Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

It does seem quieter in terms of groups available if I’m being honest. And Zul Jin Horde side is massive population wise

I think people were still planning on leveling up alts the first few weeks. Now they’ve either got all the alts they’d want to whatever point they wanted them at, or they’re reassessing whether they should bother with alts, given the end game experience. Or even reconsidering whether they should bother investing time in their future in the game.

It doesn’t help that chromie time split up levelers so there’s hardly anyone to be seen in those zones. And keeping levelers from using the group finder must be awful for players who like to be around other people rather than soloing everything with nobody in the zone but npc’s.


I’ve noticed a drastic decline in players over the last few weeks. The Maw feels empty more often than not, groups for rares have slimmed down considerably, even in the normal zones there seems like less players. The only place I still see a good number of players is in Oribos, and most of those are afk or doing laps because they’re bored.

I’m honestly on the fence on whether to unsub or not myself. There are a lot of problems with SL that have left a bad taste. After this nonsense with the renown battle pets being locked behind covenants to even be used after waiting weeks for them to be unlocked at renown 27, I’m about done with some of the hair brained decisions Blizzard has made this xpac. Only reason I’m still subbed is my guild is progressing on H Castle Nathria. And we’ve already lost about 1/4 of our normal roster who have already unsubbed.


this… we lose 2 players a week… lost 3 this week raid is 17players not enough for mythic so we doinga heroic clear

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yes it is dropping i know 6 friends that quit the game … now we are dead BFA killed us all … lol

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It is. My friend list is dropping like flies. I unsubbed as well and just waiting for my sub time to run out. Been doing the 1 key a week and raid nights.

The loot drought is sad. I kinda love how people keep comparing to classic… if you like classic so much just stay on classic. You don’t need to bring the crappy quality of life play style like classic to retail. Things improve over time. Not downgrade.


It would seem that Shallowlands isn’t keeping players around.

I would suspect the rumor of classic BC is keeping more players around than this expac.

I can hardly blame them. Those were the days when blizz was still trying to blow our expectations away.

Nowadays they only want to lower them.


Now that you mention it, they really did get rid of a lot of QOL things in Shadowlands. I really miss flight whistle the most. And mounting…

I’m starting to think Shadowlands isn’t significantly better than BfA. That doesn’t mean BfA wasn’t trash. Just means SL is bad.

Since WoW already used their Classic trump card, i’m curious to see how WoW will do in the near future. I don’t think TBC will be anywhere near as big.


I pretty much only log in to collect my weekly redeemed souls. lol.

Shadowlands content doesn’t have a very long life. Just over a month in and already players are at the same place we left in BFA doing the same endless chores but without loot…

I don’t know what they can do to breath new life into this game.

I will probably stay for another month and jump between this and sea of thieves until Diablo 4 is released.

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Eventually they may be right…its not good out there.

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Yup, and I actually think this is the biggest reason for the drop in players.

Of course class balance is a issue and loot grind is a issue. But let’s face it… a lot of people will re-roll to fotm, and people will do a few more dungeons and etc for gear.

Honestly if m+ had the same drop rate but the ilvl was say… 220 for completing a +15, people would still do it. It’s the combination of low drop and low ilvl that actually makes it this bad.

Yes the distance between things in map was closer than BFA, but BFA had more flight points and etc. People don’t mind sitting on a flying mount waiting. It’s different if you need to run all over the place.

To add on for wq, they are all multi steps. So they take longer instead of the kill 1 mob.

The maw is a painful place cause you need to walk everywhere… I mean cmon even in classic, there was no zone that you cannot mount…

For conduit you need to run alll the way to your convent… which has no AH so that’s another travel time wasted…

The anima drop for casual players who don’t care about end game and likes cosmetic stuff is a total joke…

Everything is just bad QOL… making things annoying isn’t fun. It’s fun to to constantly be engaged and feel rewarded for the things you do. Or you do things and feel like it’s an accomplishment, it just grind for the sake of grind.


Yup, I’ve lost interest in 90% of the game because shadowlands sucks.


Definitely…it’s dropping FAR faster than BFA did. My servers have gone to low already. I’m gone in 5 days myself (although my primary reason for leaving is the complete failure to address or even acknowledge the legacy content scaling issues the level squish created).


Full tinfoil hat,

SL wouldve underperformed financially had we not been in a global pandemic.

Blizzard is assuming that they’ve done a majority of things right in this expac when in reality a lot of people (myself included) are 100% WFH for the foreseeable future and was just grasping for any form of entertainment


Maybe it’s just me but it feels like the population is dropping fast.

phhh…I wish. Those WQs where we’re sharing resources and having to wait for respawn are making me go do other stuff. No matter what time day or night I go to do them theres a dozen other players out there too.

I agree with this completely. Coupled with the fact that the next expansion after a bad expansion always does well because people are starved for good content and I think we have what happened with Shadowlands. BFA was bad so people were really hoping SL would be a great reset.

Unfortunately, it is looking like it wasn’t.


I feel like this is obvious? Like they should’ve known what would happen


ION will go to the Board and show that SL had the best pre-order numbers. As long ION and this design team are leading Wow will not be fun. They need to be moved to Diablo or something and let someone else who loves WoW lead again.