’s no point in putting effort into an endgame that eats time like popcorn and gives little to nothing back.

I love raiding but I hate grinding M+, which means the vault won’t have much for me and it in fact gave me dupes on both of my mains this Tues.

I swear it’s like they’re trying to kill the game without making it look too much like they’re trying to do so. Maybe the entire dev team wants to work on other projects and they’re not going to be allowed to do that until retail WoW is good and dead…


I hope you are correct. But I feel, they are pushing loyal players away.
See most of us are not 17-28 where we have the time to play. Now if something doesnt fit our schedule and interest, we have no choice but to move on.

There is only so much most people will accept as bad treatment. At the end of the day the sub is for the FUN factor. If FUN is missing, then the 15$ is for torture.

Lets see if they see this as a chance to redeem or a chance to ignore.


I’m for sure peacing out on my main and I’m not even leveling this character. Nothing to look forward to. I don’t enjoy covenants, the maw or Torghast or what I see of the raids or dungeons or even pvp (which used to be fun). Way I see it, I can put this game down for 2 years and come back after the story gets better.


the fact that new guilds are forming everyday, tells you without a doubt there are enough people to join guilds to go around (aka healthy population)… if a guild falls apart due to the simple fact of some members quit so they don’t have enough to raid, then that guild didn’t fall apart due to people leaving, rather that guild fell apart because the leaders were too lazy and/or didn’t bother to recruit new players or simply have enough players on standby ready and willing to fill in any empty spots like many of the stable/good guilds do.

You said it best here, if these members quit due to not enough players to raid with, but magically reformed a new guild and got enough players to raid, tells you there are enough players to go around to make a raid team.

So this serves as a testament that the issue isn’t guilds are falling apart due to lack of players, rather guilds fall apart due to leadership incompetency and poor networking/recruitment practices.

Not really. People create guild left right and center. Heck I got paid close 1k per signature to create guilds . Never stayed in them after they were created or bothered with them


i said specifically one person. read what you’re responding to. you can check my post history of his and see it.

this hugely intelligent bear has decided that me referencing a conversation i had with YOU meant i was talking about all casuals. just lol.

obviously not talking about someone making a throwaway or casual/social guild just to have a guild name for friends/alts or whatever, strictly talking about raiding guilds which should have been very obvious by the replies referring to raid leaders, raid drama, wipes, mechanic failure, etc.

So you’re saying there are 20 people left playing WoW at this point…?

But seriously, guilds falling apart isn’t a good sign. There’s no silver lining to that. Of course whoever is still playing will form new guilds, but if 20 people who get together and form a guild each came from 20 guilds that used to be active, or 10 people each from 2 guilds that used to be active…

Any way you slice it, that suggests many players are in fact leaving, even with purely hypothetical numbers.


Blizzard listened way too much to Twitch streamers who play games as a living. Most people only have 4 to 6 hours to play a video game because we have jobs and kittens to take care of.

If we run a mythic plus dungeon for a hour and we get 35 anima. We spent 1/4 of our valuable limited gaming time getting nothing.


For the first time ever for me I gave up on this expansion. I could not even get to max level. It is just me though out growing this game and I have been interested in other things. Looks to be way unrewarding at the end game level.


however i didn’t come from a guild that use to be active. same with many numerous other people. Me i came out of the pugging all the way to AOTC Sire Denathrius and into my current guild atm.

There’s always a constant influx of players who decide to take their first steps out of group finder content, LFR, etc… and try out Normal raids for the very first time. or those out of the pugging scene who want to push mythics, etc… or even just simply asked by a friend to join them in a guild to do content together, etc.


<----------------- Classic ftw :+1: