Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

Pretty much. I’ve unsubbed and at this point im pretty sure im done with Shadowlands in general.


If you think of wrath as the glory days of wow, you secretly love ion. Just sayin.

First time I’ve ever quit an expac shortly after launch. My class isnt fun, the raid isn’t fun, nothing is worth the time investment.

As bad as azerite was, I still found some fun with the system. I can’t find any fun with covenants and torghast isnt a good enough rogue lite to be fun for long.


At this point, I will take WRATH almost everyday. Hell I will even take CATA no no I will take WoD. Please anything but this.

Even Simon Says seems more fun that this.


I feel like devs were thinking that all these changes intended to re-introduce vanilla features like few flight points, missing instructions, less loot, etc would result in the playerbase finally realizing that devs know best what is good for them. Devs were figuring they could reset the playerbase and turn all those pesky fun-loving casuals into mythic raiders if they were given no choice, so the game would finally have the playerbase devs think they deserve.

And in the end, devs will have the playerbase they deserve.


the playerbase did this, not blizz. blizz didn’t make everyone go night fae and not necrolord. people chose it. as they choose to exclude people from dungeons that aren’t meta or have the right io.


I actually agree with this. Although if there was no pandemic it is possible that blizzard may have come with something better…

On a counter argument to my own point, devs can work from home so it shouldn’t be a big impact. I myself is in IT, so the work from home thing had zero impact except for 1 week of transition time to get everyone online smoothly

Classic is going to carry the sub numbers at this rate, going forward.


Actually BLIZZ did it. When they said Covenants are permanent and have dire consequences. There is cost to change specs within a covenant. You cant play all specs in same covenant. When they nerf Night fae and it still offers better followers , spells and damage, yes they messed it up.


they’re within 2% in most cases. you could pay for a race chance and get a similar result. you could also spend 20m on a target dummy and drastically increase your output compared to either thing. the fact you are saying what you are just proves my point btw.

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I don’t think it was the player base that asked for covenant or suggested that player power is tied to covenant.

In reality, IMO… covenant should have been only a cosmetic thing and people choose which one they like for story and cosmetic. The player power shouldn’t be involved in this. Conduits is really just another set of talent tree… actually it’s kinda the classic talent tree.

3 talent spec to choose from, and in there you upgrade the talent added on your progression. In classic it was based on levels, in SL it’s based on the ilvl of the conduit.

In reality, it’s the same s*** in a different pile.


read my comment above yours.

I mean SLs is just recycled content.

How long did they expect us so stick around for that? With even less loot?

Come on.


It doesn’t matter if it’s 1% or 2% or even 10%. The fact is, player power is tied to something that it shouldn’t be. It’s hard to balance 4 different covenants let alone 3 choices inside each covenant.

If they wanted it to not matter which one you take. It’s gotta be either no player power to covenant or balanced with each covenant.

When there is a imbalance, regardless of amount. There is a imbalance.


my point was the PLAYER BASE expects min maxing in contexts it is irrational to min max in. such as playing a low level dungeon as a high level key. the players do this. the cow acts like blizz is ruining wow by trying to make it more hardcore. which they haven’t. players do it.

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Anecdotally I have noticed that if I wanna kill any rares that require a group I’ll need to do it within the first 3 hours of reset. If I don’t get it done then, then I will have to wait for the next day.

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They’re…not. Unless you are getting your information from forum trolls like old ralph posts.


its what icy veins says for every spec of every class. i alt them all.

I’m not saying this as a insult. So please don’t take it that way.

I’m not sure if this is your main but you’re only ilvl 193…

So you aren’t yet pushing at keys or end game raid (meaning prob not doing heroic raid). If this is true. You won’t notice the difference between mix max. I main a havoc DH… yup, not anywhere as fotm, but I do some end game stuff. If I don’t min max everything. Under performance is not even a joke.

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The entire game is designed around min maxing. Multiple criteria for optimization are built into the game to attract subscribers who like that kind of gameplay and essentially to punish those who are not good at that or who don’t like it.

Blizzard creates the meta, not players. Players discover the math devs have built into the game and use it to play better.