Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

this, and i think a lot of longtime Blizzard fans gave them the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn’t release two terrible expansions in a row. which is why pre-orders were so high. but now i think SL has broken their trust, and blown up most goodwill they’ve built up over the years. unless 9.1 is a major step forward, a mass exodus seems likely,


most people are casuals. even people who do heroic as “progression.” mythic raids, +15s, and glad is the only non casual content in the game.

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And it is casuals, marginal players, who are hurt most by changes to the game intended to benefit elites at the expense of casuals, who have had content removed or nerfed.


And there is nothing wrong with being casual.

I have created posts before defending causal players about how hardcore shouldn’t justify how casuals are allowed to play or how they should play.

At this moment though, I need to stand on the other side as causal players may not experience end game to justify and comment how end game should and shouldn’t feel.

The classic crowd was a blessing and a curse. It brought in subs, but devopers mistakenly assumed that making modern more soggy old was a good idea.


Many claim to be unsubbed. Did they never fix the forum bug that allowed you to post unsubbed?

I agree with this. Classic was fun on its own. But you should never tie a current game with a 16 year old game.


Just looked at the developers “Hotfixes” and they are tinkering with NPC’s hit points next restart, OH BOY! Instead of addressing the specs that are almost unplayable compared to others, balancing issues in PVP, Loot for PVE and PVP progression they say " Hey guys lets tinker with NPC’s Hit Points, this will make our customers really Happy!" This is why people are leaving


Donno, I’m unsubbed, but I do have time left. March 3rd is when my time expires.

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the game absolutely should be balanced for the highest levels of play. but the people who cry the most on the forums are wanna be elites who think that minute differences are why they can’t kill bosses when it is their play that does it. people would rather blame blizz than accept they aren’t 1% players.

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i’ll be taking a break most likely at the end of my subscription in february. Gearing isn’t great, pvp balance isnt great, torghast isn’t that fun after you have done it a few times, I don’t like covenants, finished my campaign. Have no interest in alts because of torghast, renown grind.

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I was wondering if I was imagining that or what. But hardcore people seem to be running into their own issues.


I don’t completely agree with this.

I agree with balance should always exist, absolutely.

But not everyone that complains is cause of small differences. For example, I complain about havoc DH and truth is even non max havoc DH I won’t be able to put dps a mid to top tier fire mage or boomy.

Maybe I’m getting a little off topic, IMO, if we want the min max to be out of the picture, don’t tie player power to something that is really hard to balance… 4 covenants, 3 choices in each covenant. That’s 12 tables of balance per class… shoulda just left it out and let all classes be the same and it’ll be up to the player skill to determine their strength


also to explain context, the lowbie i was responding to thinks mythic raid level gear should be bought for gold. at like a million gold for an entire set. he’s the epitome of entitled casual.

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Which won’t tell us nothing, they have other projects and such that can offset WoW failings. But I have to agree, I have full btag friends and at start of SL, it would take forever to scroll through all my friends, now maybe 2-3-4 on and most are playing something else.

No I don’t agree with buying mythic gear… i do believe there should be another path of getting that kind of gear outside of mythic raid and being 2400 pvp. Yes both of those are really hard.

I’m not saying that the top and BiS stuff should be raining. But at the same time it shouldn’t be this bad for progression.

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We still have 4 raid groups with various raid times and at levels of content, plus we fill fun runs of CN normal a couple of times a week. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal (obviously including this anecdotal evidence right here).

Its just you

hum… ok…

World quests don’t have power tied to them, so people are going out less

With what?

My guild and friends list seems to be doing just fine

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the real issue is the lack of tf. people would push every good week of mythic+ even late season and still see upgrades cuz of tf. its just one less piece per raid and dungeon. but it FEELS worse to people because the mcforges are gone and they can’t farm lower tier dungeons for tf and the higher ones are too hard without the tf gear.

first, i want to say, i love this expansion. (i also enjoyed BFA…yes especially the corruption patch) - so in no way am i hating on this game…

but - my prediction is that this game does experience a massive falloff at some point…something about this expansion just feels off…it’s not even that they’re reverting to classic ideas…because it feels nothing like vanilla did…i just see it burning a lot of people out.

i think issues with ilvl bloat, and lack of loot, travel restrictions, stuff like that, are really what are dragging this game along.

ideas like token systems with vendors for gear, less chores (like making soul ash available in other areas other than torghast…because mandatory torghast takes a bit of time for any player…casual or hardcore alike) and maybe even loosening up faction interaction (because pug life is really in a bad state, especially now) would be great ways to keep things fluid imo.

lots of those ideas are constantly recommended to blizzard, but they always seem to repel them…no idea why, but hopefully they figure it out before we all fall down :slight_smile: